
Posted by Dr. Gaurang Joshi on Thursday, 22nd January 2009
Panchkarma Athrava Ayurveda has developed its own unique methods of PanchKarma to obtain maximum benefit from it. All the "KARMAS" (Steps of PanchKarma) are tested scientifically with the help of different techniques and methods.
PanchKarma is a part of the purification therapies of Ayurveda. "Panch" means five and "Karma" means action so literally translated, it is a set of five systematic actions used for Purification of the Body. It is used to bring the aggravated "Doshas" imbalance in balance and to flush out the accumulated "Ama" toxins from the body using the normal modes of eleminations like intestines, sweat glands and the urinary tract.
Elimination is a natural body instinct but over a period of time and in cases of dosha imbalance these wastes are not effectively eliminated from the body. Thises wastes tend to stick into the minute channels of the body known as the "Srotas" and start producing disease. PanchKarma is consisted to be the most radical way to cleanse the body and thereby eliminate, once and for all the disease cauing doshas and the toxins.
The treatment consists of following steps.
Snehan (Oleation Therapy)
Medicated oils and Ghee are used. According to Ayurveda the Ghee can travel between cells of body very easily. Once the Ghee reaches to fine space between cells, all the fat soluble impurities are dissolved in Ghee and finally the Ghee is thrown in to rectum by the body. The Ghee containing impurities is eliminated by Virechan(Purgation) Virechan is obtained by electro-balanced purgatives, so the balance of electrolytes is maintained in body in spite of induced diarrhea.
Swedan (Steam Bath)
The Steam of medicated water heops opening fine pores on skin allowing the natural excretion path and heat of steam dilates the blood vessels allowing more blood to pass through muscles which supplies more nourishment.
The five steps of PANCHKARMA
>> Vamana
Use of emetics-artificial womiting is induced using herbs like, strong teas of locorice, salt and calamus. It is usually indicated for people with disorders "Kapha"(Phlegm).
>> Virechan
Use of laxatives - A strong purgatives like senna or rhubarb is given. Atharva is performing virechan with help of electrolity balancing purgative preparation to eliminate toxins from the body without loosing electrolyte balance of body. It is normally used to dliminate high Pitta(fire) from its site in the small intestines.
>> Basti
Use of medicated enemas-cleaning enemas are priliminary used to dispel high vata(air) from the colon and to remove Doshas(impurities). At Atharva Basti is performed with air tight, use and throw enema bags.
>> Nasya
Nasal administration - medicinal oils or herbal mixtures are inhaled or poured in nose by drops. This stimulates the nerve ending of nasal cavities resulting in better blood circulation in the sinuses. It is also good for balancing the "Prana Vata".
>> Rakta Mokshana
Blood letting - useful in many cancer and chronic skin disorders.
Post PanchKarma Procedures
>> Samsarjan Karma
On completion of PanchKarma a special diet and instructions are prescribed form Athrava according to Prakruti (Constitution) and Life Style. This diet helps the person to fulfill his/her calories requirement along with maintaining Dosha according to Ayurveda.
>> Rasayan
Its is a special form of rejuvination therapy. This is best done after the PanchKarma. Special herbs are used to tone up the various systems of the body. The herbs are selected according to Prakruti and disease. The duration for Rasayan is decided by experienced physician at Atharva.
Associate Procedures of PanchKarma
>> General Massage
Massaging the whole body with suitable oil to improve circulation, re-vitalisation and for keeping good health and to prevent ageing.
>> Udvartanam
This massage stimulates hair follicals and subcutaneous fat tissue to brak down subcutaneous fat storage. It reduces blood cholesterol, obesity, skin problems, imparts mobility to the joints, strengthens muscles and refreshers the body. The most promising effect is the slimming of the body.
>> Kaya Seka
Pouring oil in a uniform way to improve general health, vigor vitality and to prevent ageing.
>> Shirodhara
Medicated Herbal oil is pouring on the fore head by special method. It rejuvenates and revitalizes the body and mind. This therapy relieves stress and strain related problems, slows the aging process,improves memory and is known to have a beneficial effect for paralysis and other neurological malfuntions.
>> Abhyanga
This is a special type of oil massage in which strokes are given according to the circulatory channels. This treatment is very useful for obesity, loss of skin texture, sleeplessness, fatigue, other vata predominant diseases etc.
>> Pizhichil
A variety of massage using Luke-Warm medicated oil poured form a certain height over the whole body. Effective in Prolapse Disc, Parkinsonsism, Paraplegia and similar conditions.
>> Kizhi
Leaves of medicinal plants or herbal powders are fried and into bolus in a cloth bag and applied for massage on the whole body for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteo Arthritis etc.
>> Navarakizhi
Rice with medicinal propery cooked with milk and herbal decoctions and made into bolus in cloth bag and used for massaging inconditions like muscular Atrophy. Hemiplegia, paraplegia and as a part of rejuvenation therapy.
>> Vasti
Medicated Enema is widely practiced in eradicationg Neurological disorders. Medicated oils of decoctions using herbs for the conditions selected. There are various forms of Enema-Shehavasthi, Kashayavasthi etc.
>> Ksheera
Inhalation of fumes prepared with milk and selected herbs in facial paralysis.
>> Dhooma
Dysphagia and other diseases of Ear, Nose and Throat.
>> Nasyam
Inhilation of drugs in the nose for neurological conditions.
>> Thakra Dhara
Medicated fat free curd is poured over the head and body for insomnia, neuralgia and skin diseases.
>> Kateevasthi
In this treatment medicated iol is kept in the round wall area prepared by special method on knee joint. It is specially used in knee join pain for soothing effect.
>> Tharpanam
Medicated oil and Ghee is retained in the eye for pathological conditions.
>> Thalopothicil
Scallp is covered with herbal paste, suitable for insomnia, depression, premature greying, baldness etc.
>> Upanaham
Local anti inflammatory therapy using herbal pastes.