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Category : Ear, Nose & Throat
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Dr. Ameet Kishore Provides the treatment for Allergic Rhinitis In Children
Allergic Rhinitis In Children
Rhinitis is a reaction that can occur in the nose, eyes, and throat. Generally, this is caused when the person or child inhales an allergen through the mouth, nose or if the allergen comes in contact with the eyes. These allergens increase the release of histamine inside the body. As a result, there is a set of allergic reactions like itching, sneezing, swelling, and the building of fluids inside the fragile linings of the nose and eyelids. However, this is unusual, but children under the age of 2 years can get sensitized to the available indoor allergens (a substance that can cause allergy). Some of the most common indoor allergens are mites and pet danders. Sensitization to the outdoor allergens is more commonly seen in children older than five years.

So, What Is Allergic Rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis is the reaction that can occur in the eyes, throat and nose. It is caused by an allergy-causing agent known as allergens. Normally these allergens are harmless, but when children or people have an allergy to a particular allergen, the body thinks that this is a foreign particle and attacks them to kill them. For this body releases histamine. This histamine causes several reactions like itching and swelling of the affected part.

Causes Of Allergic Rhinitis
Generally, allergic rhinitis occurs when the child inhales something they are allergic to. It starts a set of chain reactions in the local part, particularly the nasal passage (nostrils). Some of the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis are:-

Pollens. Either they are from trees, grass or weeds.
Dust particles.
Waste of cockroaches.
Animal dander (a material that is shed from the body of humans and animals containing furs or hair)
House dust mites.
Mould (fungi).
What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis?
Each child may experience differentsymptoms. However, the most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are listed below.

Clear drainage from the nose
You may observe the presence of a bump at the back of your neck.
Itchy nose, throat, eyes, and ears
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
If the problem persists for longer than one year, the children might also experience some of the following symptoms.

Breathing through the mouth makes it difficult to breathe through the nose due to rhinitis.
Ear infections that come back again after treatment.
There will be a markedly decrease in the school performance of the child.

What Are At The Risk Of Having Allergic Rhinitis?
Children who are already suffering from other allergic diseases like asthma, food allergy, and eczema are more likely to get affected by allergic rhinitis. For example, among the children having asthma, about 8 out of every ten children also have allergic rhinitis. In addition, children whose parents have a history of allergic rhinitis are also at a higher risk of having allergic rhinitis.

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Best ENT & Cochlear Implant Doctor in Delhi - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Dr. Ameet Kishore - Best ENT Doctor in india
Dr (Prof) Ameet Kishore is a graduate of the AFMC (Pune) and was awarded the medal for ENT. He obtained his higher surgical training in ENT Surgery in the UK and attained Fellowships of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh as well as the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

He has received special training and experience in Microscopic Ear surgery, Neuro-Otology, Cochlear Implants, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and in Paediatric ENT at various centres in UK, Europe and USA.

He was trained at the National Centre for Cochlear Implantation (UK) since 1995 and thus has extensive experience in management of deafness and in cochlear implantation. He set up and is the lead surgeon for the cochlear and hearing implant programme (for children and adults) at Apollo Hospitals. He has over 1800 cochlear implant recipients in this programme.

His team is particularly experienced in management of complex cochlear situations and is the only active programme in North India for Auditory Brainstem Implantation.

This programme also provides Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA), Bonebridge and Vibrant Soundbridge middle ear implants as options for patients with hearing loss.

Dr Kishore has large experience in endoscopic nasal and sinus surgical procedures like Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and Balloon Sinuplasty. Also performs advanced endoscopic procedures such as orbital decompression, optic nerve decompression, dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), endoscopic closure of CSF leaks and endoscopic pituitary tumour surgery.

He was trained at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow in the Paediatric ENT, and is competent in the management of the child with common ENT problems as well as complex conditions that affect the paediatric ear, nose, throat and airway.

Is experienced in the management of conditions and lumps of the head and neck, salivary and thyroid gland. Well versed in microlaryngeal surgery and phonosurgical techniques for hoarseness.

He held the post of Consultant and Sr Lecturer at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary University Hospital for a number of years before returning to India, having spent over 15 years overseas.

His academic profile includes 6 book chapters, over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals and numerous presentations at National and International Conferences.

With over 25 years of ENT experience, he is Sr Consultant in ENT & Neurotology at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi and the Founder Director & Lead Consultant of Adventis ENT, Head Neck & Cochlear Implant Clincs.

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Cochlear Implant Surgery In India done by Dr. Ameet Kishore
What Are Cochlear Implants?
While the majority of people who suffer from hearing loss may be helped with hearing aids, for some, hearing aids do not provide the benefits they need. Why is this?

Simply stated, hearing aids only amplify sounds. For people with a moderate - to - profound hearing loss, even the most advanced hearing aids may not work because making sounds louder does not make them clearer.

You may be able to hear sound with hearing aids, but understanding speech and other sounds may still be very difficult. Using a hearing aid with a moderate - to - profound hearing loss can be likened to listening to a loud, badly tuned radio program. And in some cases hearing aids may not provide audibility. In such cases, a cochlear implant may be the best option.

What is a cochlear implant ?
A cochlear implant is an electronic device that can restore useful hearing and provide improved communication abilities for persons who have severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss (nerve deafness) and who cannot benefit from hearing aids.

How is an implant different from a hearing aid?
Cochlear implants differ from hearing aids in two important ways:

Hearing aids simply amplify sounds. A cochlear implant, on the other hand, transforms speech and other sounds into electrical energy that is used to stimulate the hearing nerve in the inner ear
Unlike most hearing aids, cochlear implants have both internal and external components. The implant system consists of an external speech processor and headset (worn behind the ear) and an internal, surgically implanted receiver/stimulator package with an electrode array.
A cochlear implant does the job of the hair cells in the inner ear. As a result it restores your ability to perceive and understand sound. Unlike a hearing aid, a cochlear implant doesn't make sounds louder. Rather, it bypasses the damaged part of the ear and stimulates the auditory (hearing) nerve directly. This provides a clearer understanding of sound and speech.

Working of a cochlear implant:
Sound is picked up by a microphone placed on the ear.
The microphone converts the sound into electrical energy. This electrical signal is transmitted through a cable to the speech processor.
The speech processor is an ear level device. It analyses and digitises the sound into coded signals. This coding is done by the processor depending on how it is programmed.
The coded signal from the speech processor is sent to the transmitting coil worn on the head. This coil is held in place with a magnet. The transmitting coil sends the coded signal across the skin via radio frequency link, to the receiver stimulator package.
The receiver- stimulator package is surgically fitted in the mastoid bone of the skull just behind the ear. The receiver stimulator package contains a magnet so that the transmitting coil and receiver are aligned with each other without any direct contact through the skin.
The signal from the receiver stimulator package is sent to the electrode array which has been surgically put into the scala tympani of the cochlea.
Stimulation of the electrode array leads to stimulation of the nerve endings in the cochlea. This results in a sensation of sound.

What Are The Benefits Of A Cochlear Implant System?
Hearing is the basis on which we learn to speak and communicate with our friends and families in schools and communities. Cochlear implant systems can offer a wide range of benefits including hearing speech, environmental sounds and music.

Nearly all cochlear implant users hear environmental sounds, keeping them in touch with their surroundings - including traffic, sirens, alarms etc.

Virtually all recipients hear speech sounds through their cochlear implant. It usually takes some time to begin to understand these sounds especially for children.

Learning to understand speech and speech in difficult situations allows many adults to return to work or to continue a career which was interrupted by hearing loss.

Hearing the speech of others as well as their own voice helps CI recipients to tune their speaking abilities. Recipient s report that improved speech skills can open up new social, educational and career opportunities.

Many people are able to use the CI system so effectively that they can understand speech without lip - reading and can have interactive conversations over standard and mobile phones.

Infants and children
Children born with a profound hearing loss who received a cochlear implant at a young age may learn to listen and speak, going on to obtain age appropriate language skills. Your child may be able to attend a mainstream school and enjoy success in further education, employment and community life.

Studies have shown that children implanted before the age of two achieved spoken language skills equal to, or closely ranked with their hearing peers.

For many adults, suffering a hearing loss is just part of getting older. While hearing aids can be effective, there may come a time when a hearing aid just isn't enough.

Talking on the phone, reading to your grandchildren and taking part in community activities or social events may once again be possible with a cochlear implant.

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Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in India Done by Dr. Ameet Kishore
Dizziness And Vertigo (Neuro-Otology) Treatment In India
Nowadays issues like Vertigo are very common. But these issues can cause you future problems if not treated well on in time. The condition of Vertigo can be compared to a sensation of movement or turning that is frequently depicted as unsteadiness. Individuals with vertigo feel as if they are turning or moving, or that the world is turning around them.

Epley’s manoeuvre
This is a repositioning manoeuvre used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertog (BPPV). This move is finished with the help of a specialist or physical advisor. A solitary 10-to 15-minute session, for the most part, is all that is required. At the point when your head is moved into various positions, the canaloliths ( crystals) bringing on vertigo will move openly and don't really bring about manifestations.

Intratympanic Therapy
Direct Injections into the ear via the ear drum are sometimes used to treat certain conditions casuing vertigo and in some types of sudden hearing loss. Gentamicin and steroids can be utilized intratympanically to treat Meniere's disease. This implies they are infused into the tympanum, or middle ear, through the ear drum. This is a minor procedure performed in the out patient. Gentamicin is utilized as a part of patients to stop assaults of vertigo. This can enable the end of enough vestibular cells to stop vertigo attacks without a critical change in hearing.

Endolymphatic sac decompression
This is an operation carried out on the inner ear to control vertigo in patients with Meniere’s disease who do not respond to medication or intratympanic therapy. This operation is implemented in patients with Meniere's ailment to stop or help control the vertigo attacks. It is the main surgery that may preventfurther episodes of vertigo but also keep up the leftover hearing at pre-agent levels. Thesurgeryis done under general anesthesia and takes 1-1.5 hours.

This is an operation on the inner ear to control intractable vertigo in patients with Meniere’s disease who have very poor residual hearing. The balance endorgan is removed completely and vertigo is controlled at the expense of hearing.

Vestibular nerve section
In this operation the balance nerve is divided while preserving the hearing nerve. This is used to treat intractable vertigo while preserving the hearing.

We have extremely particular and furnished facility for Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in India. It is the just one of its kind in India and with a broad range of contemporary indicative and restorative equipment and specialized techniques required for the management of dizziness and vertigo.

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Best Pediatric ent specialists in India - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Best ENT Doctor in India - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Dr (Prof) Ameet Kishore is a graduate of the AFMC (Pune) and was awarded the medal for ENT. He obtained his higher surgical training in ENT Surgery in the UK and attained Fellowships of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh as well as the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

He has received special training and experience in Microscopic Ear surgery, Neuro-Otology, Cochlear Implants, Endoscopic Sinus Surgery and in Paediatric ENT at various centres in UK, Europe and USA.

He was trained at the National Centre for Cochlear Implantation (UK) since 1995 and thus has extensive experience in management of deafness and in cochlear implantation. He set up and is the lead surgeon for the cochlear and hearing implant programme (for children and adults) at Apollo Hospitals. He has over 1800 cochlear implant recipients in this programme.

His team is particularly experienced in management of complex cochlear situations and is the only active programme in North India for Auditory Brainstem Implantation.

This programme also provides Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA), Bonebridge and Vibrant Soundbridge middle ear implants as options for patients with hearing loss.

Dr Kishore has large experience in endoscopic nasal and sinus surgical procedures like Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (FESS) and Balloon Sinuplasty. Also performs advanced endoscopic procedures such as orbital decompression, optic nerve decompression, dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR), endoscopic closure of CSF leaks and endoscopic pituitary tumour surgery.

He was trained at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow in the Paediatric ENT, and is competent in the management of the child with common ENT problems as well as complex conditions that affect the paediatric ear, nose, throat and airway.

Is experienced in the management of conditions and lumps of the head and neck, salivary and thyroid gland. Well versed in microlaryngeal surgery and phonosurgical techniques for hoarseness.

He held the post of Consultant and Sr Lecturer at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary University Hospital for a number of years before returning to India, having spent over 15 years overseas.

His academic profile includes 6 book chapters, over 30 articles in peer reviewed journals and numerous presentations at National and International Conferences.

With over 25 years of ENT experience, he is Sr Consultant in ENT & Neurotology at Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi and the Founder Director & Lead Consultant of Adventis ENT, Head Neck & Cochlear Implant Clincs.

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Dr. Ameet Kishore provides Hearing loss treatment in india
Hearing Loss
According to doctors, heredity and chronic exposure to loud noises are the main reason for loss of hearing in most people. Factors like excessive earwax may temporarily prevent ears from conducting sounds the way they should. Hearing loss cannot be reversed, but measures could be taken in order to improve hearing by getting expert advice. Hearing loss gradually occurs as people age.

The Signs and Symptoms of Hearing Loss
Hearing loss maybe caused due to many reasons. Trauma, accidents, certain sicknesses, birth defects etc may be the cause of hearing loss in certain people. In order to find out whether a person is suffering loss of hearing, you may have to sight these symptoms in them;

Muffling of speech and other sounds
Trouble in hearing consonants
Frequently complaining others of loud noise or requesting to speak softly
Difficulty in understanding words, background noise or when in crowds
Avoidance of some social settings
When you experience any of these above symptoms or when your loved ones have these qualities, immediate actions should be taken for treatments. At least expert advice should be considered before the problem worsens. Ignorance of such conditions may cause you regret and do more damage to your hearing.

Hearing Loss Treatment in India
Hearing Loss Treatment in India would be a best choice, this is because as we all know, India is the cheapest among most Western nations as well as Asian countries when it comes to healthcare facilities. India is also said to have the latest medical facilities and equipments needed for the new and improved procedures that are being used. Moreover, India offers large number of expert doctors and talented surgeons, who are well trained and experienced in certain fields. Hearing loss is a sickness commonly treated in India.

Indian hospitals and service sectors are the most convenient, especially for international patients. Their friendly staff and people make it easy for them to communicate and interact until the full recovery is achieved.

Hearing loss treatment in India is very much affordable than other countries. You could consult an expert for advice, do the surgery or receive the necessary treatments, get all the medications and still save enough money for travel and accommodation. While in other countries like US or UK or even other Asian countries, you would simply need a lump sum just for the surgery or consultation alone.

Hearing Loss treatments in India have large number of success results. Their latest procedures and expert treatments make it easy for patients and offer fast recovery as well. Since the Government is also very lenient when it comes to healthcare, most travelers benefit and travel in comfort without any hassle or issue.

In order to find out the best experts and the accurate hospital to receive hearing loss treatment in India, you could log in to the websites or communicate via social media and get your appointments fixed with the specialist that you think is suitable. Latest technologies have made it most convenient.

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Skull Base Surgery In India | Best ENT Surgeon In India - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Skull Base Surgery In India

What to expect from Skull Base Surgery in India?
The greater part of the tumors of the skull base may involve the sinuses or the ear or surrounding vascular structures. Modern Skull Base Surgery in India is carried out in association with ENT and Head Neck surgeon, Neurosurgeon, Vascular Surgeon, Interventional Radiologist.

Endoscopic Pituitary tumour removal
This is a minimially invasive surgical procedure carried out through the nose and sinuses using endoscopes, to treat and remove tumours of the pituitary gland of the brain. This is a procedure carried out jointly with the the Neurosurgeon. An insignificantly intrusive method, called endoscopic endonasal surgery, utilizes a little entry point at the back of the nasal cavity and causes little disturbance of the nasal tissues. The ENT specialist works through the nostrils with a minor camera and light called an endoscope. In both systems, openings are made in the sphenoid sinus, and sella to reach the pituitary. Once the pituitary is uncovered, the neurosurgeon expels the tumor.

Endoscopic CSF leak closure
If there is a hole in the bone and lining (dura) along the floor of the brain, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) can leak into the nose. A minimally invasive proceure can be performed through the nose to repair this hole, stop the leak and thus prevent infection. Normally performed under general anesthesia, a specialist will work endoscopically through the nose to recognize the break and repair it utilizing muscle and other tissue from the body. CSF leaksurgery does not include cutting through the skin, as it is performed totally through the nostrils. Most patients should remain in the hospital for one to three days after surgery. A few patients may require a lumbar drain that is removed before going home.

Endoscopic Orbit and Optic nerve decopression
An endoscopic procedure carreid out through the nose to decompress the eye ball or the optic (eye) nerve. This is sometimes required to reduce pressure on the eyeball or optic nerve and help treat certain types of visual loss. The objective of optic nerve decompression is to remove a bit of the hard optic channel, in this way removing pressure on the optic nerve. This method is finished with the utilization of endoscopes (little inflexible telescopes), enabling your specialist to experience the nose and sinuses to work in this sensitive surgery with no cuts to the face.

Microscopic Facial nerve decompression
The facial nerve that controls the muscles of the face travels through the ear bone. In certain types of facial paralysis, microscopic decompression of the facial nerve is performed to remove pressure on the nerve and allow recovery. By and large, facial nerve decompression is performed through the mastoid bone behind the ear. Bits of the bone are evacuated so that the compressed facial nerve can expandand the pressure that might bring about the loss offacial motionis removed. Contingent upon the individual case, the specialist may carry out the procedure through the middle cranial fossa technique or a mastoidectomy, or both.

Glomus tumour excision
These are slow growing benign vascular tumours of the ear and skull base. Of the various options available for their treatment, surgical removal may be one such. These operations are often carried out along with a Neurosurgeon. Fruitful removal of the tumor may likewise require delicateisolation of the tumor from the carotid supply route. This bit of the methodology is to a great degree sensitive and requires the nearby collaboration of the head and neck specialist, ear specialist and, now and again, vascular and neurosurgeons.

Acoustic Neuroma removal
These are slow growing benign tumours of the hearing and balance nerve. Of the various options available for their treatment, surgical removal may be one such. These operations are carried out along with a Neurosurgeon. A neurosurgeon or neuro-otologist can remove acoustic neuromas. The suboccipital approach is performed by a neurosurgeon and the translabyrinthine approach by the Neurotologist. Since every patient and every acoustic neuroma is unique, it is imperative to discuss the treatment that offers the full scope of alternatives, including surgery, radiation, and hearing and facial nerve preservation.

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Best ENT Doctor For Head and Neck Surgery In Delhi, India | Dr.(Prof.) Ameet Kishore
Head And Neck Surgery In India

An otolaryngologist-is a specialist of Head And Neck Surgery in India who has been licensed to give great therapeutic and surgical care of patients with maladies that influence the ears, the nose, the respiratory and upper digestive system, and related structures of the head and neck.

This is an operation that is used to remove part or all of the thyroid gland. A thyroidectomy may be required to treat a thyroid lump or tumour. In addition to malignancies, a thyroidectomy is additionally a practical choice for patients with symptomatic thyroid masses or goiters. Patients who have compressive manifestations including dysphagia, dyspnea, shortness of breath, as well as dryness because of a huge goiter may need a thyroidectomy.

A parotidectomy is an operation to remove part or all of the parotid salivary gland. The main purpose is to remove lumps or tumours arising fro the parotid gland. A superficial parotidectomy includes removing the greater part of the organ superficial to the facial nerve, while a partial superficialparotidectomy includes expelling just the bit of the organ encompassing a tumor or mass. In an incomplete superficial parotidectomy, just some branches of the facial nerve are monitored, while in a formal superficial parotidectomy, the whole cervicofacial and temporofacial divisions are traced.

Salivary gland stone removal
Stones may form in one or more of the salivary glands due to aggregation of salts in the saliva. Once large they can block the flow of saliva and thus cause enlargement of the gland or recurrent infections. Sometimes these stones can be removed directly, or with the help of an endoscope (Sialendsocoscopy).

Branchial cyst and fistula
A branchial cyst is a developmental anomaly resulting in the formation of a cyst in the side of the neck. Surgery may be required if it is very large or to prevent repeated infections. With surgical extraction, complete excision is targeted. Frequently however, the tracts of the cysts may go close vital structures, for example, the internal jugular vein, or facial nerve, making complete extraction unrealistic.

This is a procedure carried out to shrink and stiffen the soft palate using a radiofrequency device. It is carried out for the treatment of snoring where the soft palate vibration is contributing. Any individual with any level of a congenital fissure is a possibility for palatoplasty. The methodology is typically performed on newborn children. The perfect age for the patient is in the vicinity of six and twelve months of age. In the event that the surgery is done much past three years old, discourse improvement may not be ideal. 80% of the time, advancement of the sense of taste and discourse is typical after just a single procedure.

Tongue Base Reduction
This is a method of reducing the bulk of the tongue base using radiofrequency to treat snoring or obstrcutive sleep apnoea where collpase of the tongue base is contributing. The Tongue Base Reduction procedure is conducted by specialist to gain best results. The procedure is very simple and less time consuming.

Expert clinical analysisforms an important part of the treatment of Head And Neck Surgery in India. Our teams has the expertise for Surgical treatment or conservative management for ailments, neoplasms, disfigurements orinfections of the ears, the respiratory and upper digestive system, the face and the other head and neck structures.

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Paediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi, India Best Pediatric ENT Surgeon - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Children (Paediatric) ENT Doctors In Delhi
Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi are not easy to find. But with us, we ensure the quality treatment for your child's ear, nose, throat and hearing issues. Children ENT issues are now getting more complicated and require great expertise to achieve the best cure. Your search for Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi ends here as we have the state of the art medical facilities for youngsters and childs ENT & hearing disorders. You will be guided for the right treatment for your child after a complete examination.

Tonsillectomy is an operation done by Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi where the tonsils are removed. It is usually performed in someone who has recurrent sore throats due to tonsillitis or because they interfere with breathing and swallowing.

The adenoids are similar to the tonsils and are sited at the back of the nose. Adenoidectomy is an operation to remove the adenoids. They are removed because of recurrent colds, because they can interfere with breathing and sleep or because they can be a factor in persistent ear problems.

Myringotomy & Grommets (Ventilation tubes)
A myringotomy is a tiny incision made in the ear drum under a surgical microscope and a tiny tube called ventilation tube / grommet is placed in the hole to keep it open and allow air to reach the middle ear space.

This procedure is recommended by Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi when a person experiences repeated middle ear infection (acute otitis media) or has a hearing loss caused by the persistent presence of middle ear fluid (otitis media with effusion).

Laryngo- Tracheo - Bronchoscopy
Endoscopic evaluation of the larynx (voice box) , trachea ( main wind pipe) and bronchi ( lower airways). This is often required for the diagnosis and treatment of hoarseness, noisy breathing and breathing difficulty. This enables the Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi to look at the patient's airways for anomalies, foreign bodies, tumors, or inflammation. The development of bronchoscopes extends from inflexible metal tubes with appended lighting gadgets to adaptable optical fiber instruments with real-time video systems.

Laryngotracheal reconstruction
LTR are a set of operations designed to enlarge the child’s narrow airway by dividing the scarred areas and using cartilage grafts to widen the airway and thus improve the childs’s breathing. The tracheal narrowing can include a few sections of the air passages, might involve the voice box or tracheal rings, and can be either firm or delicate, circumferential or longitudinal, smooth or sporadic, developmental or acquired.

Neck mass excision
A lump in the neck may occur due to a number of causes. These may include lymph nodes, branchial cyst, thyroglossal cyst and other rare tumours. Most neck masses in kids are because of either inflammation or inborn issue. The treatment for most inherent neck masses is surgical extraction, and as a rule, surgery is a consistent treatment for masses that don't show response to medication.

Our successful background makes us count in the list of best Pediatric ENT Doctors In Delhi. We are happy to serve you with all possible assistance. Visit us for the queries related to hearing aids, hearing implants, and other surgical options. An appointment with Pediatric ENT Doctors in Delhi can save you and your child from future suffering as we are confident to help you with best possible care.

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Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in Delhi - Dr. Ameet Kishore
Dizziness And Vertigo (Neuro-Otology) Treatment In India
Nowadays issues like Vertigo are very common. But these issues can cause you future problems if not treated well on in time. The condition of Vertigo can be compared to a sensation of movement or turning that is frequently depicted as unsteadiness. Individuals with vertigo feel as if they are turning or moving, or that the world is turning around them.

Epley’s manoeuvre
This is a repositioning manoeuvre used to treat benign paroxysmal positional vertog (BPPV). This move is finished with the help of a specialist or physical advisor. A solitary 10-to 15-minute session, for the most part, is all that is required. At the point when your head is moved into various positions, the canaloliths ( crystals) bringing on vertigo will move openly and don't really bring about manifestations.

Intratympanic Therapy
Direct Injections into the ear via the ear drum are sometimes used to treat certain conditions casuing vertigo and in some types of sudden hearing loss. Gentamicin and steroids can be utilized intratympanically to treat Meniere's disease. This implies they are infused into the tympanum, or middle ear, through the ear drum. This is a minor procedure performed in the out patient. Gentamicin is utilized as a part of patients to stop assaults of vertigo. This can enable the end of enough vestibular cells to stop vertigo attacks without a critical change in hearing.

Endolymphatic sac decompression
This is an operation carried out on the inner ear to control vertigo in patients with Meniere’s disease who do not respond to medication or intratympanic therapy. This operation is implemented in patients with Meniere's ailment to stop or help control the vertigo attacks. It is the main surgery that may preventfurther episodes of vertigo but also keep up the leftover hearing at pre-agent levels. Thesurgeryis done under general anesthesia and takes 1-1.5 hours.

This is an operation on the inner ear to control intractable vertigo in patients with Meniere’s disease who have very poor residual hearing. The balance endorgan is removed completely and vertigo is controlled at the expense of hearing.

Vestibular nerve section
In this operation the balance nerve is divided while preserving the hearing nerve. This is used to treat intractable vertigo while preserving the hearing.

We have extremely particular and furnished facility for Dizziness and Vertigo Treatment in India. It is the just one of its kind in India and with a broad range of contemporary indicative and restorative equipment and specialized techniques required for the management of dizziness and vertigo.

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