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Fertility treatments and the chance of having multiple pregnancies
Assisted reproduction technology is a safe and effective way to build a family. Having a multiple birth (twins, triplets or more) is the single greatest health risk associated with assisted reproductive fertility treatment. Females are delaying their motherhood nowadays. The number of women giving birth after turning 40 has risen steadily in recent years, with multiple births most likely amongst the over-45s. As per the office of the National Statistics, the number of multiple births to women over 40 has risen sharply in the last 30 years. These change is because of the fact that more and more women are becoming carrier oriented, they want to be emotionally and financially strong, have not found their perfect partner or are facing treatments for cancer or ovarian failure.

The aging of the egg supply has a powerful effect on the chances that an assisted reproductive technology (ART) procedure will result in pregnancy and a healthy baby. Women aged 40 or older may face problems in conceiving for the first time or after their previous delivery. Obvious reason is the quality of the egg and the number of eggs. As women gets older the number and quality of egg cells that are produced by the ovaries declines. As women wait longer to have children, more couples have fertility problems due to declining egg quality, and other issues that are more common in older women. Many couples end up needing advanced treatments such as IVF, in vitro fertilization to overcome this age related decline. Age related infertility and difficulty in conceiving can cause great emotional distress to couples.

In Vitro Fertilization treatment an option Available for Age Related Fertility Problems

IVF comes to the rescue of infertile couples facing age related problems. Many fertility doctors recommend that women over about the age of 38 that are infertile should have aggressive fertility treatments and proceed to in vitro fertilization sooner before fertility potential in her is lost. Older women often prefer to move on to IVF after a few IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination)s have failed.
Age Limit for In Vitro Fertilization

All clinics have an upper age limit after which they will not do IVF with the woman's own eggs. Most IVF centers will attempt IVF using the female partner's eggs until about age 43-45. There is not a substantial decline in success by age of the recipient woman with donor egg IVF. Donor Egg IVF in women’s up to 48 years is successful.

To know more about impact of age on motherhood, age related infertility treatments and the possibility of multiple pregnancies and its side effects on mother read the whole article at

Assisted reproduction can only partly compensate for age and age-related decline in fertility, thus a good fertility education and monitoring program would facilitate the early referral of people seeking help to conceive to fertility specialists. Indira Infertility Clinic based in Udaipur and Pune has helped countless couples navigate the often complicated journey of infertility and ultimately realize their dream of parenthood. We provide a wide range of assisted reproduction services to help people build families, including drug treatments to induce or regulate ovulation, surgery to clear blocked tubes or remove fibroids from the uterus, intrauterine insemination, in vitro fertilization, technologies like egg retrieval that help people preserve their fertility and counseling for infertility treatment. The team of infertility specialist at Indira IVf including young talented and aspiring Gynaecologist, Sonologist, Embryologist and Clinical staff is highly trained in all aspects of Reproductive technology. Our team believes in providing fertility education to infertile couples before starting the treatment. We educate and inform all pregnant women and those planning pregnancy, regardless of age, about the treatment and pros and cons of delaying motherhood. Doctors at Indira IVf take care that patients receive optimal care and support and the appropriate medical attention required to meet any needs that arise from becoming a mother.

You can contact the team of doctors for any help in conceiving with the help of assisted reproductive technology especially in vitro fertilisation (IVF) at or at

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