Posted by Mrs. Mini Devassy on Thursday, 15th July 2010
Proteins are our only source of amino acids - compounds that form every aspect of the human body.The structure of protein is very complex. The proteins we eat in foods (such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, and soy) must be broken down by a number of protein enzymes, or proteases, that are made in the stomach and pancreas. These enzymes break down proteins into smaller molecules and finally into individual amino acids that are ready for absorption. However if we are stressed, eating unhealthy, or are deficient in the pancreatic enzyme, protease, the protein we consume will be poorly digested and not broken down into small enough units for absorption.Oversized protein molecules in the intestine can trigger the release of histamine and other inflammatory compounds.This can result in gas, bloating, belching,constipation, diarrhea, nausea, feeling of fullness for a long time after eating and INFLAMMATION.More problems arise if these oversized proteins are accidentally absorbed into the body, often called "leaky gut syndrome ".If poor protein digestion happens with every meal, inflammation can be triggered throughout the day, never allowing the inflammatory process to die down.Inflammed intestine allow poorly digested protein to pass into the bloodstream.Antibodies in the bloodstream identify these proteins as foreign invaders and alert the immune system to initiate an unneeded and unnecessary immune response against the body itself that has the potential to cause great harm.