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Category : All ; Cycle : March 2011
Medical Articles
Rare blood group patient goes for auto transfusion
HYDERABAD: A Srinivas, 44, underwent a heart valve replacement surgery at a city hospital. Like all other patients undergoing surgery, he too needed blood. But being O-ve (Bombay phenotype), a very rare blood group, he could not get any donor after a relentless search. Left without any option, doctors put him on iron supplements for seven days following which they withdrew two units of blood (medically called auto transfusion), and performed the surgery.

People like Srinivas are universal donors but when it comes to receiving blood, they have to depend on O-ve (Bombay phenotype) donors only, specialists say. "Considering his heart condition, it was necessary to perform the surgery at the earliest. After exhausting all the options of getting blood from other sources, we decided to harvest blood drawn from the patient and use it for surgery," said Dr Amrendra Singh, cardiac surgeon, Kamineni hospital, L B Nagar, who performed the surgery along with his team. This was second such case in Dr Singh's 10-year career.

Srinivas underwent the surgery with doctors taking extra precaution to conserve the blood. His two units of precious blood were used for the operation and has been discharged from the hospital. According to specialists, O-ve blood group is rare and its Bombay phenotype subgroup is its very rare variant. It is found in four (persons) out of ten lakh population.

"People with this blood group should donate blood for emergency situations. While negative blood groups are always short in supply, it is worse when it comes to O-ve (Bombay phenotype). In emergency situations such as accidents, it can be life threatening," says a surgeon from Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences. He added that auto transfusion is the only way for these patients but it works out only for elective surgeries and not emergencies.

Dr Ramesh Babu Byrapaneni, chief cardiologist and MD of Medwin hospital says that the hospital had done a similar case almost a decade ago. "We got a patient from the Jehovah's Witnesses (a quasi Christian Sect) which does not accept blood transfusion at all. For this patient, we had to go for auto transfusion," said Dr Ramesh. Further, Dr Ravi N Bathina, cardiologist at Care hospital added that it is a safe procedure and common in countries like US. Dr Ravi, who has worked in the US said that he did not come across such a case in his practice in India.

According to officials at NTR Blood Bank, it takes months and sometimes years to get this blood group. Last year, NTR blood bank could arrange four units of this blood group after much effort

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Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre


The Annual Andrology Training Workshop is being held at the Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre (JPAC) auditorium, Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad during March 24-26, 2011. More than 80 Urologists from India and abroad are participating in the Workshop.

The study of andrology deals with a number of problems that are unique to men. These include erectile dysfunction (ED), hydrocele, frenelum breve, infertility, small penis, testicle cancer, testicular torsion, spermatocele, balanitis, and so on.

Dr. Rupin Shah is the Course Director for the 3-day workshop. Other faculty includes Drs. Ajay Nehra, Mahesh Desai, Ravindra Sabnis, Manish Bankar, Ajay Shetty, Anila Mathew and Ashok Rughani.

Besides case discussions and live demonstrations, there will be lectures on all important subjects of Andrology : Male Sexual Dysfunction – Overview; Quick History Format & Evaluation of ED; Pharmacology of erection & oral drug therapy (Rupin Shah); The Princeton III Update; Intra-cavernosal self-injection therapy; Penile prosthesis implantation – indications, types, operative steps, prevention and management of complications; Penile Prosthesis Implantation – live demonstration; Penile rehabilitation after radical prostatectomy; Peyronie’s disease and Congenital Penile Curvature; ED and LUTS; Vacuum Erection Device; New Therapies for ED; Premature ejaculation; Management of priapism; Andropause; Testosterone and Prostate Cancer: Is replacement an option; Female sexual Dysfunction; Phallic enlargement and Neo-phallus reconstruction; Causes of Male Infertility; Evaluation of the subfertile male; Testicular biopsy; Assisted Reproductive Techniques for Male Infertility; Cryopreservation / Donor Insemination; Vaso-Epididymal Anastomosis – overview; TRUS and TURED; Vaso-Epididymal Anastomosis – live demo; Vaso vasal Anastomosis; Management of Varicocele; Sperm retrieval for ART – PESA / TESA / TESE; Management of Azoospermia; Case discussions; Genetic evaluation; Anejaculation; Seminal infections – diagnosis and management; Medical Therapy for OAS; Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; Chronic orchalgia; Undescended testes; Hematospermia and Microsurgical Varicocelectomy.

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From time immemorial the life is seen to be associated with biological evolution and instinctual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual evolution.

Unlike the biological evolution in plants and animals, which is stereotyped, mankind is privileged with a gift of making choices; embodying instinctual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual evolution, which we call superliving, holistic health or total stress management.

But; since we can make choices;
1. In every nook and corner of the world, right from early childhood to ripe old age, in every season, at every moment, on every occasion and amidst every relationship; we are entangled in unending dilemmas. We have to make choices from “right and wrong” options. These options are in terms of physical, instinctual, emotional and intellectual actions; in different fields of life such as personal relations, personal defense, international relations, military defense, health care, judiciary, education, trade, industry, agriculture, crafts, literature, architecture, arts and so on.
2. These choices can not be made from popular simplistic dictates. The utopian, egalitarian, gullible and/or hypocritical concepts and preaching of indiscriminate equality, love, service, nonviolence, peace etc. do stand the harsh tests of reality of life. They do not enable or empower us to make right choices and consequently we get trapped in conflicts and/or exploitation. This would be clear from the following examples.
3. The often preached unqualified equality has no place in society. Its insistence is either because of political opportunism, vested interests, hypocrisy or utopianism. The father, mother, son, wife, teacher, student etc are not equal. They are not unequal also. They are; and they ought to be; in different, varying, symbiotic, complementary, synergistic and mutually beneficial positions. Hence neither equality nor inequality; but complementarity has to be nurtured and harnessed. The love as advocated is subjective (as against objective and universally benevolent feelings of love). Subjective love can lead to prejudice, bias, preference, partiality, fear, apprehension, inhibition, favoritism and so on. It has no place in judgment (which requires balanced mind) that convicts a criminal. The indiscriminate service also; has no basis when we are faced with an exploiter. Because; our services would further propagate and perpetuate exploitation. Similarly; the gullible peace has no relevance when we are being confronted by universal disaster created by a war monger. Gullible moves of peace would certainly endanger the life of millions; through imposed war. In the same vein; the indiscriminate and often hypocritical nonviolence has no meaning when we are being battered by the menace such as that of mosquitoes or rabid dogs, which we have to kill.
4. The philosophies, ideologies and religions and even the constitutions of united nations have been and continue to provide concepts, ideas, decrees and commandments and laws; respectively. These are intended to help individuals and masses; of both sexes, all races, all ages, all seasons and from all areas of the world; to make right choices. In turn these choices are meant for living healthily, harmoniously and happily so as to blossom and at all times!
5. Amongst these; probably the most misunderstood, neglected, ridiculed and often maligned; are the scriptures of India (Bharat), which are actually based on self realization and aimed to culminate in self realization and bring about individual and universal blossoming. These provide holistic, universal and pragmatic solutions and practical measures in every imaginable field of life and death; with a clear vision of self realization and global emancipation. These are truly the expressions of the cosmic wisdom itself.
6. They have evolved and transformed the previously mentioned simplistic concepts of arbitrary and indiscriminate equality-inequality, love-hatred, mercy-meekness, service-exploitation, nonviolence-violence, peace-war etc; into enlightened, objective, universal perspective, accurate thinking, appropriate feelings and genuinely humane instincts. They thus have crystallized and articulated universally benevolent and cogent concepts of complementarity, unity, harmony, swadharma, universal justice, and appropriate pertinent behavior; organized into sacrosanct personal duties or dharmas; of e.g. father (pitru dharma), son (putra dharma), mother (matru dharma), teacher (acharya dharma), ruler (raj dharma) and so on. Moreover these sacrosanct duties were (and are even today in some places) followed with topmost priorities as privilege and golden opportunities; and not compulsions. They have been commanding (and command even today in some places) respect and reverence for millennia.
7. We must differentiate these universally benevolent concepts and behavioral trends from the simplistic and unwise preachings of indiscriminate service-exploitation, love-hatred, equality-inequality, peace-war, violence-non-violence etc. which are basically the products of superficial and piecemeal approaches.
8. The details in these scriptures however; require modifications; with due insight in them and without changing the essence, foundation, basis and/or purpose. Because the nature, life and mankind require their enlightenment, holistic conceptual framework as well as the practical means, which enable and empower to make right choices, attain self realization and achieve individual and universal blossoming.
9. This is superliving. It is a universal, eternal, continuous, unending, healing, rejuvenating, revitalizing and fulfilling expedition. From another angle; superliving is a cosmic wisdom manifested from time to time in the people of the world expressed in new and relevant ways by and for the people of the world. It embodies increase in the percentage of making right choices, through holistic perspective, thinking, feelings and instincts, in every walk of life; and blossom together.
10. This particular participation in superliving is purposefully not institutionalized; because it can not be restricted by any arbitrary laws, rules and regulations of an institution or organization. Moreover it is universal and can not be “split” or “reduced” into any smaller or trivial identity of an organization. In addition; it is an on going eternal process and does not depend on any favors, mercy, donations and/or tax exemptions; and has never been and would never be subservient to personal or sectarian interests of any king, ruler, party or any other entity.
11. Actually, cosmic light has manifested as has been in the past; in the form of superliving and its core viz. namasmaran; to be an integral part of life in general; and of the formal and informal education in particular; all over the world. This phenomenon is bound to expedite the process of individual and global blossoming, enlightenment and emancipation.

Category (Psychology, Stress & Mental Health)  |   Views (8295)  |  User Rating
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Today, Quality of treatment increase specially on the illness cause due to psychic problem. Proper counseling along with homeopathic medicine is helpful not only to cure the disease but for more good and healthy living; Lot of disease cause due to disequilibrium of mental state.
Person, in life goes from various factors like anger, anxiety, fear, stress, guilt, insecurity etc and these thing not only affect our mind but also physical health. Auto- immune disease is such an example.
Homeopathic medicine is selected in physical as well as mental symptoms that patient give during case taking. This is what we call totality of symptom which help to select medicine and so we remove disease itself by increasing the vitality (immune) of patient.

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LESS surgery (Laparo-Endoscopic Single site surgery


3rd International Live Operative workshop on
Laparo-Endoscopic Single Site (LESS) Surgery (Hands on)

Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre (JPAC) at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad had organized a successful single port surgery instruction course two years ago. More than 300 delegates then watched an expert multi-disciplinary faculty perform a wide variety of cases. Since then the field, now called LESS surgery, has progressed exponentially, and more than 1000 LESS procedures have been performed world-wide. At MPUH, we have already performed more than 100 cases of LESS surgery. Stimulated by increased interest in LESS technology by surgeons and patients, there has been ongoing improvement and refinements in new technology in access devices and instrumentation.

MPUH is organizing the 3rd International Multi-disciplinary Summit on Laparo-Endoscopic single Site (LESS) Surgery during March 10 – 12, 2011. This Course will feature leading international faculty and will cover the entire field of LESS surgery including state-of-the-art lectures, live operative surgery and ‘hands-on’ workshop wherein delegates will be able to practice with the entire gamut of LESS instrumentation. Delegates will be given video, handouts and published literature.

With the LESS surgery, the minimally invasive surgery has just got further minimal. Experts will be demonstrating removal of large organs and growths through the navel. In LESS surgery, just one small incision is made on the navel. Therefore, pain and recovery period for the patient will be much less.

The International faculty who will be participating in the 3-day Workshop includes Drs Mihir Desai (USA), who is also the Course Director; Jens Uwe Stolzenburg (Germany); Evangelos Liatsikos (Greece); Abhay Rane (UK) and Rene Sotelo (Venezuela). The prominent national faculty includes Drs Prashanth P Rao; Pradeep P Rao; Deepak Dubey and Mahendra Narwaria. From MPUH, Dr. Mahesh Desai, Medical Director & Managing Trustee and Dr. R B Sabnis, Chairman, Department of Urology will be participating along with other Urologists.


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Physical therapy : therapies to prevent, correct, or alleviate dysfunction of anatomic or physiologic origin, employing physical phenomena such as temperature, light, water, and sound, as well as exercise and massage.

Bell's palsy is a disorder of the nerve that controls movement of the muscles in the face.

Damage to this nerve causes weakness or paralysis of these muscles. Paralysis means that you cannot use the muscles at all.

CausesBell's palsy affects about 30,000 - 40,000 people a year in the United States.

Bell's palsy involves damage to the seventh cranial (facial) nerve. This nerve controls the movement of the muscles of the face.

Bell's palsy is thought to be due to swelling (inflammation) of this nerve in the area where it travels through the bones of the skull.

The cause is often not clear. A type of herpes infection called herpes zoster might be involved. Other conditions that may cause Bell's palsy include:

•HIV infection
•Lyme disease
•Middle ear infection
SymptomsSometimes you may have a cold shortly before the symptoms of Bell's palsy begin.

Symptoms most often start suddenly, but may take 2 - 3 days to show up. They do not become more severe after that.

Symptoms are almost always on one side only. They may range from mild to severe.

The face will feel stiff or pulled to one side, and may look different. Other symptoms can include:

•Difficulty eating and drinking; food falls out of one side of the mouth
•Drooling due to lack of control over the muscles of the face
•Drooping of the face, such as the eyelid or corner of the mouth
•Hard to close one eye
•Problems smiling, grimacing, or making facial expressions
•Twitching or weakness of the muscles in the face
Other symptoms that may occur:

•Dry eye or mouth
•Loss of sense of taste
•Sound that is louder in one ear (hyperacusis)
•Twitching in face
Exams and TestsOften, Bell's palsy can be diagnosed just by taking a health history and doing a complete physical exam.

If your health care provider is worried that a brain tumor is causing your symptoms, you may need:

•CT scan of the head
•Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the head
Sometimes, you will need a test to check the nerves that supply the muscles of your face:

•Electromyography (EMG)
•Nerve conduction test
TreatmentOften, no treatment is needed. Symptoms often begin to improve right away. However, it may take weeks or even months for the muscles to get stronger, and this may be frustrating.

Your health care provider may give you lubricating eye drops or eye ointments to keep the surface of the eye moist if you cannot close it completely. You may need to wear an eye patch while you sleep.

Sometimes medicines may be used, but it is not clear how much they help. If medicines are used, they should be started right away.

•Corticosteroids may reduce swelling around the facial nerve
•Medications can fight the virus that may be causing Bell's palsy
Surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve (decompression surgery) is controversial and has not been shown to routinely benefit people with Bell's palsy.

Outlook (Prognosis)Most cases go away completely within a few weeks to months.

If you did not lose all of your nerve function and symptoms began to improve within 3 weeks, you're more likely to regain all or most of the strength in your facial muscles.

Sometimes, the following symptoms still may be present:

•Long-term changes in taste
•Spasms of muscles or eyelids
•Weakness that remains in facial muscles
Possible ComplicationsExcess drying of the eye surface, leading to eye ulcers or infections.

When to Contact a Medical ProfessionalCall your health care provider right away if your face droops or you have other symptoms of Bell's palsy. Your health care provider can rule out other, more serious conditions, such as stroke.

PreventionThere is no known way to prevent Bell's palsy.

Alternative NamesFacial palsy; Idiopathic peripheral facial palsy; Cranial mononeuropathy

Referencesde Almeida JR, Al Khabori M, Guyatt GH, Witterick IJ, Lin VY, Nedzelski JM, et al. Combined corticosteroid and antiviral treatment for Bell palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA. 2009;302:985-993.

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CAB ( circulation, airway, breathing) replaces ABCs( airway, breathing, circulation). Rate atleast 100 a minute and will be 18 sec or less for 30 chest compressions. Now it is compressions first if no pulse, THEN airway & breathing.
1. If unresponsive, start CPR ( gasping is not beathing)
2. Check pulse, if no pulse, deliver 30 chest compressions before 2 breaths
3. Hands-only CPR is better than no CPR
4. Use a CPR ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths
5. Compress to a depth of atleast 2 inches (5cm)
6. Compress at a rate of atleast 100/min
7. Release fully between compressions
8. Provide 2 min of CPR between rhythm checks or analysis
9. Do not pause CPR except to check rhythm and deliver a shock
10. Keep all pauses under 10 sec.

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1. BCG @ BIRTH or @ 6 weeks age

@ 6
@ 10

3. DPT @ 6
@ 10

5. HEPATITIS B @ 6,10 AND 14 Weeks age

6.MEASLES @ 9 Months

7.Vitamin A @ 9 months and
@ 16, 24, 30, 36 th month age

8.DT Booster @ 5 years age

9.TT Booster @ 10 yr and 16 yrs age.


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I wish to enlighten n empower masses on basic medical illnesses so that common ppl can ensure minimal loss of work days ,arising out of those illnesses.U must be aware of symptoms so tat u can detect measles at an early stage,initiate immediate care n meet ur Doc @ the earliest.LOOK FOR

1.A fever for 2-3days (within a week of contact wid a known measles case in ur locality)
3.Coughing,sneezing,running nose,watering of eyes
4.Redness of whitish portion of eyeballs.TOXIC LOOK ON FACE.
5.AND after 3days of fever,Multiple small red coloured,elevated rashes,in clusters, begin TYPICALLY from behind ur ears n forehead....,n THEN.... spreads 2 face..,chest n that order.
7.U also may,i said YOU MAY..(not definite).. experience loss of desire to eat anything at all,and u may have nauseating tendency too.This is where we ask u to maintain adequate fluid intake bcoz dehydration is a hallmark of viral fevers n needs care and attention.
Take an initial PARACETAMOL Tablet twice a day course,since,if started early, its very handy in plugging viral illness right in its nascency.Take optimum fluids.Maintain hygiene clean.Keep patients belongings n washables separate as this is a highly contagious illness.Maintain separation until the crust falls n fever drops.This way,u can unburden our health care service delivery network in an efficient way so tat they can focus on bigger health concerns of our beloved people..

& MEET UR DOC so tat he investigates further for dreaded complications of measles like pneumonia,etc in children.
Immunise ur loved ones as per schedule.
Remember,-most viral illnesses need ur love care n compassion more than any treatment.Spread health awareness amongst ur loved ones so tat INDIA is a better place to live in.


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