Posted by Dr. Shriniwas Kashalikar on Wednesday, 30th April 2014
Student: Sir, sometimes I feel helpless for a strange reason!
Teacher: What is it?
Student: Sir, I get sunken in questions; “How did I get into today; from yesterday; without any specific intention? Has anyone “transported” me irrespective of my wish from yesterday into today? Who is He? In fact; who made me live from my childhood up till now? Who made me feel, think and act?”
As these questions overpower and engulf me! I get terrified and helpless! I get shattered as I appear to lose everything - my possessions, my status, my passions, my feelings, my thoughts, my qualities, my values, my missions, my people and even the devotion and dedication for NAMA that I cherished for decades! My inner world full of love, justice, freedom and joy; appears deserted! This void is killing! I feel as if I cease to exist!
Teacher: Indeed your puzzle is uncommon! Very few people may be facing this!
The reason for your questions is this. We, who are actually beyond time; are trapped and wrapped in time, space and energy and the sensations, instincts, feelings and thoughts. This is actually trivialization of our selves. But this happens in most of us.
As a result we get addicted to this caricature state; and all the subjectivity and/or pettiness inherent to it!
As and when our true self - NAMA; involves us in its SMARAN i.e. NAMASMARAN, we begin to get deaddicted to our caricature state. But this deaddiction is painful. It does not happen as smoothly as we would have liked it! There are hiccups!
Your “helplessness and sinking” is the result of the “abstinence syndrome”, as is seen initially; in a drug addict, when denied a drug!
Student: Does everyone go through such deaddiction?
Teacher: Everyone goes through this process but variably. Everyone may not confront with the same questions and the same experiences. But this happens in every being and is often experienced by many as some inexplicable and indescribable restlessness referred to as; VISHVAACHE AARTA by Saint Dnyaneshvar.
Student: Can this happen due to physical pains?
Teacher: This happens due to the experience of physical pains, transient nature of pleasures, nostalgia of lost moments, dejected feeling due to alienation from the global events; and so on! All this is due to the process of “our retrieval to original state; from our amalgamation” with our caricature existence.
Student: What should I do?
Teacher: Always remember that the future road map is inbuilt in this state! The NAMA, true self or Guru; would involve you in NAMASMARAN and “restore” you from body and senses; to you original subtle nature! You WOULD get freed from the “hitherto cherished possessions as well as your caricature self”! Ultimately when you become the void itself, you would find NO VOID; BUT the whole universe TO BE within you!
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