
Posted by Dr. Vikram Prabha on Thursday, 30th December 2010
1 Nerli.R.B, Mallikarjun Reddy, Koura Ashish, Vikram Prabha, Ravish I.R, Amarkhed S.S - Cystoscopic Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Cystectomy – Journal of Endourology - 2008; 22 No.1, 83-86. 2. R.B.Nerli, A.C.Koura, I.R.Ravish, S.S.Amarkhed, V. Prabha, S.B.Alur - Posterior Urethral Injury in Male Children – Long Term Follow Up – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2008;4, 154-159.
3. Nerli R.B, Kamat G.V, Alur S.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Amarkhed S.S Genitourinary Tuberculosis in Pediatric Urological Practice – Journal of Pediatric Urology, 2008; 4, 299-303.
4. R.B.Nerli, A.C.Koura, V.Prabha, G.Kamat, S.B.Alur - Use of LMA Stonebreaker as an Intracorporeal Lithotrite in the Management of Ureteral Calculi – Journal of Endourology – 2008; 22 No.4
5. Nerli R.B, Kamat G.V, Alur S.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Amarkhed S.S - Bladder Exstrophy in Adulthood - Indian Journal of Urology, 2008; 160-164
6. R.B.Nerli, I.R.Ravish, S.S.Amarkhed, Manoranjan U.D, Vikram Prabha - Genital Self-Mutilation in Nonpsychotic Heterosxual Males – Indian Journal of Psychiatry 2008: 50 (4): 285-287.
7. Nerli R.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Mallikarjun Reddy – Comparison of Topical Versus Parenteral Testosterone in children with Microphallic Hypospadias – Pediatric Surgery International – 2009; 25, 57-59
8. R.B.Nerli, G.V.Kamat, S.B.Alur, Koura Ashish, Vikram Prabha, S.S.Amarkhed - Genitourinary Tuberculosis in Pediatric Urological Practice – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2008; 4, 299-303
9. Nerli R.B, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Praveen Patne, Shishir Devaraju, S.S.Amarkhed, V.M.Uppin – Acquired Recto-Urethral Fistula in Children: long Term Follow up – Journal of Pediatric Urology – 2009; Available online 3 April 2009
10. R.B.Nerli, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Patne P, Ganesh MK. Complication of Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty in Children – Pediartic Surgery International - 2009; 25(4):343-7
11. Nerli .R. B, M. Reddy, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, Shishir Devaraju, Hiremath M. B. Secondary Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction Following Primary Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty. Medicine Update (2009).
12. Nerli .R. B, Ajay Kumar.G, Ashish Koura, Vikram Prabha, S. B. Alur. Transobturator Vaginal Tape In Comparison To Tension-Free Vaginal Tape: A Prospective Trial with A Minimum 12 Months Follow-Up – Indian Journal of Urology – 2009. 25(3); 321-25
13. Rajendra B. Nerli, Murigendra B Hiremath, Vikram Prabha, Prakash Malur, Anita Borges Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor (PNET) Of The Kidney With Level Iv Inferior Vena Caval Thrombus: A Case Report. Recent Research in Science and Technology 2010, 2(6): 38-41.