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Sankalp means; a kind of combination; of motivation, purpose, plan, aspiration, desire, ambition, determination; which leads to a variety of activities in life.
Whether we wish or not; our sankalp goes on evolving from being the innate property of surviving and sustaining inside the uterus and after birth an instinct of breast feeding; to ultimately the urge to be free of sankalp!
The state of being free of sankalp is thus; being beyond the physical, metabolic, endocrine, autonomic nervous, central nervous, psychological and social existence.
Through some study and practice of NAMASMARAN (JAP, JAAP, JIKRA, SUMIRAN, SIMARAN i.e. remembering true self or God); and other means; we may be able to overcome our superficial sankalp (e.g. likes and dislikes, our prejudices and our preferences; or our friendship and enmity).
But it is the ultimate state of living beyond every kind of sankalp; even the sankalp of survival; which is where the sincere, intense and consistent practice of NAMASMARAN can take us! This is sacchidananda; the eternal abode of saints!
This is why; the saints are free from every kind of anxiety, worry, disgruntlement, depression, frustration, fear and so on; whereas; we; the students (or masters) of physiology, sociology, philosophy, stress management, counseling, psychology, clinical psychology, psychiatry and so on; are miserably drowned in them!
Even a little bit of introspection can validate this point and inspire us to practice NAMASMARAN; instead of continuing to harbor; condescending attitude and arrogance (of our positions, qualifications and jargons, by which we pitiably try to cover our weakness)!

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