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Category : All ; Cycle : December 2010
Medical Articles
1 Nerli.R.B, Mallikarjun Reddy, Koura Ashish, Vikram Prabha, Ravish I.R, Amarkhed S.S - Cystoscopic Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Cystectomy – Journal of Endourology - 2008; 22 No.1, 83-86.
2. R.B.Nerli, A.C.Koura, I.R.Ravish, S.S.Amarkhed, V. Prabha, S.B.Alur - Posterior Urethral Injury in Male Children – Long Term Follow Up – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2008;4, 154-159.
3. Nerli R.B, Kamat G.V, Alur S.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Amarkhed S.S Genitourinary Tuberculosis in Pediatric Urological Practice – Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2008; 4, 299-303.
4. R.B.Nerli, A.C.Koura, V.Prabha, G.Kamat, S.B.Alur - Use of LMA Stonebreaker as an Intracorporeal Lithotrite in the Management of Ureteral Calculi – Journal of Endourology – 2008; 22 No.4
5. Nerli R.B, Kamat G.V, Alur S.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Amarkhed S.S - Bladder Exstrophy in Adulthood - Indian Journal of Urology, 2008; 160-164
6. R.B.Nerli, I.R.Ravish, S.S.Amarkhed, Manoranjan U.D, Vikram Prabha - Genital Self-Mutilation in Nonpsychotic Heterosxual Males – Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008: 50 (4): 285-287.
7. Nerli R.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Mallikarjun Reddy – Comparison of Topical Versus Parenteral Testosterone in children with Microphallic Hypospadias – Pediatric Surgery International – 2009; 25, 57-59
8. R.B.Nerli, G.V.Kamat, S.B.Alur, Koura Ashish, Vikram Prabha, S.S.Amarkhed - Genitourinary Tuberculosis in Pediatric Urological Practice – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2008; 4, 299-303
9. Nerli R.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Praveen Patne, Shishir Devaraju, S.S.Amarkhed, V.M.Uppin – Acquired Recto-Urethral Fistula in Children: long Term Follow up – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2009; Available online 3 April 2009
10. R.B.Nerli, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Patne P, Ganesh MK. Complication of Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty in Children – Pediartic Surgery International - 2009; 25(4):343-7
11. Nerli .R. B, M. Reddy, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Shishir Devaraju, Hiremath M. B. Secondary Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Following Primary Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty. Medicine Update (2009).
12. Nerli .R. B, Ajay Kumar.G, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, S. B. Alur. Transobturator Vaginal Tape In Comparison To Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A Prospective Trial with A Minimum 12 Months Follow-Up – Indian Journal of Urology – 2009. 25(3); 321-25
13. Rajendra B. Nerli, Murigendra B Hiremath, Vikram Prabha, Prakash Malur, Anita Borges Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) Of The Kidney With Level Iv Inferior Vena Caval Thrombus: A Case Report. Recent Research in Science and Technology 2010, 2(6): 38-41.

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Any and every obstacle that obstructs the respiratory passage can cause strangling, breathlessness, suffocation, asphyxia and death; if not promptly and skillfully removed.

This is very true for the holidays in India.

The holidays in India are like respiratory obstructions, which are further complicated by natural calamities, accidents, strikes, demonstrations, riots and unaccountability in the elected bodies and the bureaucracy.

Most interesting and of course nationally distressing issue is that; all such “obstructions” suffocating all Indians; are at the cost of honest tax payers and national progress or rather very existence of the nation.

Why don’t we learn to enjoy holidays at our own cost; i.e. by taking “without pay leaves”? Why should we not; irrespective of our caste, religion, region, culture and so on; “enjoy our duties” rather than getting addicted to “irresponsibly and shamelessly enjoying” holidays at the cost of others?
Most of us would agree to this in principle; but probably would argue that unsafe and hectic commuting, excessive traveling time, exhausting exertion, disturbing working conditions and disheartening and discouraging unfairness in bureaucracy in terms of lack of accountability and incentives; destroy all the initiative and enthusiasm to be fair and sincere.

This vicious cycle of our system (in several aspects; besides those which are stated above) promoting individual deterioration and vice versa; leading to individual and national downfall; can be broken by universal practice of NAMASMARAN and not merely by other efforts (even though appreciable and admirable) such as those of several activists fighting corruption; such as Baba Ramdev and others.

Through NAMASMARAN we can learn to “enjoy our duties”, overcome “addiction of irresponsibly, shamelessly and destructively enjoying” holidays at the cost of national progress; and enjoy holidays more creatively and constructively at our own cost; i.e. “without pay”!

This hypothesis can’t probably be verified convincingly enough and tangibly enough; by just casual and occasional practice of NAMASMARAN by few amongst us. We need to popularize and globalize on priority basis the understanding and practice of NAMASMARAN.

NAMASMARAN embodies individual and global blossoming.

NAMASMARAN embodies conquest of inner and outer evils.

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The FIRST EVER complete E-Book on Sex Education written by Indian experts is released on World AIDS Day
The FIRST EVER complete E-Book on Sex Education
written by Indian experts is released on World AIDS Day

Title of the E-Book – THE ULTIMATE SEX EDUCATION GUIDE (288 pages)

Dr. Rajan Bhonsle, M.D., (Hon. Professor & HOD, Department of Sexual Medicine, KEM Hospital & Seth G.S.Medical College) and Dr. Minnu Bhonsle, Ph.D., (Consulting Psychotherapist & Relationship Counsellor, Heart To Heart Counselling Centre) have co-authored the very first E-book on Sex Education that is now available on the website

The book was released on World AIDS Day (December 1, 2010).

The Ultimate Sex Education Guide is a complete Source Book for Value-based, Culture-Specific and Age-Appropriate Education in Human Sexuality. It is meant for the reference of adult sex-educators such as Parents, Teachers, Doctors, Counsellors, Social workers etc., as well as for those adult individuals and couples who seek to educate themselves.

This book endeavors to educate readers about the physiology and psychology of human sexuality. It also discusses social, behavioral, relational, emotional and even legal aspects of human sexuality. It is therefore, a complete and holistic guide for the adult community who needs a ready-reckoner to address all queries from curious children, teenagers as well as adults.

Great care has been taken to respect the sensibilities of all communities/groups/schools of thought in India, and to make it culture-specific yet contemporary, without compromising on the scientific accuracy of the subject.
While we have taken every care possible in making this manual a scientifically accurate and sensitive one, we welcome suggestions from those who are equally passionate about helping create a sexually healthy, responsible and sensitive future generation.

For any further information contact ~
Dr.Rajan B. Bhonsle, M.D.
Senior Consultant in Sexual Medicine
10 Jerbai Baug, Near Gloria Church,
Byculla (E), Mumbai 400027, India
Tel: 9821093902 / 22184528

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My Book : endoscopic color atlas of ear diseases
Dr. Mubarak Muhamed Khan and Dr. Sapna Ramkrishna Parab of Talegaon Dabhade- Pune, have authored a medical book entitled, “Endoscopic Color Atlas Of Ear Diseases”. The atlas was recently released by Jaypee Medical Publishers on 25th September 2010. This atlas consists of high quality color clinical 271 photographs obtained using exclusive endoscopic techniques. Dr. Khan is an Associate Professor and Dr. Parab is Assistant Professor in the Department of Ear, Nose and Throat of MIMER Medical College, Talegaon- D, Pune and take keen interest in teaching methodology.
This atlas, based on the clinical experience of the both the authors, gives a clear and lucid description of all the conditions of the ear represented in the photographs. By pictorial depiction of various ear conditions, the basic conceptual knowledge gets further augmented and supplemented. Appealing to the novice as well as the experienced professional, this atlas is a key resource to the undergraduate and the postgraduate students, the ENT fraternity, pediatricians and general practitioners. This atlas will definitely supplement the standard ENT textbooks for a further in depth pictorial depiction of the ear disorders and thus facilitate proper diagnosis for dispensing appropriate treatment for otological disorders. This atlas provides the sure foundation for the thorough and sound knowledge of ear disorders facilitating the proper diagnosis and thus correct treatment.
The atlas is foreworded by Prof. A.G. Pusalkar, an eminent and world renowned otologist; Dr. Suresh Ghaisas, Medical Director, MIMER Medical College; and Dr. Brig. GS Gopal, ex-Prof. and Head of ENT Department of MIMER Medical College.
This atlas is unique as it is the first of its kind in India. I would like to send this book for review.
Dr Mubarak khan

Mobile : +91 98226 462007
Information of the atlas is available online on the website:

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Ear and Hearing
Primary cartilage tympanoplasty: our technique and results.(Dr Mubarak Khan,Pune)
Am J Otolaryngol. 2010 Sep 9. [Epub ahead of print]

Primary cartilage tympanoplasty: our technique and results.
Khan MM, Parab SR.

Cartilage has shown to be a promising graft material to close tympanic membrane perforations. However, due to its rigid quality, doubts are raised regarding its sound conduction properties. It has been suggested that acoustic benefit may be obtained by thinning the cartilage. We describe our innovative method for harvesting tragal cartilage from the same endaural incision and also describe preparation of the graft by slicing it. We present our 3-year experience of shield cartilage type 1 tympanoplasty using sliced tragal cartilage-perichondrium composite graft.

AIM: The aim of this study was to prove the success rate of our technique of shield cartilage tympanoplasty using sliced tragal cartilage graft in terms of functional and anatomic results.

STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of type 1 cartilage tympanoplasties using sliced tragal cartilage was carried out in MIMER Medical College and Sushrut ENT Hospital during May 2005 to January 2008 with a minimum follow-up of 2 years.

METHOD AND MATERIALS: A total of 223 ears were operated by our technique.

RESULTS: The overall success rate of our technique was 98.20% in terms of perforation closure and air bone gap closure within 7.06 ± 3.39 dB. The success rates in the various age group are as follows: 11 to 20 years, 97.67%; 21 to 40 years, 99.12%; and 41 to 60 years, 96.96%.

CONCLUSION: Our technique of type 1 cartilage tympanoplasty achieves good anatomic and functional results.

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How to get rid of recurrent mouth ulcers? (Aphthous ulcers or stomatitis)
Painful eating is the presenting symptom usually when a person gets ulcers in the mouth. This apparently casual condition can be extremely troublesome and painful in some when occurs recurrently.

Causative factors-

(1) The major cause behind recurrent aphthous ulcers bad oral hygiene. The patient usually says that he has these types of ulcers since long, may be since childhood. Dental caries may accompany.
(2) Nutritional deficiency can also be a very important cause in patients from underdeveloped areas. Also bad eating habits and lack of vitamin rich food are the reasons. Especially in children, these types of ulcers are found frequently due to their eating fads.
(3) Gastric upset is also regarded as one of the causes for recurrent stomatitis. The bloating, belching, and constipation contribute to the trouble, though direct relation has not been verified.
(4) High doses of antibiotics are often associated with mouth ulcers, unless coupled with B-complex vitamin supplementation.
(5) Allergic reaction to certain toothpastes, mouth washes, dentures, etc are also blamed.
(6) Emotional stress is often found to exaggerate the symptoms of aphthous ulcers. (psychosomatic)
(7) Some women have been typically seen to have excessive ulcers prior to their menses, when it may be considered as the part of PMS.
(8) Some conditions like ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn’s disease are also associated with mouth ulcers.

Treating mouth ulcers with Homeopathic Medicines—

Here, the foremost thing one should understand is that unless the causative factor is dealt with, no treatment is going to be of help. Therefore, steer clear of bad oral hygiene, dental problems, nutritional deficiencies, etc. There are certain innate tendencies also those need to be addressed while treating anyone homeopathically for mouth ulcers. Even one may have tendency to have mouth ulcers in families.

The homeopathic medicines act in 3 steps to cure the problem of recurrent mouth ulcers—

• Alleviate the pain and suffering
• Improve oral health
• Prevent recurrence in future

The major medicines useful for the problem of aphthous ulcers are Merc sol, Kali chlor, Belladona, Hepar sulph, Sulphur, Phos, Lachesis, Natrum mur, etc. Apart from these, any other medicine may be indicated depending upon the constitution of the patient and his totality of symptoms of aphthous ulcers. Especially for chronic cases, homeopathy renders amazing cures and the patient feels blessed to be free from this troubling problem!

Auxiliary Treatment—

This is of prime importance in any such case and the homeopathic physician must educate the patient about these points.

(1) Maintain good oral and dental hygiene.
(2) Do not neglect any eruptions in mouth and consult your physician immediately
(3) Have nutritious diet and include sprouts, legumes, green vegetables in the diet so that one gets natural supplement of all vitamins and minerals.
(4) Drink adequate quantity of water. (at least 10 glasses per day)
(5) Take care of your gastric health and steer clear of hyperacidity, flatulence, constipation by seeking apt expertise.
(6) Do not consume high doses of medicines haphazardly without doctor’s advice.
(7) Have positive mindset and exercise regularly!

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Why Skin Diseases Find Perfect Cure in Homeopathy?
Do you know that many people still feel that homeopathy is the therapy module to be chosen for skin diseases? When it comes to nasty skin conditions, even eminent skin specialists refer their patients to homeopaths recognizing the ability of aptly chosen homeopathic remedies to cure the malady. Why is it so? Why homeopathy is considered as the best dermatologic treatment, whatever the disease may be? Let’s see.

Skin, the largest organ:

Skin is the outer covering of the body and constitutes the biggest organ. It is the organ that absorbs and emits maximally. All the internal vital organs are protected by this coating. And skin is the organ that reflects the health of internal organs. As is well said, skin is the reflection of mind. But frankly speaking, skin conveys the affections of all vital organs most clearly than any other organ; just it needs perfect perception on part of the examiner.

Psychosomatic illnesses show themselves on skin:

What are psychosomatic illnesses? These are the problems those crop up due to deranged mind, emotions, and their correlation with physiology of the functioning body. No wonder being the reflection of internal organs, skin is the first to notice imbalances on mental plane. That is the reason, most skin diseases (like psoriasis, acne, lichen planus, etc) get aggravated when one is emotionally disturbed. That is why homeopathy believes that unless the skin disease is treated internally, one cannot get lasting relief. The mental symptoms associated with skin ailments are therefore of utmost importance while treating any patient homeopathically.

Why external application is regarded harmful in homeopathy?

As we saw, any skin disease must be treated internally. If one applies steroid ointment externally on the lichen planus patches, the patient may be relieved temporarily. The itching will be lessened and the skin will be cleared. But the disease will remain in the body in dormant state to appear in fullest possible force in due course. Moreover, according to nature’s principles, when the skin eruptions or patches of any kind are merely suppressed, they will subside only to affect some other vital organ inside your body. Does that make any sense? Suppress your eczema and succumb to asthma! That will happen with any skin disease being treated merely with external application or stronger chemical medicines. So, homeopathy disregards external application in cases of skin maladies.

How the action of homeopathic medicines helps you get rid of skin problems?

The minutest possible doses of potentized homeopathic medicines eradicate the disease at its root cause. The deranged internal organs are put back in order only to find glowing skin devoid of any problems. The skin diseases like psoriasis, lichen planus, eczema, allergic rashes, urticarial rashes, varicose veins, ulcers, skin discolorations, itching, and several other skin diseases find a perfect cure in aptly selected homeopathic medicines.

Well, certainly it is a great idea to get rid of any disease from inside out than in reverse way!

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