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Breathing Techniques in Labor
Breathing Techniques: How to Practice

Throughout all practice, remember these points:
1. There is no required breathing strategy for each
phase of labor.
2. Slow-paced breathing is best for mother and baby.
Return to it whenever possible.
3. Use relaxation skills with all breathing techniques.

Phase I--Developing Breathing Awareness

· During relaxation practice, feel your breath in your
nose, mouth, throat' then shoulders, chest, abdomen,
and back.
· Note rise and fall of chest.
· Feel the pressure of your body against a chair, bed,
pillows, and other contact areas.
· Listen to the sounds made by your breath.
· Notice changes in your breathing as you vary
positions and activities.

Phase II--Mastering Slow-Paced Breathing

· Practice with the strategy most comfortable for you.
For example, "In, 2,3,4,5, out 2,3,4,5" or listen to your
breath go in and out.
· Mentally link the ideas "release tension" and "focus"
with the initial cleansing breath.
· Practice slow-paced breathing in different positions.

Note the different sensations as you vary your position.

Phase III--Developing Strategies for Slow-Paced Breathing;

Mastering Modified-Pace Breathing
Practice slow-paced breathing by yourself using different strategies. Examples:
· Visualize breathing in a continuous circle.
· Picture energy entering your body as you breathe in
and tension leaving as you breathe out.
· As you inhale and exhale, say phrases such as "I
can give birth," "energy in, pain out," "My breath is
· Rock or walk in rhythm to your breathing.
Practice slow-paced breathing with your partner's help. Examples:
· Imagine breathing into the parts of your body where
your partner places his hands.
· Have your partner stroke down your arms or legs as
you exhale.
· Begin to practice modified-paced breathing as taught
in class, using a strategy most comfortable for you.
Vary positions and note differences in sensations.

Phase IV--Developing Strategies for Modified-Paced Breathing
Experiment with one or two strategies using modified-paced breathing. Examples:
· Breathe quietly, listen to your breath move in and out.
· Say words in rhythm, like "health-y ba-by," "be calm,"
"in, 2,3, out, 2,3."
· Use music our counting while you breathe.
· Practice patterned-paced variation as learned in
· Practice with your partner, using gentle pressure
contractions rather than verbal cues.

Phase V--Mastering All Techniques
· Practice switching from one paced breathing
technique to another within the same pretend
· Vary the length and intensity of practice
· Practice for an early urge to push. Use a series of
light blows or a pattern of one breathe, one blow.

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