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Comparing the Effect of Gingival Retraction Method Using Magic Foam Cord and Expasyl Paste
Aim – The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the effect of two cordless retraction techniques and their influence on gingiva.

Material and Methods – Participants (n=40) with healthy gingival conditions were recruited- an expanding polyvinyl material(Magic foam cord), a paste like material (Expasyl) were applied in the posterior tooth of the subjects. Following impressions casts was measured for the gingival retraction with 3D scanner. Gingival health was assessed after one week and the collected data was tabulated and subjected to statstical analysis.

Result- Mean gingival displacement obtained by the Expasyl paste was more effective as compared to the magic foam cord i.e, 0.30mm and 0.23mm respectively and the obtained “p” value was p<0.001 which was extremely significant.

Conclusions – Within the limitations of this study the conclusions were made that both the retraction agents were convenient to use, painless and they achieved the adequate gingival retraction and they wont result in any gingival inflammation and gingival recession.

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