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Student: Sir, what is your opinion about preaching?

Teacher: Nothing in particular! Why?

Student: Many people preach one thing and practice another! Is it not disservice to society?

Teacher: Look; there are thousands and thousands of varieties of people and accordingly there are that many activities; going on in society! Moreover these people and their activities keep on changing and their contexts also keep on changing! It is very difficult to judge what is right and what is wrong; as most often we are not aware of the background, cause –effect relationship and the interrelations amongst these activities and interactions!
What I have begun to realize; is that there is a time dependent expression of one’s inner characteristics; according to the past history, present circumstances, personal qualities, family culture; social environment and so on!

Student: What do you mean?

Teacher: What I mean is; in a given society; some people preach and some people listen. Some teach and some learn. Some perform and some watch. Some exploit and some get exploited. Some rule some and get ruled. Some commit crimes and some pass judgment. But I am not in a position to judge who is right and who is wrong!

Student: So you mean to say that preaching is also a function of several factors?

Teacher: Yes! Previously I used to be judgmental about everything including myself! Naturally; I used to search and usually come across some solution for whatever struck me as a problem! May be it was; like everything in nature; appropriate for that stage of my development; and in tune with the unfathomable and infinitely potent wisdom of nature!

But today; I realize that; every one’s actions like those of mine; are a function of several factors apart from those mentioned above; and it is erroneous to form opinions, be self righteous and/or be judgmental.

I can only say; that I have a hunch that NAMASMARAN is a key to individual and universal blossoming. But having said that; I also concede; that the very emergence, practice and globalization of NAMASMARAN; and hence the manifestation of individual and universal blossoming; are functions of the time i.e. the epoch in which we live, which in turn is a function of the cosmic wisdom!

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