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Sankalp means; a kind of combination; of motivation, purpose, plan, aspiration, desire, ambition, determination; which leads to a variety of activities in life.

Whether we wish or not; our sankalp goes on evolving from being the innate property of surviving and sustaining inside the uterus and after birth an instinct of breast feeding; to ultimately the urge to be free of sankalp!

The state of being free of sankalp is thus; being beyond; the physical, metabolic, endocrine, autonomic nervous, central nervous, psychological and social; existence.

Through some study and practice of NAMASMARAN (JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN i.e. remembering true self or God); and other means; we may be able to overcome our superficial sankalp (e.g. likes and dislikes, our prejudices and our preferences; or our friendship and enmity).

But it is the ultimate state of living beyond every kind of sankalp; even the sankalp of survival; which is where the sincere, intense and consistent practice of NAMASMARAN can take us! This is sacchidananda; the eternal abode of saints!

This is why; the saints are free from every kind of anxiety, worry, disgruntlement, depression, frustration, fear and so on; whereas; we; the students (or masters) of physiology, sociology, philosophy, stress management, counseling, psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry and so on; are miserably drowned in them!

Even a little bit of introspection can validate this point; and inspire us to practice NAMASMARAN; instead of continuing to harbor; condescending attitude and arrogance (of our positions, qualifications and jargon, by which we pitiably try to cover our weakness)!

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