
Posted by Dr. Ameet Kishore on Wednesday, 6th July 2022
Allergic Rhinitis In ChildrenOverview
Rhinitis is a reaction that can occur in the nose, eyes, and throat. Generally, this is caused when the person or child inhales an allergen through the mouth, nose or if the allergen comes in contact with the eyes. These allergens increase the release of histamine inside the body. As a result, there is a set of allergic reactions like itching, sneezing, swelling, and the building of fluids inside the fragile linings of the nose and eyelids. However, this is unusual, but children under the age of 2 years can get sensitized to the available indoor allergens (a substance that can cause allergy). Some of the most common indoor allergens are mites and pet danders. Sensitization to the outdoor allergens is more commonly seen in children older than five years.
So, What Is Allergic Rhinitis?
Allergic rhinitis is the reaction that can occur in the eyes, throat and nose. It is caused by an allergy-causing agent known as allergens. Normally these allergens are harmless, but when children or people have an allergy to a particular allergen, the body thinks that this is a foreign particle and attacks them to kill them. For this body releases histamine. This histamine causes several reactions like itching and swelling of the affected part.
Causes Of Allergic Rhinitis
Generally, allergic rhinitis occurs when the child inhales something they are allergic to. It starts a set of chain reactions in the local part, particularly the nasal passage (nostrils). Some of the most common reasons for allergic rhinitis are:-
Pollens. Either they are from trees, grass or weeds.
Dust particles.
Waste of cockroaches.
Animal dander (a material that is shed from the body of humans and animals containing furs or hair)
House dust mites.
Mould (fungi).
What Are The Symptoms Of Allergic Rhinitis?
Each child may experience differentsymptoms. However, the most common symptoms of allergic rhinitis are listed below.
Clear drainage from the nose
You may observe the presence of a bump at the back of your neck.
Itchy nose, throat, eyes, and ears
Stuffy nose
Runny nose
If the problem persists for longer than one year, the children might also experience some of the following symptoms.
Breathing through the mouth makes it difficult to breathe through the nose due to rhinitis.
Ear infections that come back again after treatment.
There will be a markedly decrease in the school performance of the child.
What Are At The Risk Of Having Allergic Rhinitis?
Children who are already suffering from other allergic diseases like asthma, food allergy, and eczema are more likely to get affected by allergic rhinitis. For example, among the children having asthma, about 8 out of every ten children also have allergic rhinitis. In addition, children whose parents have a history of allergic rhinitis are also at a higher risk of having allergic rhinitis.