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Dry Eye Treatment In Ghatkopar by Dr. Jatin Ashar
Dry Eyes Treatment In Ghatkopar
A dry eye is an uncomfortable and painful condition. It can be understood as an inadequate production of tears leading to dryness of eyes. Dry eyes make you more susceptible to bacterial infections and trauma due to reduced lubrication over the cornea. As tear film is very thin, reading, writing and watching becomes very uncomfortable.

Role of tears
Blinking makes your eyes moist every time and keeps the corneal surface smooth and clean. Tear film contains a combination of oil, water and mucous. Outermost layer is made up of oil as it prevents tear from drying. Second layer (water) comes from lacrimal gland and made up of mostly water as main content. Water washes away any dirt and unwanted particles from the eye to keep it clean. Inner most layer is made up of mucus and formed in conjunctiva, due to this layer tears don’t stick to eyes. In general we see with any irritant, our eyes protective response is to produce tears but in few local and system medical conditions, tear formation is reduced and that hampers with the vision.

Why do I get dry eye condition?
We produce tears all the time, not only when we are emotional but with every blink. Dry eye can be because of various reasons:
Altered composition of tears or tears dry up too fast – imbalance is oil, water and mucous content may result in dry eyes.
Inflammation or trauma to the eye (lacrimal gland, conjunctiva) – dry eyes may result as a consequence to damaged tear producing apparatus.
Medical conditions for less production of tears – autoimmune diseases like lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, Parkinsons disease.
Vitamin A deficiency may result in poor eye health
Disease like diabetes or radiation exposure also affects eye status.
Hormonal imbalance like pregnancy or menopause also reduces tear production.
Drugs like Antihistamins, antidepressants may result in dry eyes.
Corneal nerve desensitivity caused by contact lens or nerve damage by laser eye surgery.
As an aging process.
Other medical conditions can lead to dry eyes, such as the following:
Keratoconjuctivitis - It refers to the inflammation of the surface of your eye, called the cornea or the conjunctiva

Keratitis is another condition that’s caused by irritation or swelling of your cornea when your eyes are dry for too long

Keratoconjuctivitis Sicca – This term is used to describe an autoimmune condition when you aren’t able to produce enough tears and develop an infection or inflammation.

How do I know that I have dry eyes condition?
Symptoms experienced by patients suffering from dry eyes are:

Fatigued and heavy eyes
Sore and itchy eyes
Burning and dryness sensation
Red eyes with blurred vision
Difficulty in wearing contact lenses
Difficulty in night driving
Sensitivity to light and stringy mucous around the eyes
Eyelids sticking together when waking up after sleep
Double vision
How diagnosis is made?
Ophthalmologist conducts a thorough eye examination and certain tests to reach to a final conclusion and design the treatment plan.

Detailed Medical and drug history of systemic diseases may help in diagnosis.
History of trauma and family occurrence can be related to present condition.
Schirmer test – this test is performed to see the volume of your tears, blotting strips of paper are placed under your lower eyelids. After five minutes your doctor measures the amount of strip soaked by your tears.
Phenol red thread test - In this test, a thread filled with pH-sensitive dye (tears change the dye color) is placed over the lower eyelid, wetted with tears for 15 seconds and then measured for tear volume.
Special dyes are used for your eye doctor to check the evaporation of your tears. As tear composition has oil content in it, so if it is reduced, it may lead to quick drying of your tears.
Tear osmolarity test can be done to measure the composition of particles and water in your tears.
Special Tear markers for dry eye disease like matrix metalloproteinase-9 or lactoferrin.
Often people with dry eyes experience poor quality of life as it’s very difficult for them to read, write or watch anything for long period of time. Tears serve as protective coating, without them you are prone to eye infections. If left untreated, dye eye may lead to damage to corneal surface and permanent vision impairment may happen in severe cases.

As an aging process, tears production will eventually go down, but still precautions may help to avoid dry eyes discomfort.

Add humidifier to your room in winters
At high altitudes or extreme winters, take care of your eyes as dry winds may be traumatic to your eyes and tear producing apparatus.
If you are a person spending more time on computer or phone, take short brakes during your tasks as your eyes get tired by long focus and radiation exposure.
Use sunglasses while going outdoors
Use of ointments instead of drops
Frequent washing of your eyes also serves a natural way for eye moisture and cleaning.
Mild soap use to reduce the irritation.
Important Reminder: This information is only intended to provide guidance, not a definitive medical advice. Please consult eye doctor about your specific condition. Only a trained, experienced board certified eye doctor can determine an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.

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