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It happened about 15-20 years back when I was about 45. I had no practice of hiking and trekking. But I had ventured to climb Harishchandragad along with my students. Even though it took al most a whole day, I somehow managed to climb it.

But the next day; when I was climbing down a rock; steep like a wall; on the way; I started becoming nervous and diffident! In fact there was no support whatsoever; and hence it was frightening! Soon; at a certain point; my legs began to tremble!

The 4000 ft deep valley in front of me was staring at me; as if to swallow me! There was nobody to help! I could not ask anyone to give me a hand of help; as it would imply; that person committing suicide with me! In spite of being a person from modern medical profession and high tech society (which we are so proud about); there was no possibility of any help whatsoever! I was frozen with fear and developed cold feet! There was nothing to hold on to; physically as well as mentally! I was left completely helpless to do anything to save my life.

Being totally helpless; I was forced to prepare myself for death! I began to see that all my family and kin and kith were to be left behind and I was to be dissolved in nothingness! For me; everything seemed finished.

At this point; suddenly a thought sprang in my mind! (Now I realize that it originated from the eternal source of universe i.e. NAMA – Guru)! “Even if everything is perished, NAMA would not perish! It would continue to enliven the universe eternally!”

NAMASMARAN literally took charge of my being without any control mine; over it! Soon I did not realize; how like a waft of wind; I swiftly reached the bottom of the rock!

Was this my achievement? Was this my victory? Some may argue that this was will power! But frankly speaking; this “power of will” was not accessible to me at “my will”! I was miserably helpless!

In short; we call this “will” beyond our will; our Guru – the abstract abode of NAMA!

This incident highlights the supremacy of NAMA in universe and in our otherwise mortal and feeble life! This is an example of the victory (VIJAY) of the omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent NAMA; not different from Guru!

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