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One of the interpretations of this Sanskrut word is work without expectation of a specific result.

In day to day life; we can conceive this as focusing on the excellence in the task; and not on the result of task, which could be award, fame, reward, money, honor, power, popularity; etc.

But if we go a little deeper; then we get even more profound interpretation.

If we consider any activity or task, then we have; doer, the act of doing and the deed.

The experience of oneness of all these is considered the excellence or God! If the doer is alien from the act of doing and the deed, then he or she is not in the core of the deed and not one with God! He/she is in immersed in peripheral consideration; result; which is MAYA; a variable subjective phenomenon.

In other words; the “soul”, the “core” or the ultimate purpose of any work or task; is ISHWAR. The result and subjective perceptions about the result; are MAYA!

This is actually an art of making our “whole being”; selfless, objective and universally blossoming! Hence it is taught by most saints; to do NAMASMARAN during every action!

It is said; that as we grow further; NAMASMARAN becomes so intense; that we get connected with the NAMA i.e. ISHWAR and every act of ours; or actually our mere existence becomes the most blossoming activity; the true NISHKAMA KARMA.

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