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1.What are Anxiety Disorders?

In our day-to-day life we undergo many stresses at the physical as well as at the mental level-knowingly or unknowingly. Some of the effects we recognize while most of them we do not.

Anxiety as an effect of stress, it is one of the common experiences of mankind. Every one of us experiences anxiety at one or other time in our life.
But the intensity of the feeling varies from person to person, from event to event. Anxiety is supposed to be the basic of the all emotions.

Feeling anxious sometimes is supposed to be a good thing as it helps by motivating you to prepare for a big test or by keeping you on your toes in potentially dangerous situations.

Anxiety that comes in few occasions is not something to be concerned about. But for some people, anxiety is a constant threatening factor in their lives. When it started interfering in some ones day to day functions person suffers from the disadvantage of it, when it exceeds a limit; it is called as an anxiety disorder.

Anxiety disorders can cause person to suffer from intense, long-lasting fear or worry, in addition to other symptoms.

2.Anxiety as Clinical Syndrome:

In clinical practice, anxiety is one of the most prevalent causes of health care provider visits. Anxiety occurs when individuals perceive threats to biologic or ego (psychological) integrity. Some measure of anxiety can be expected as a temporary response to stress, such as when a patient waits for medical test results; but when anxiety becomes so severe that it interferes with one's ability to function in daily life or is inappropriately triggered, it is considered pathologic and warrants treatment. It is unattached to a clearly identifiable stimulus, unlike an adjustment disorder with stress. It is an alarm that signals impending danger and warns us to prepare for action. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is one of several anxiety disorders that include agoraphobia other specific phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, posttraumatic Stress disorder, and social anxiety disorder.

3.Types of anxiety disorders.

A chronically recurring case of anxiety that has a serious effect on a person’s life may be clinically diagnosed as an anxiety disorder. The most common are:

1. Generalized anxiety disorder.
2. Panic attacks or disorder.
3. Social anxiety disorder.
4. Phobias.
5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCT).
6. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

4. What Are the Symptoms Anxiety Disorders?

Each Type of Anxiety disorder has its own set of clinical presentation:

1. Generalized anxiety disorder: is characterized by at least 6 months of persistent and excessive, exaggerated anxiety and worry about everyday life events with no obvious reasons for worry.

2. Panic disorder: Panic disorder without agoraphobia is characterized by recurrent unexpected panic attacks about which there is a persistent concern. Panic disorder with agoraphobia is characterized by both recurrent unexpected panic attacks and agoraphobia.

3. Social anxiety disorder: is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situations, often leading to avoidance behavior.

4. Phobias: is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to a specific feared object or situation, often leading to avoidance behavior.

5. Obsessive-compulsive disorder: is characterized by obsessions (which cause marked anxiety or distress) and/ or by compulsions (which serve to neutralize anxiety).

6. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD): is characterized by the experiencing of an extremely traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated with the trauma.

5. Various shades of Anxiety Symptoms in General:

Anxiety presents in multiple domains with insomnia and somatic concerns as the most frequently reported symptoms. Common physical symptoms include increased heart rate, chest pain, palpitations, dyspnoea, and diaphoresis.
Psychological arousal: This may be evident as irritability, poor concentration and sensitivity to noise.
Autonomic over activity: This is experienced most often as sweating, palpitation, dry mouth, epigastria discomfort and dizziness.
Muscle tension: This may be experienced as restlessness, trembling, inability to relax, headache and aching in the shoulders and back.
Hyperventilation: This may lead to dizziness, tingling in the extremities and paradoxically, a feeling of shortness of breath.
Sleep disturbances Other features: Depression, Obsessions, Depersonalization, and these symptoms are never the most prominent features of a GAD.

6. Self Care Measures for Anxiety Disorder:

• Regular Exercise for at least 20-25 minutes.
• Have Nutritious and regular Diet.
• Drink lots of water.
• Meditate regularly it will help in all aspects of your life.
• Engage in activities that can make you laugh. Laughing helps to reduces stress hormones like adrenaline and cortical.
• Engage yourself in Rejuvenating activates like listening to your favourite music reduces stress and relieves anxiety.
• Get enrolled in some good creative Hobbies or Sports.
• Yoga and relaxation therapies do play very effective role in controlling Anxiety.
• Getting enough sound sleep will reduce your stress levels.
• Having a positive attitude, finding the good in what life throws your way and looking at the bright side of things enhances your ability to effectively manage stress.
• Relaxing in a hot bath reduces stress and tension.

**********Homeopathic Treatment for Anxiety Disorder**********

Prolonged untreated Anxiety can contribute to other psychological disorders, alcohol and drug abuse, furthermore weaken the immune system and speed up the aging process. A healthy immune system controls our body's healing process and safeguards it against infections and diseases. The aptitude to reinforce mental calmness promotes wellness, liveliness and longevity.
Homoeopathy is holistic system of medicine where not only the symptoms of the disease are considered but also prime importance is given to the Patient as an Individual.
Homoeopathic medicines are selected after thorough individuals’ total detailed history taking and also considering his personality type and a detail account of surrounding is also considered in the treatment plan.
A detailed Bio- psycho-social aspect is considered to prescribe the most suitable homoeopathic remedy.

Homeopathic remedies work towards balancing the altered emotional state of an Individual. Homeopathic treatment will help eradicate Anxiety disorders, phobias, prevent relapses as well as help build self-esteem and self-confidence. The remedies are harmless and effective for adults as well as children and will escort to a permanent long-lasting cure, and also help to heal and promote mental health by strengthening the body to heal it.

Homeopathy works by enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Action of individual specific homeopathic remedy leads to gentle stimulation and restoration of imbalanced “vital force” to balance.
This in turn leads to disappearance of signs and symptoms.

Homeopathy does not try to suppress elements of an individual behavior; rather it aims to redress any imbalance in the body naturally without altering the body with drugs. This has the outcome of reducing the symptoms of Anxiety without causing any side effect on the body. Homeopathy treats the whole person. Not only do the depression and anxiety symptoms improve, so do most or all of the other physical, mental and emotional complaints of the person.

Homeopathic is based on principle of Individualization, so practitioners will take detailed case histories so they can address all the ailments that may be affecting the individual. Another exceptional thing about Homeopathy is that people on multiple medications can safely take Homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic drugs are non-habit forming and have no addictive characteristics.

Homeopathy has an exceptional proven safety record with more than 200 years of clinical effectiveness.
Treatments are always individualized and the risk of side effects is nil if the treatment has been accurately chosen and the dosages are correct.

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