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Fibromyalgia and it's relation between Sleep.
It is about my passion to find a cure for Musculoskeletal Disorders, like fibromyalgia, Myofascial pain syndrome, Thoracic outlet syndrome, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Cubital tunnel Syndrome, Upper Cross Syndrome, Lower Cross Syndrome and many more which is related to our posture and lifestyle .Some G.Ps are still failing to recognise,they still say fibromyalgia what? Some of then think it's a psychological As they do not know what we are talking about,some rheumatologist will diagnose fibromyalgia or RSI Problems and this type of Musculoskeletal Disorders but there is no cure.Meanwhile unborn babies will still have our pains , not live through proper childhood due to fatigue and pain and it seems no one cares.
Some conditions like pain full bladder syndrome, interstitial cystitis & making compression against Fibromyalgia because we think they share tremendous overlap.
Central sensitivity syndrome is a umbrella term . conditions like 1.Irritatable Bowl syndrome ( pain in the abdomen )
2.Intestisical cystitis (pain Bladder Syndrome ).
3.Temporo mandibular Disorders.
4.Temsion Headache.
5.Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ( Neuropathic pain condition affecting the extremities ).
All of this share very common characteristics with painfully body conditions, long standing female are more effected than male.sleep disturbance, G.I disturbance, Mood disturbances, chemical sensitivity syndrome,chronic fatigue syndrome. All of them put into umbrella -centre sensitivity syndrome. And we think they may share common etiology, Common mechanism with in the Central Nervous system & immune system. The way doctors have been approaching this disease in the past has not been working. So more and more this diseases get research and study together.we are just on grant now painful bladder syndrome, interstitial cystitis & making compression against this conditions becouse we think they share tremendous overlap.
Sleep is very important to us, There is four cycle of the sleep.In the body stage 3 and stage 4 is very much important in this type of Musculoskeletal Disorders .Disruption in stage 4 sleep (alpha wave disruption )responsible for muscle fatigue and pain. It has been documented in patient with this type of Musculoskeletal Disorders never get to the stage 4 sleep . It's like they are moving stage 1 to stage 3 then again went to stage 1 , stage 2 and stage 3.Its kind of they are subconsciously wake them up.what will happen -when they wake up in the morning, they feel they didn't sleep at all. Everything hurting,aching. Patient says that they didn't dream that much that means they are not getting stage 4 sleep.According to an Irish proverb "A good night sleep and A good lough are the two best cures in a doctor's book"
Contrary to belief , sleep is a period of intense activity during which the brain processes the days event and energy is restored to the body.Sleep is a combination of two system -sleep drive (like hunger)and a biological clock (example -jetlag)-that tells you when to sleep and when to get up .When both are working well together ,you sleep best.So as to promote a good night sleep, some basic recommendations include :-
1.Fix bed time and an awakening time.
2.Allow enough time to sleep.
3.Avoid a huge calories diet/heavy meal.
4 .Comfortable sleep atmosphere.
5 . Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercise may help relieve anxiety and reduce the muscle tension.
6.No TV or clock in the bed room .
7.Exercise at least 20 to 30 min.aerobic exercise is the single most effective way to get a deeper sleep.

Some time people ask is it genetic problem?
The answer is -it's complicated and still research is going on.
The genes themselves are playing a role in this type of Musculoskeletal Disorders. It may not be causing Fibromyalgia or Myofascial pain syndrome or RSI Problems but it may be setting is up for it. In other words COMT gene is involved with breaking down our catacolamine, the chemicals are involved in fighter fight response. It turns out this gene at certain location, it 158 location ,It has a substitution for one amino acid -valine for methyl .It's very common,it called single nucleotide polymorphism it basically means it's a substitution for amino acid in that gene.And it's very common in the socity and turns out with that genetic change that we all have -it helps to determine our sensitivity to pain.It may play a part of predispose towards Fibromyalgia,Myofascial pain syndrome, RSI ( Repetitive Strain Injury)
It's not that you come out the wombs with this genetic variant and you got this type of Musculoskeletal Disorders. But if you get a automobile accident or you got a viral syndrome -you are more likely than to get Fibromyalgia or RSI Problems as a consequences having that genetic variant.

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