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IVF for elderly women at Indira IVF, Udaipur
Women are born with all the eggs they will ever have. As a woman ages, her eggs age with her, diminish in quantity and quality. Age is the most important factor in female infertility. After puberty, female fertility increases and then decreases, with advanced maternal age causing an increased risk of female infertility. In humans, a woman's fertility peaks in the early and mid-20s, after which it starts to decline slowly, with a more dramatic drop at around 35. The relationship between age and female fertility is popularly referred to as a woman's "biological clock". However, the exact estimates of the chances of a woman to conceive after a certain age are not clear, and are subject to debate.

Late pregnancy is becoming more common in our society.

There are several reasons why many couples choose to have baby after establishing strong relationships and achieving financial stability. Also, a growing number of late and second marriages are playing a major role in delayed pregnancy. Wide availability of contraceptives adds to it. Furthermore, there may be a delay in the search for a suitable partner, or partner may have a health problem that should be solved first. The shift in motherhood period can be attributed to the current generation of women who are more career and education oriented. Most of them prefer to settle down with a family once they have secure job and financial stability.

Impact of age on female fertility:

In very few rare cases pregnancy in women aged 50 years and above is recorded naturally or with advanced fertility treatments, the fact remains that fertility decreases with age. Reduction occurs gradually throughout the woman’s reproductive life, and it becomes faster apparently over the age of 30 years and it accelerates between 35 and 40 years so that fertility to 45 years is very close to zero. Most women can conceive and give birth to a healthy child in due time with nature, but the number of women who will suffer from infertility, miscarriages, or the development of fetal abnormalities increases rapidly after a certain age.

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The risk of miscarriage also increases with age, that is, the risk of miscarriage at the age of 40-44 years is 35%. Moreover, mature maternal age is associated with increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities in children. Older women are also at risk of gynecological complications during pregnancy. From a purely biological perspective, it's best to try to start a family before you're 35 years old. Men can remain fertile for much longer than women. Even though male fertility also declines with age, it tends to happen gradually for men. The father’s age can also impact on chance of conception, time to pregnancy, risk of miscarriage and the health of the child.

Why does fertility decrease with age?

It’s well known that fertility in women reduces with age. It’s the egg, its quantity and quality reduces with aging in women.
Following contributes to the decrease in fertility in women.
1. The aging of the ovaries
2. Gynecological problems
3. Sexual function

Identification of infertility in older women

Read in detail about the influence of age on female fertility, its outcome and treatment options at

The treatment options for infertility in mature women

Assisted Reproductive Technologies play a major role in achieving parenthood for elderly women’s.

Ovarian hyperstimulation
In vitro fertilization (IVF):
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI):
Egg/Ooctye donation:

To improve the performance of IVF among older women, some clinics recommend assisted hatching, embryo transplant in the embryonic bladder, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and transplant of high quality embryos. The best option for elderly women is to use donor eggs from a young donor. The option of Embryo donation and the help of surrogate mothers using sperm of the biological father and donor eggs can also be considered.

In today’s lightning-fast lifestyle, where many couples are career-oriented and could barely manage spare time, the cases of infertility are on the rise due to excessive work-related stress, irregular eating habits and various other reasons. There are host of factors responsible for infertility. There are millions of couples who’re facing the prickly issue called infertility. Since almost three decades, Indira Infertility Clinic Specialists have helped infertile couples navigate smoothly through the often complicated process of infertility to the journey of parenthood. Indira IVF centre is the pioneer in providing affordable yet creditable infertility curation to the common people for the first time in India. We are armed with the state-of-the-art infrastructure, advanced equipments and a pool of renowned physicians. The service provided under one roof includes infertility workup, ICSI, IUI, In vitro fertilisation (IVF), Laser Assisted Hatching, Cryopreservation, Donor Program, Blastocyst Culture and Transfer, Pre Genetic Diagnosis and Screening (PGD and PGS), Sonography, Laproscopy & Hysteroscopy and Karyotyping and Chromosomal Disorders Screening.

For age related infertility information in men and women you can consult Indira Infertility Clinic Specialists at or seek an appointment at 0 766 500 9965 to speak to us.

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