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Category : All ; Cycle : June 2011
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There are four stages of MUKTI (freedom from the cycle of birth and death, moksha, nirvana, salvation, liberation etc.). These are salokata, saroopata, sameepata and sayujjyata. Various interpretations of these stages (often referred to as types of mukti); are given by different scholars and saints.

From practical point of view, the four stages of MUKTI (blossoming from subjective, restrictive and individual consciousness; to objective, unfettered and cosmic consciousness; SELF) embody the stages of understanding of, commitment to, dedication to realize and actual oneness with SELF.

The ways to experience or realize MUKTI can be different. But the beauty of the benevolence (immortal, ecstatic and cosmic oneness) of a MUKTA individual is the same all over the world! The translation of such benevolence in policies, plans and programs for individual and universal blossoming (MUKTI) is SUPERLIVING or HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE!

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Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre (JPAC) at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad is organizing a Course on ‘Pediatric Urology’ between 1st and 3rd July, 2011. Pediatric Urology is a highly specialized branch of medicine which deals with surgical diseases of Genitourinary System (kidneys, ureters, bladder, sexual & reproductive organs) in children from newborn age to 15 years of age.

There will be live surgeries of PUJ Obstruction (pyeloplasty : Laparoscopic/ Robotic); V U Reflux (Re-implantation/Extravesical/Intravesical : Laparoscopic/Robotic/Open); Adrenal Tumor, Pheochromocytoma : Laparoscopic Adranalectomy; Kidney Stones : Miniperc/Microperc; Extrophy, Hypospadius.

Participants will have opportunity for hands-on Laparoscopy : Models, Glove & culled chicken Pyeloplasty; Stone : Puncture practice on models and virtual Simulator (Uroperc Mentor).

International Faculty includes Drs Craig A Peters (USA), Serdar Tekgul (Turkey), R Subramaniam (UK). The Course Director is Dr. Shyam Joshi.

National faculty includes Drs. PB Singh, SD Bapat, Ajaykumar, Mukund Joshi, Sanjay Oak, Anirudh Shah, Yogeshkumar Sarin, Sushmita Bhatnagar, P Venugopal, Roy Chally, Hemant Pathak, Mahesh Desai, RB Sabnis, M Khochikar, Anita Patel, C Mallikarjuna, MM Rajapurkar and Sishir Gang.


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The visible characteristics; of the innate core of an individual during youth; are; creativity, utopia, vigor, compassion, impatience, vengeance and so on.

Gorky’s novel; “Mother” catered and satisfied these characteristics of youth. One felt that “Mother” could “awaken and revitalize” the people and bring about revolution.

“Mother” certainly makes a wonderful, necessary and useful reading during certain stage of development.

During youth some of us come across Geeta also. We read Geeta and feel euphoric and elated that we read Geeta! Hence we quote it from time to time and place to place and while aggrandizing ourselves “use quotes from Geeta which suit us; to thrust” our opinions.

But whether we are infatuated and glorify and/or worship Geeta; or whether we find it useless and/or counterproductive and hence neglect, ridicule or condemn Geeta; the fact is that we do not understand and do not appreciate Geeta and her relevance to us and the universe.

As we grow from within; while learning from life; we study Geeta. As we keep studying; we stop glorifying or condemning her blindly and in vain.

Gradually we realize that “Understanding and appreciation of Geeta” in true sense; invariably and inevitably leads to immortal enlightenment at personal level and holistic renaissance at universal level!

What is remarkable is that; Geeta does not enforce any ideology or impose any blue print of social development. She enables and empowers us to experience the universal unity; and evolve and practice holistic perspective, policies and programs for individual and universal blossoming!

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Some obstacles arise; as we continue to practice NAMASMARAN.

One of them is depression due to continuous bombardment of events in the surroundings; full of petty successes and failures (as depicted in print and electronic media). One tends to feel that life is being drained in a wasteful manner in the futile exercise of NAMASMARAN, time is fleeting. This painful experience erupts from within like unmanageably excruciating pain; in spite of the conviction that NAMASMARAN ought to be the top most priority for individual and universal blossoming; i.e. holistic renaissance.

The second obstacle is that of being helpless (impotent). Since it is difficult to convince NAMASMARAN and even more difficult to create interest, liking or passion for NAMASMARAN; one has to face painful criticism (of being inactive) and humiliation (of being useless and parasitic) from those who are completely entangled in the pursuit of petty gains. Since NAMASMARAN makes us considerate, we tend to accept the opposite view points rather too politely (often conceived as impotence) and feel miserable.

The third obstacle is the emergence of introspection; of our increasingly deeper layers. The practice of NAMASMARAN brings to surface our drawbacks from the subconscious and unconscious layers of our being. These drawbacks to which we are hitherto oblivious give us a feeling that we are deteriorating due to the practice of NAMASMARAN! This is really disheartening.

The fourth obstacle is the flaring of a conflict. This conflict; is between the notion; that NAMASMARAN embodies; specific ethical/moral pattern, puritanical behavior, asceticism and is alienated from the day to day problems, revolutionary fervor and epicurean values on the other!

The guru however keeps us revitalizing to continue the globally benevolent practice of NAMASMARAN and engender HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE!

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In general; many ascetics advocate arbitrary suppression of desires; while the individualists uphold fulfillment of all desires right from childhood!

The bureaucratic, political, ideological and especially the prevalent spiritual leaders; should concede these needs of the newborn babies, infants, toddlers, children, youths and the elderly, which are variable; and make provisions for their fulfillment. They should not arbitrarily and coercively deny the fulfillment, which contributes to the blossoming of people.

But incessant and indiscriminate pursuit of fulfillment of desires per se; can not assure holistic renaissance i.e. individual and global blossoming! 70 billion people and innumerable animals and plants; have different instinctual, emotional, intellectual, psychomotor and creative needs. The irresponsible and indiscriminate gratification of these; has lead to universal stress at all levels.

What is required is; adoption of holistic perspective, policies, plans and programs, which aim to optimally fulfill all these needs, while simultaneously promoting the evolution of holistic perspective, policies, plans and programs; in the individuals.

This is holistic renaissance, superliving or total stress management, which in nutshell; is the tangible culmination of all the efforts to seek the truth.

It is with this understanding and conviction; that we must strive to incorporate NAMASMARAN, which orients us to our sublime duty (SWADHARMA) at different stages and in every walk of life; in all the educational courses and professional practices.

In absence of this understanding and efforts; the so called “spiritual practices” perpetuate pursuits of petty and selfish material gains; such as subsidy, profits, success in examination, promotion etc; or trivial spiritual gains such as so called trance, bliss, ecstasy, moksha, mukti, nirvana etc. Consequently; in spite of honestly and rigorously following various spiritual practices, including NAMASMARAN, we continue to feel incomplete, restless, frustrated, depressed, weak and helpless in personal life and face maladies such as terrorism, extremism, crimes, corruption, fundamentalism; in social life.

It is exactly due to this; that nations like India and her inhabitants, who boast on their spiritual heritage; have vast majority of people living helplessly in abysmal conditions.

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Review of MY book by internet journal 'World article in ENT'
Review of book by internet journal 'World article in ENT' Color-Atlas/ endoscopic-color-atlas.htm
Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases by Dr Mubarak M. Khan and Dr Sapna R. Parab
'Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases 'written by Dr Mubarak M. Khan and Dr Sapna R.
Parab(published by Jaypee Brothers) represents a state-of-the-art update in the field of otology. A 163 paged volume presents both basic and complex otological diseases in an easy-tofollow, sequential format. It includes outstanding color illustrations of ear diseases. Developed by an author with more than fifteen years of experience, the book features high quality 271 clinical pictures of normal and abnormal findings of ear obtained using endoscopic otological techniques .Authors have included almost all ear problems with nicely labeled photographs and descriptions . It is an excellent guide for ENT surgeons and Residents and a gem to every medical library.

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Endoscopic Color Atlas of Ear Diseases is a first edition comprehensive review of common
ear diseases. The pictorial narrative of more than 250 photographs includes variations of
normal otoscopic anatomy. Khan and Parab use minimum prose and preface each section
with a brief overview of pathogenesis and tympanic membrane morphology accompanied by
references for the interested reader to pursue in other sources. It is clear that the atlas is
intended to supplement rather than replace more comprehensive otoscopic atlases.
This text is a valuable resource for residents seeking a basic tour of endoscopic pathology in
otologic disease processes. Deeper discussion of pathogenesis in select areas would have
bolstered the utility of this photo atlas. Sufficient explanation of pathology is provided in
each introductory section, and normal-anatomy section is equally important to orient the
David Conrad , MD
John Bent, MD
Bronx, New York

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At times; some one advises that not there should be NO explicit promotion of NAMASMARAN as; “readers find it monotonous and repetitive”!

This is because; there is; no serious concern about; and no thinking and no study of; the individual and universal problems and possible solutions for the same! As a result of such indifference; there is no interest, no insight and no conviction about the role of NAMASMARAN! Any one; who does not practice NAMASMARAN; either agrees only casually, superficially and/or reluctantly; or does not agree at all; with its potentials!

Is it not true that merely describing the problems; creates phobia and/or guilt complex? Is it not true that creating mere accounts of problems; without looking for the root causes and holistic solutions; makes us insensitive, callous and even sadist? Is it not true that; as a result; we fall prey to dirty politics, petty pursuits and false claims of charlatans; and/or ineffective/counterproductive piecemeal approaches?

Is it not true that it is high time that we accept, love and respect every one irrespective of his/her ideology, religion, race and socioeconomic position; and work together for individual and universal blossoming? Is it not true that this (to rise above and generate love) is NOT possible for us; on one’s own; just voluntarily?

If this is true; then, any one who is seriously concerned about individual and universal emancipation; would whole heatedly look for a universally practicable solution to individual and global problems!

It is after thorough scrutiny, trial and errors that one comes to realize and grab; the opportunity to study, practice and promote NAMASMARAN, which is a universal solution to individual and global stress due to a variety of individual and social problems.

NAMASMARAN is a panacea. NAMASMARAN involves individual and universal blossoming. NAMASMARAN embodies conquest of inner and outer evils. NAMASMARAN is the core of Total Stress Management. NAMASMARAN is the essence of superliving. NAMASMARAN is the key to holistic renaissance and ought to have top priority in life!

The case in point is unemployment! Unemployment is only one of the many symptoms of the disease of mismanaged individual and global stress! The other often neglected symptom is; unproductive; and counterproductive and socially harmful employment e.g. large percentage of bureaucrats, clerks, agents etc; and criminals such as drug peddlers, arms smugglers, scamsters respectively!

There are others who are employed (involved) in indirectly harmful industries such as production and promotion of vehicles of individual transport, which precipitate pollution, accidents, unnecessary fuel consumption and traffic jams.

NAMASMARAN make us aware of the fact that both true theists and true atheists; and people of all the religions and countries; have unwritten, common and intrinsic urge for individual and global emancipation and must work together for holistic policies, plans, programs and their implementation.

One of the most important policies for eradication of unemployment in holistic manner is holistic education. It includes NAMASMARAN; apart from others means and procedures for inner growth and blossoming, and productive domain for self and social empowerment. In addition it has all three usual domains viz. cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

Holistic education can eradicate unemployment on the one hand; and evils such as all the wastages, corruption and other malpractices involved in the sectarian education; on the other! Thus; how much ever monotonous, repetitive and propagandist it may appear; NAMASMARAN is the fountainhead of individual and universal welfare.

1. Stress: Understanding and Management; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
2. Namasmaran; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
3. Smiling Sun; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
4. Conceptual Stress; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
5. New Study of Bhagavad Geeta; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
6. Holistic Medicine; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
7. Holistic Health; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
8. Namasmaran (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
9. Tanavmukti (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar (Assistance Dr. Suhas Mhetre)
10. Bhovara (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
11. Sahasranetra (Comprehension of Vishnusahasranam; Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
12. Thakawa Ghalwa (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
13. Tanavmuktisathi Upayukta Lekh (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
14. SUPERLIVING; Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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There are two main trends of ideological or philosophical literature, thoughts and perspective.

Thus; most spiritual writings emphasize on individual purification, righteousness, impeccability; and individual emancipation and liberation; with almost complete neglect towards the system; i.e. government, laws, rules etc.

Most materialistic, socialistic and communistic writings insist on socioeconomic and sociopolitical change or revolution in the system; with almost no reference to individual blossoming.

A spiritualist assumes that the society would automatically emancipate if an individual emancipates and a materialist assumes vice versa; i.e. change in system would automatically emancipate an individual.

The religions and various philosophers such as Plato; had aimed at; an orderly society; working according to the commandments or decrees or precepts in the scriptures or other books; thus ensuring minimal conflicts of interests. They tried to combine the spiritual and material benevolence and harmony; in individual, family and social life.

We have to accept, love, respect; and maximally reconcile the essence of all these literatures; to overcome the rapidly worsening individual and universal stress!

How can this be done?

This can be done if we clarify our ideas; such as heaven, hell, fortune, misfortune etc.

Let us be clear; that various ideas such as; virtuous deeds, blessings of deities, gains in terms of mundane pleasures or heaven; and vices, sins, curses, losses, and misery of hell; represent bright and dark shades of life (our consciousness and experience); respectively. They are meant for enabling us to progressively blossom from being petty, subjective and selfish; to sublime, objective and selfless individuals and societies.

True heaven is actually a state of consciousness where our happiness concurs with the blossoming of billions. This true heaven is far more fulfilling and dignified than the one described in some scriptures.

True hell; is the state of misery where we are obsessed by the pursuit of petty and deceptive gains; and helplessly trapped in the mean, savage, barbaric and indiscriminate transactions! This hell is worst than the one described in many scriptures.

Having seen the nature of heaven (and hell); let us see the potential of astrology.

Being concerned about petty gains; our curiosity in astrology has got stunted and become a bonsai. We keep studying and seeking answers to questions related to marriage, education, service, occupation and so on; without bothering about the most important aspect of life; the self realization and SUPERLIVING!

This is a trivialized perspective of astrology. Naturally astrology has become mercenary, degenerated, degraded and deteriorated and full of blindly believed ridiculously irrational solutions!

True astrology is sublime. It is meant for studying our future so as to increase our participation; in holistic renaissance i.e. total stress management i.e. SUPERLIVING! It is meant for guiding and motivating us in developing holistic perspective, policies, planning and programs for the beautiful future of mankind, life, earth and the universe!

Thus; whether we believe or disbelieve in heaven/hell and astrological fortune/misfortune; if we are petty; then we can not resolve and reconcile the conflicts and/or contradictions in them; and can not arrive at solutions.

However; they can be easily resolved and reconciled and we can arrive at holistic solutions; if we grow from within and identify how our welfare is linked with that of billions!

Let us realize that; spiritual, astrological or ritualistic endeavors; without the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and their implementation for holistic universal renaissance; and any socioeconomic or political theories of revolution; devoid of individual blossoming; are palliative, useless or harmful and hence counterproductive.

In view of this; many steps are described in “SUPERLIVING”; (available on 175 international websites for free download) which lead to; culmination of; every stressful metabolic, endocrine and nervous activity; into “most fulfilling; holistic perspective, thinking, feelings and behavior; conducive to individual and universal blossoming!

We have to assert ourselves by sharing this evolution or blossoming of ours; if we want to conquer the stress and engender and enjoy the ambrosia of HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE i.e. SUPERLIVING.

1. Stress: Understanding and Management; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
2. Namasmaran; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
3. Smiling Sun; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
4. Conceptual Stress; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
5. New Study of Bhagavad Geeta; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
6. Holistic Medicine; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
7. Holistic Health; Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
8. Namasmaran (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
9. Tanavmukti (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar (Assistance Dr. Suhas Mhetre)
10. Bhovara (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
11. Sahasranetra (Comprehension of Vishnusahasranam; Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
12. Thakawa Ghalwa (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
13. Tanavmuktisathi Upayukta Lekh (Marathi); Dr. Shriniwas Janardan Kashalikar
14. SUPERLIVING; Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar

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The visible characteristics; of the innate core of an individual during youth; are; creativity, utopia, vigor, compassion, impatience, vengeance and so on.

Gorky’s novel; “Mother” catered and satisfied these characteristics of youth. One felt that “Mother” could “awaken and revitalize” the people and bring about revolution.

“Mother” certainly makes a wonderful, necessary and useful reading during certain stage of development.

During youth some of us come across Geeta also. We read Geeta and feel euphoric and elated that we read Geeta! Hence we quote it from time to time and place to place and while aggrandizing ourselves “use quotes from Geeta which suit us; to thrust” our opinions.

But whether we are infatuated and glorify and/or worship Geeta; or whether we find it useless and/or counterproductive and hence neglect, ridicule or condemn Geeta; the fact is that we do not understand and do not appreciate Geeta and her relevance to us and the universe.

As we grow from within; while learning from life; we study Geeta. As we keep studying; we stop glorifying or condemning her blindly and in vain.

Gradually we realize that “Understanding and appreciation of Geeta” in true sense; invariably and inevitably leads to immortal enlightenment at personal level and holistic renaissance at universal level!

What is remarkable is that; Geeta does not enforce any ideology or impose any blue print of social development. She enables and empowers us to experience the universal unity; and evolve and practice holistic perspective, policies and programs for individual and universal blossoming!

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