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Helping asthma patients breathe easily with homoeopathy
If you or a family member has asthma, you know how frightening an asthma attack can be. Being diagnosed with asthma doesn’t mean an end to an active, healthy lifestyle. The truth is, although asthma is a serious and chronic illness, it’s also a very manageable one. “Asthma shouldn’t keep people from daily activities like taking the kids to the park, bringing the groceries up the stairs or walking at a shopping mall.” When you have asthma, the airways in your lungs, called bronchial tubes, become inflamed and swollen. These narrowed passageways cause coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Some people suffer only mild symptoms while others have such severe attacks, the results can be fatal. Unfortunately, adult asthma sometimes goes undiagnosed until an emergency arises. That’s because the symptoms of asthma can be easily confused with other illnesses, mainly respiratory infections, allergies and bronchitis. But any time you experience a cough that won’t go away, a cough that keeps you up at night, wheezing, tightness in the chest or shortness of breath, you should see a doctor. These are all possible symptoms of asthma. As far as what triggers an asthma episode or attack, the list of possibilities is long. Some of the most common asthma triggers are: colds and flu, cigarette smoke, air pollution, allergens (such as pollen, grasses, molds, dust), pet dander and saliva, changes in temperature or cold air, cockroach particles, exercise and physical activity, strong smells, such as fragrances, deodorizers, candles, paints, gas and propane. In orthodox system, there is no cure for asthma, but there are different types of medicines that will help to keep it under control and relieve symptoms, leaving aside lot of side effects. These are given in the form of various broncho – dilator medicines or in the form of anti – inflammatory steroids, which are only preventing medicines. Other type of medicine can be given in the form of tablets together with steroids. The very significance of the homoeopathy treatment is to ‘treat the patient as a whole’ or ‘patient as a person’ which is directed to heal the body – mind system from within. The constitutional treatment help the body’s own healing mechanism, enhances body’s self – recovery capacity hence leading to a long-term cure. Every patient of Asthma is evaluated as an individual case and treated as such. Therefore, APPLE CLINIC aims at not only relieving symptoms but at also re – integrating your life to normalcy.
Apple Clinic

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