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Category : All ; Cycle : August 2011
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The word STRESS is used so extensively and in so many different contexts; that its definition, meaning, significance, causes, mechanisms, dimensions, effects and Total Management have become increasingly complex, ambiguous and obscure.
Similarly the word, corruption is used so extensively and in so many contexts that it’s definition, meaning, significance, causes, mechanisms, dimensions, effects and Total Management have become increasingly complex, ambiguous and obscure!
The corruption; of the political, religious, intellectual, industrial and other leaders in world; can promote and boost the corruption of (besides their stooges and supporters); any individual; in any and every part of the world; and vice versa.
Corruption is usually and wrongly equated with mere financial scams, bribing, kick backs; which constitute “the visible fraction of the iceberg of corruption”!
Hence; let us study the basic concept of corruption!
Actually the corruption and the enormous STRESS produced by it are as ubiquitous as life and the consciousness!
Corruption embodies; degradation of one’s perspective, thoughts, feelings and actions; being influenced by and influencing; the surroundings either consciously or subconsciously; and either knowingly or unknowingly!

Corrupt Perspective
Perspective is like the space of consciousness! Thus the normalcy of this “space” of consciousness i.e. perspective; is being universal! The degree of restriction of that “space of consciousness” i.e. perspective; determines the degree of the suffocation and throttling of consciousness, marking the beginning of stress and corruption!
Thus; the restriction of the space of consciousness (perspective) constitutes separation from nature, world, countries, religions, regions, provinces, sects, linguistic groups, castes, communities, creeds, sects and even our own family and from our true self and embodies corruption and stress!
This disease of corrupted perspective is subtle and hence not easily noticed. Since the medial systems today have not learnt to diagnose and treat the disease viz. “corruption of perspective”; they do not identify and treat this disease, which often inflicts the medical systems themselves!
Sectarian and corrupt perspective makes our thoughts, feelings and actions also increasingly mean, lonely, weak, inert, grumbling, intolerant, inconsiderate, resentful, vindictive and miserably selfish and pathogenic (many times concealed under deceptive glamour and glitter) for ourselves and the society!
The paradigms or premises; of the sectarian supremacy, racial superiority, financial expansionism, religious bigotry and fanaticism and so on (without concern for the wellbeing of the entire world) constitutes corrupt perspective and highly infectious stress!

Corrupt Thinking
The holistic perspective or normal perspective as gets corrupted (diseased and degenerated) gradually becomes increasingly NARROW, sick and sectarian.
From this sick and sectarian soil of corrupt perspective, the sick and sectarian thinking germinates! Everything holistic gets degenerated into everything sick and sectarian! This is corrupt thinking and corrupt rationale; behind the coercive; international, national and local; laws, conventions, traditions, rules, pacts (formed without concern for wellbeing of the entire world)!
Thus the racially discriminating constitutions, the legal discrimination on the basis of castes, legal yet unjust tax system/s to exploit certain section for the benefit of another section, the repressive laws against trade, shops and such commercial activities, the legalized destructive promotion of alcohol, the various laws and rules with respect to special economic zones and so on are examples of “corrupt thinking”! The present sectarian medical and education systems (conspicuously lacking in integration and productive domain respectively) are also glaring examples of corrupt thinking.
The so called corruption (embodying mere financial scams, bribing and even other corrupt activities) is actually crude and superficial symptom of the deeper disease viz. corrupt thinking, which in turn is the crude symptom of deeper disease viz. corrupt perspective!

Corrupt Emotions
The motivation behind the literature, art, media, movies, dramas, and advertisements and so on (serving the sectarian aims, petty objectives, and vested interests ingrained in the above intellectual themes; without concern for the welfare of people at large; or even at the cost of the welfare of people at large) constitute the corruption of emotions and instincts.
In our personal life; one such emotion, which we carry on from childhood; throughout life, is the craze for accolades, awards and honors!
In the course of time; awards accolades and honors become a means of profiteering in many ways apart from euphoria; for us!! They become a means of establishing upper hand, dominance, and sway of one kind or another; on the society. We enjoy this upper hand, dominance, power, which further inflate our ego and give arrogant happiness, which is not easily describable! But all of us have experienced this sense of addicting elation when our ego is boosted!

Corrupt Actions
The actual laws, literature, art forms, media campaigns, movements, and such every activity in different fields; either organized or unorganized (without concern for the welfare of the world; or at the cost of the world) constitutes the corrupt actions.
In personal life; we manipulate to get “prestigious” awards, bribe to get “accolades” and use every irregular means to get “honors”!
Isn’t it true that the degree of our petty greed and our mean addictions like these; in various fields (apart from helplessness and meekness born out of dire needs); determines the extent of financial and other varieties of corruption in our society irrespective of where we live in the world?
Considering the universal expanse of the corruption and the STRESS associated with it; from the brief discussion above, it should be clear how corruption and stress are really ubiquitous i.e. not only outside but inside us as well!!
The roots of the corruption thrive from the faulty perspective, followed by corrupt thoughts, emotions and actions.

Hence the efforts without this insight constitute a phase in the groping crusade against corruption, but can not eradicate the roots of corruption and can not blossom the global perspective and global conscience.
For this i.e. to rectify, repair, restore, regenerate, rejuvenate and effectively blossom the ROOTS of global perspective and global conscience the answer is; to break open the throttling shackles restricting the space of our consciousness and thereby effectively eradicate the corruption of our perspective, thinking, feelings and actions!
This is called HOLISTIC RENAISSANCE, SUPERLIVING i.e. Total Stress Management (the core of which is NAMASMARAN).
Interestingly; even people practicing, promoting and propagating NAMASMARAN and the conscientious atheists also; without this perspective; are actually subserve Total Stress Management (total well being, holistic health, superliving or holistic renaissance); although unknowingly! Overall; they provide/contribute the fervor, motivation and driving force; and analytical, operational and technological capability respectively.

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Atrial septal defect is an abnormality present in a person from birth where there is a hole in the partition between the upper chambers of the heart called the atria. As a rule many times if it is small it can close on its own by 2yrs of age beyond that[a1] if it is of simple nature then one comes to know of it only in second decade. If the type of this defect is atypical which is called Sinus Venosus type of defect then symptoms happen earlier and needs early intervention also. Here most of times one vein carrying pure blood from lungs which was to drain into left upper chamber is opening into right upper chamber this increasing the flow to lungs. Or some time all veins from right lung are opening into the superior Vena Cava (Vein draining impure blood from upper parts of body to right upper chamber) along with large gap in the partition between the two upper chamber. In such a situation the flow to the lung increases markedly and permanent damaging changes start setting in and a stage comes when resistance of lung vasculature increases so much that blood flow direction reverses. Normally it is left to right but then it becomes right to left and patient start becoming blue also. This is a stage where surgery is not possible and patient become in-operable. Otherwise if heart surgery for this carried out at the right age and time is suitable and patient becomes absolutely normal for rest of his /her life.

Recently a 21yrs female who had given birth to a child 4 months back presented to us at Alchemist Hospital, Panchkula with severe breathlessness and palpitation. On examining we found her to be having a hole in the heart in both the upper chamber and investigating her with echo-cardiography and going through her previous record we found that she had atypical sinus venous type of atrial septal defect which manifested after child birth but along with her pressure in the lung vasculature had become very high almost equal to the body’s blood pressure. In view of this outside other peripheral hospitals had denied her surgery in view of very high risk including the risk to life. Infact she was sent Delhi for opinion.

When she presented to us we also felt the same way but then we decided to further investigate looking at her young age. The only chance for correction or treatment through surgery was now and otherwise it could be fatal. We admitted her and did a cath study on her. The lung pressures had peaked to 110mmHg which was equal or slightly more than her own blood pressure and shunt across the defect got reduced to 1.3:1 (normal criteria for surgery is shunt more than 1.5:1 or 2.1). The pulmonary vascular resistance came out to be 12 wood units, close to the terminal limits, where one becomes in- operable. Only positive finding in the study was that she was still maintaining almost normal oxygen levels in left side of upper chamber i.e left atrium about 97% that was a sign that she was not de-saturating but other parameters pointed towards non-operability.

We decided to plan her treatment and give her a chance. We started her on certain newer drugs to lower her lung pressure before surgery, talked to the family of high risk involved and total picture and need to prepare her for about a week before surgery by drugs including lungs pressure lowering drugs, to flush out extra fluid from body and to give rest to right heart and also some thing to improve the contractions of right heart.

Looking at the literature again she was in that rare group where surgery was not possible. After nine days of preparation we decided to do a repeat echocardiography and she did responded to medication but marginally and also there was no bluish discoloration involved, so we felt that changes were not irreversible. On 17.06.2011 she was operated for open heart surgery and her hole was closed with a patch made out of the outer layer of heart called pericardium, diverting all the right lung veins which were connecting to lower part of superior Vena Cava to the left. We did one more innovation in creating a flap- valve type of patch in her case. The idea of this is that incase after surgery the right heart pressure increases the flap valve allows the right chamber to dicompresss by opening up. Heart muscle was protected well during surgery with various newer Techniques. She responded well to treatment and surgery and her lung pressure came down to 50% of arterial pressure in the immediate post- op period. They further were controlled with the new drugs which we had started earlier in the pre- op period. Over all she responded very well and lung pressure almost came to normal range.

She was discharged on 8th day with detailed explanation about the medications and precaution and on her follow up visit on 1st June it was very heartening to see her healthy and progressing well. Well thought of strategy and extra effort in treatment goes a long way in saving these high risk patients along with a good and skilled infrastructure and highly experienced team of doctors. 6 Senior doctors were involved in her care on day to day basis and it was very satisfying for all of us to save this young life. She was operated by a team headed by Dr Virendar Sarwal, Head- Dept. of CTVS, Alchemist hospital, Panchkula, Dr Arath Nahak, Dr Ajay Sinha, Dr Deepak Oberoi, Dr N Srivastava and Dr Dheer


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RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL


The Duet (Jugalbandhi) or The Duel – RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL

Jayaramdas Patel Academic Centre (JPAC) at the Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital (MPUH), Nadiad is organizing a three-day programme titled ‘The Duet (Jugalbandhi) or The Duel – RIRS v/s Mini-Micro PCNL’ during 25th to 27th August, 2011.
RIRS (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery) is a procedure for doing surgery within the kidney using a viewing tube called a fiber optic endoscope. RIRS may be done to remove a stone. The stone is seen through the scope and can then be manipulated or crushed by a pneumatic probe or evaporated by a laser probe or grabbed by small forceps, etc. The advantages of RIRS over open surgery are that it is a minimally invasive surgery with the elimination of prolonged pain after surgery, and much faster recovery. PCNL, on the other hand, is a procedure for removing medium-sized or larger stones from the patient's urinary tract. Micro PCNL procedure is an effective method of removing kidney stones as in one procedure one can remove all of them during a short period of hospitalization. Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital has handled more than 24000 stone cases so far.
The programme will cover all aspects of treatment of kidney stones. The participants will also be able to see LIVE surgeries. The invited faculty includes Drs Olivier Traxer (France), Dr. Mahesh Desai, S K Singh, T Manohar, P P Rao and R B Sabnis.


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Glomerular Disease - CKD - media interview with Prof. John Feehally


TIME 4.00 PM, THURSDAY, 18th AUGUST, 2011


Prof. John Feehally, President of International Society of Nephrology briefed the media about glomerular diseases (leakage of blood and/or protein) that damage the microscopic filters of kidney, leading to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and kidney failure. Dr. MM Rajapurkar and Dr. Sishir Gang also spoke on the subject and on the two-day seminar on ‘Glomerular Diseases. The seminar is being attended by 150 practicing nephrologists and nephrology students from different regions of India.

CKD is becoming endemic, and more and more people in the developing countries including India are becoming CKD patients, the economic and other costs of which are huge in terms of suffering to the patients, their loved ones and also to the society. In India End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) affects as much as 1.8% of our population and about 17% are at a risk of developing kidney diseases. Even the rich countries are finding it difficult to fund cost of dialysis / kidney transplants. Kidney disease can also lead to heart attacks. Therefore, the only solution is to build awareness, and take steps to detect the disease early. Early detection is possible, it is easy, and it is not costly. Simple test of urine and blood can help diagnose the problem.

People can take preventive steps by eating proper diet (avoiding processed/packaged food, tobacco and controlling intake of fat, salt, etc), regular physical exercise, and controlling weight. Studies have shown that maternal nutrition is also important. Mal-nourished babies are more likely to develop diabetes and kidney disease.

What can be done? Screening should be made simple and cheap. This can be done by training people to check blood pressure; no need for doctors and nurses; no need for special scan. The high risk population who should undergo the simple tests consists of people with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and/or those in whose family there are kidney patients. The CKD can be prevented in most cases if detected early and treatment is taken. The tests are simple and cost effective. Unfortunately there is lack of awareness not just in the general public, but even among many doctors and the Governments. Even the UN and WHO have not adequately appreciated the need to highlight the causes and effects of CKD. There is a special meeting of WHO scheduled in September in the US on non-communicable diseases and it is hoped that the WHO will make an appropriate statement to address the problem globally.

Live donor transplants are the best solution for those with failed kidney. However, paid donor transplant and medical tourism for transplant should be banned. In fact ‘Istanbul Declaration’ is against paid donation of kidneys. Cadaver (brain dead donor) transplant in registered hospitals should also be encouraged. Brain dead donor can also donate liver and heart. There is a need to build awareness about the steps to be taken to ensure successful cadaver transplants.

The International Society of Nephrology aims to (i) improve renal pathology (ii) invest in training to conduct lab tests to detect kidney diseases and (iii) improve/identify lab test centres for CKD at different parts of India, Prof Feehally said. He also appreciated the high quality of medical care and the financial model followed in MPUH Nadiad.

(compiled by P A Joseph, )

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Total Stress Management (total well being, holistic health, superliving or holistic renaissance) includes holistic perspective, policymaking, programs and their implementation; according to one’s spontaneous fervor and capacity.

Some of us argue that we (and others) undergo stress because of our past deeds (poorva-sanchit or prarabdha) and hence we should accept stress as God’s desire and be happy. This logic is applied to the social evils as well! They ask; “Can we be happy even if all the material pleasures are granted? Are not all the material pleasures useless in terms of giving total fulfillment of life? What is the use of pursuing material pleasures? Is not the body that enjoys it also temporary? Are we not unhappy merely because of our ego or the state of our mind? What is the use of Total Stress Management; when all is vanity? Isn’t the world UNCHANGED; even when so many people toiled for its improvement in the past? Aren’t such efforts useless and futile? What is the use of such efforts; if we have to leave everything; when we die?
As there are different constitutions of people; it is natural that many of us are not able to study, think, work and grow out of their shells. They live within the ambit of their personal limitations and their individual physical, instinctual, emotional and intellectual needs. They do not participate in Total Stress Management. Unknowingly or knowingly; they become either the victims or the causes of STRESS; even as they continue to be well meaning, polite, gentle, good, charitable, innocent, honest etc.

For some of us, Total Stress Management (total well being, holistic health, superliving or holistic renaissance) is an essential and holistic expression of the empowerment and enlightenment of NAMASMARAN in personal, family, occupational and social life. For them; it is like oxygen. Just as they breathe oxygen without any expectations and questions; they participate in Total Stress Management unconditionally.

Interestingly; even people practicing, promoting and propagating NAMASMARAN and the conscientious atheists also; without this perspective; actually subserve Total Stress Management (total well being, holistic health, superliving or holistic renaissance); although unknowingly! Overall; they provide the fervor, motivation and driving force; and analytical, operational and technological capability respectively.

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International Seminar on 'GLOMERULAR DISEASES' at MPUH Nadiad
International Seminar on 'GLOMERULAR DISEASES' being organized at Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital, Nadiad, on 19-20 August 2011

Kidney diseases have attained epidemic proportion all over the world. End stage renal (kidney) disease (ESRD) affects as much as 1.8% of our population and about 17% are at a risk of developing kidney diseases. Treatment of ESRD is beyond the means of common man even in advanced rich countries. Glomerular disease contributes to 25% of ESRD patients. These are treatable diseases and can be prevented in several situations.

Prof. John Feehally, President, International Society of Nephrology, will be the main speaker in this two day seminar. Several reputed teachers in Nephrology from all across India will also be deliberating as a faculty. The seminar will be attended by 150 nephrology professionals consisting of Nephrologists and Postgraduate Students in Nephrology. This seminar is expected to give a boost in understanding of glomerular disease, it's treatment and cutting edge research in this field in our country.

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Three Assumptions

Three of our many assumptions are; 1) rationality has to be abandoned in the path of seeking of truth; often called spiritual path 2) spiritual quest has nothing to do with; holistic education, health, agriculture, industry, politics etc. and 3) Pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with individual blossoming (welfare).

This has lead to most of us; feel proud in being totally and blindly dedicated and/or devoted to a particular cult. We take pride in aggrandizing the leader of our cult coupled with scathing criticism of other cults! We feel great; to believe and spread our beliefs rabidly; and such colossal waste of life goes on eroding the society perpetually!

Since we do not think rationally; we fail to grow and come out of our sectarian pettiness and blossom into holistic wisdom. We feel self contentment in mere charity; that often nurtures our condescending attitude and inflates our ego. Further; it often perpetuates parasitism and helplessness amongst the beneficiaries.

Since our spiritual quest does not embody education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics etc; our life is split into two compartments; one that we preach and the other that we practice; because our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics; etc. lack spiritual element (being holistic and globally benevolent) and our spiritual preachings lack realistic and pragmatic solutions to various problems in these fields. We; who claim to be spiritual continue to lack holistic perspective. Hence our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics and politics continue to be sectarian, divisive and exploitative.

Because we feel; that pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with spiritual growth; we are determined to avoid such political activities; confusing them with partisan politics serving vested interests.

Our life thus becomes an unending mirage, full of self deception; hypocrisy and boastful exhibition of our so called spirituality, goodness, wellness, virtues, faith and so on and the evils inside and outside; continue to flourish unabated!

The time has come for the practice of NAMASMARAN to open our eyes to the reality inside and outside; and empower and enable us to realize the process of individual and universal blossoming i.e. holistic renaissance.

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Three of our many assumptions are; 1) rationality has to be abandoned in the path of seeking of truth; often called spiritual path 2) spiritual quest has nothing to do with; holistic education, health, agriculture, industry, politics etc. and 3) Pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with individual blossoming (welfare).

This has lead to most of us; feel proud in being totally and blindly dedicated and/or devoted to a particular cult. We take pride in aggrandizing the leader of our cult coupled with scathing criticism of other cults! We feel great; to believe and spread our beliefs rabidly. This colossal waste goes on eroding the society perpetually! Since we do not think rationally; we do not grow and stupidly or gullibly indulge in charity that nurtures our condescending attitude and inflates our ego; and parasitism and helplessness of the beneficiaries; without providing rational and holistic solutions to the problems in different fields of life.

Since our spiritual quest does not embody education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics etc; our life is split into two compartments; one that we preach and the other that we practice; because our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics, politics; etc. spiritual element (being holistic and globally benevolent) and our spiritual preachings lack realistic and pragmatic solutions to various problems in these fields. We who claim to be spiritual continue to lack holistic perspective. Hence our education, health, agriculture, industry, economics and politics continues to be sectarian, divisive and exploitative.

Because we feel; that pursuing the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs for universal blossoming (welfare) has nothing to do with spiritual growth; we are determined to avoid political activities to evolve and implement globally benevolent perspective, policies, plans, programs, laws, conventions etc; because of confusing (such politics, which is integral part of holistic life) with; partisan politics serving vested interests.

Our life thus becomes an unending mirage, full of self deception; hypocrisy and boastful exhibition of our so called gullibility, humility, faith etc; while all the evils inside and outside; continue to flourish unabated!

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The pulsed CO2 laser consists of a carbon dioxide beam that vaporize the scar without damaging surrounding tissue.
The advantages of CO2 laser are represented by a reduced thermal damage, less bleeding, less inflammation and improved healing.
It is ideal in cases of damaged and inelastic skin (acne scars) because not only eliminates the most superficial layers but is also capable of determining a significant contraction of collagen and elastic fibers in the dermis and thus make the skin more toned.
Another advantage of the C02 laser is the assurance that the areas that are treated are “leveled” always on the desired thickness.
In the field of cosmetic surgery, the CO2 laser, invisible and infrared, has replaced the scalpel in many types of can also be used in all types of scars,fractional skin resurfacing.

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Somato-psychic means; that which originates in soma (body, matter) and affects psyche i.e. mind (actually us).

Stress is universal. It is conscious, subconscious and unconscious in us; and it is completely unconscious in plants and small animals.

The stress results due to trauma, metabolic disorders, infections, malignancies, genetic disorders, hormonal variations, alterations in the neural and neuroendocrine reactions; and so on, which are influenced by our responses to internal and external surroundings.

Our responses in turn; are determined by the degree of our being influenced by our body metabolism, musculoskeletal strength, endocrine status, autonomic and central nervous system activity; such as memory, association, correlation, analysis, synthesis, contemplation, learning experience!

The point here is; we (which are certainly not mere bodies) suffer from the stress in direct proportion to the degree of our being “bound” in the bodies!

At least some times we find that it is not possible to communicate our agonies; to any one; as we are unable to figure out what is happening to us. At other times we cannot confess because we feel; no one would pardon us or absolve us! We are uprooted and devastated, without any identifiable reason!

We may put the blame on the family members, spouse, relatives, friends, social events, media, government; and so on. But actually the cause of our stress is our being controlled by our body and its perceptions.

In 7000 million human beings and billions of other living organisms; there are trillions of cellular, nuclear, molecular; metabolic, endocrine and neuroendocrine events, which cause stress. Considering the size of this perceivable universe and the permutations and combinations of the events; it would be easy to understand why the stress in the form of exploitation, inequality, wars, strife, terrorism, crimes and other maladies; continues to inflict us and why palliative and ad hoc remedies continue to fail or turn out to be counterproductive!

In holistic renaissance or superliving; the universe orients to its true self by remembering (jikra, NAMASMARAN) the name of God (the governing super conscious center of universe). Instead of bodies and their perceptions; the true self tangibly governs and overcomes individual and universal stress; and thus realizes unity and harmony.

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