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RID - Recession Induced Depression & Homeopathy
A new pandemic has crept into our society and friends its not the swine flu.....its something which no one seems to take notice of.It causes insomnia, anxiety,anorexia , guilt, envy, shame, headaches and in some grave cases even suicidal thoughts. Most of us might have experienced some form of this sickness atleast mild anxiety or insecurity. Ever wondered what is causing all this? No, its not some alien bacteria or virus............ the culprit is the 'R' word which has become a household name by now. Guessed it right its the RECESSION and I would call this spectrum of symptoms as Recession Induced Depression or in short 'RID'.


Daily news of people losing jobs has stirred anxiety and insecurity among many. The ones who have lost their jobs are facing pangs of guilt for not saving enough and shame for being jobless. There have been many suicides and a surge in crime rate following recession.


At this juncture HOMOEOPATHY comes to your rescue. Homoeopathy is a holistic treatment which believes in eliminating the disease from its roots. It has treated many psychological illnessess successfully.Homoeopathy has more than hundred drugs which act on the mental and emotional level and establishes a cure. A detailed case-taking is done by taking account of the patient's psychological state in comparision to his or her usual self.Recent changes in the general state of the patient like appetite, thirst, bowel movements, sleep,food cravings etc are take into account. Physical RID symptoms like headaches,chest pain etc are considered and a prescription is made.


• STOP WORRYING - Worry worsens symtoms and anyways tomorrow is not in our hands.
• SOCIALISING - Interact with near and dear ones and avoid the R word in your conversations.
• BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE - Believe in yourself is the mantra. A positive aura keeps negativity at bay.
• RELAXATION TECHNIQUES - Prayers,meditation and evening walks do help a lot in calming a hyper mind.

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