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Who can undergo Lasik Eye surgery? Lasik Surgery in Ghatkopar | mumbaieyecare
Lasik Surgery in Ghatkopar
A complete eye examination is done by your doctor to check for stability of your eyes. Medical history of medications like Prednisone, cardarone, Accutane and imitrax contradicts Lasik Eye Surgery. Some conditions having hormonal changes like pregnancy also makes your eyes measurements different.

Various tests are done to measure the curvature of the cornea, the size of the pupils in light and dark, the eyes' refractive error, and the thickness of the cornea (to make sure you will have enough corneal tissue left after surgery).

A written consent is taken before the procedure. This consent confirms that you know the procedure's risks, benefits, alternative options, and possible complications.

An ideal candidate for Lasik Eye Surgery would be 18 years and above, does not have any accompanying autoimmune diseases, no hormonal issues and free from eye diseases like Dye eye, Cataract or Glucoma.

The LASIK Procedure
Eye surgeon prepares you for surgery by applying anesthetic eye drops. Lasik Procedure does not need general anesthesia and is done under local anesthesia with mild sedation.

This corrective procedure is of 30-40 minutes duration and done in three steps.

About Dr.
Dr. Jatin Ashar

Eye Specialist In Ghatkopar East and West
Dr. Jatin Ashar
Director and Chief Operating Surgeon MD (AIIMS), DNB, FICO (UK), FAICO & a fellow of L V Prasad Eye Institute Cataract, Cornea and Refractive surgery specialist
Soft-spoken, compassionate and an intellectual man, Dr. Ashar trained at the prestigious ‘All India Institute of Medical Sciences’, New Delhi; one of Asia’s best! After his post-graduation, he completed his fellowship in Cornea and Anterior Segment from the world renowned L. V. Prasad Eye Institute. Later on, he was appointed as the main cornea consultant at the ‘New Tertiary Care Center’ at the same institute.

Dr. Jatin is one of the best eye doctors & eye surgeons in Ghatkopar, Mumbai area. He has expertise in performing complex cataract surgeries and also in phacoemulsification and bladeless cataract surgeries.

He has a vast experience in using multifocal lenses such as trifocal and bifocal lenses and also performed cataract surgeries in children at Mumbai eye care hospital in Ghatkopar.

Dr. Jatin specializes in cornea transplant surgeries and he has performed a very high number of cornea surgeries such as full-thickness cornea surgery or penetrating keratoplasty, layer by layer cornea transplants such as Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) and the latest type of cornea surgery that is sutureless cornea transplant or Descemet’s membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and launched state of the art eye clinic for cornea surgeries in Ghatkopar.

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Mumbai Eye Care Introduces A Simple Booking Feature To Manage A Schedule With Dr. Jatin Ashar
Eye Specialist in Ghatkopar - Dr. Jatin Ashar
Mumbai Eye Care introduces simple booking features on its official website. It helps patients to manage a schedule with eye specialist, Dr. Jatin Ashar for treatments and consultations.

Mumbai Eye Care, a reputable eye clinic in Ghatkopar introduces a simple booking feature on its official website. The idea of releasing this feature is to help patients to manage their eye treatments well. The CEO of the eye hospital stated, “Patients can go to the hospital according to the appointment and an exact date. It is more effective instead of going to the hospital over again. This feature is even helpful during the Coronavirus epidemic where people can’t meet face to face as before.”

Patients only have to visit the official website and click the book an appointment feature there. They can also choose to meet the eye specialist in Ghatkopar East or West. The feature also contains an online form that patients have to complete and submit. The CEO of the eye hospital added, “Our customer service takes action based on the explanation when a patient sends its appointment. Then, they will meet the specialist based on the case and the treatments they need. The process is straightforward and fast. The most important thing is that patients can go to the nearest hospital from their living area if it is necessary because of this feature.”

This feature is used for a variety of eye problems, including Lasik eye surgery, cataract surgery, retina surgery, corneal treatment, and many more. Patients need to explain their problems specifically to get the right specialist and treatments. The specialists and doctors can do a direct or online consultation based on the level of eye problem. One of the eye surgery patients explained, “Online appointments help us a lot. We don’t have to go to the hospital over again. It is effective for patients who are living far away from the hospital. They only go to the hospital when it is needed. We also get the right treatment because the eye specialist analyzes our problem first from the form.”

Mumbai Eye Care is also a place for those who need Lasik eye surgery in Ghatkopar. They can use this feature once they get what they want from this hospital—the earlier the eye treatment, the bigger the chance to cure the eye problem. The feature also includes the details of the hospitals, including the complete address, phone number, email, and working hours. The CEO of the eye hospital stated, “We hope that this feature and its facilities increase the comfort of our patients in getting the right eye treatment in India, especially in Ghatkopar.”

About Mumbai Eye Care
Mumbai Eye Care is a multi-specialty eye hospital in India. The eye specialists in this hospital are ready for Lasik surgery, dry eye treatment, cataract surgery, and many more. Patients can book an appointment online first before getting further treatment.

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Eye Blinking: When You Require Expert Care? | mumbaieyecare
Blinking of the eye is an involuntary act of the body. It means the body does it automatically. However,you can also blink your eyes whenever you want to. Eye blinking varies with the ages. A newborn only blinks two times in a minute while teen blinks 15 times in a minute. An adult blinks 14-17 times in a minute.

The rate of eye blinking can be either high or low. Increase in the rate of eye blinking may be caused by dust, smoke, bright light or a foreign particle in the eye. It results in eye irritation. Other conditions that cause increased blinking frequency are stress, fatigue or anxiety. Allergies, dry eyes and infections may also be the reasons for increased eye blinking.

What Is Eye Blinking?
Eye blinking is a process to refresh your eyes. It is a normal and physiologically important phenomenon of the body.Blinking provide lubrication to the eyes, protection from foreign particles and provide nutrition to the eyes. However, a condition in which an eye blinks more than its need is known as excessive eye blinking. Excessive eye blinking can be caused by several reasons like a problem on the eye surface. It might be irritating. Fortunately, most conditions causing excessive blinking are not threat to permanent loss of vision.

What Are The Causes Of Eye Blinking?
Blinking of the eye is a reflex. Excessive blinking occurs when the stimulation of reflex become increase due to interference of something. Eye blinking can cause by the following reasons

Ophthalmologic causes of excessive eye blinking

The causes may appear due to problem in the eyeball or other specific conditions. These are:

Wearing contact lens can be a reason for blinking eyes.
Dryness of eyes.
Exposure to Smoke, dust, or smog like irritants.
Corneal ulcer.
Blepharitis (It is a condition of inflammation of eyelids. It usually affects both eyes and the edged of the eyelids).
Conjunctivitis (it is the condition of inflammation of the eye surface).
Neurologic causes of excessive eye blinking

These are some severe neurologic disorders that can also cause excessive eye blinking. These are:

Blepharospasm (it is an abnormal condition of contraction in eyelid muscles).
Tourette’s syndrome
Parkinson syndrome
Multiple sclerosis
Wilson’s disease
Eye irritation

The irritation of the conjunctiva and cornea is generally a cause for eye blinking. Irritation may be due to the following reasons:

Dry eyes
Pink eyes (conjunctivitis)
Pollen, pollution, smoke and dust like eye irritants
Vision problems

There are various eye problems that may cause blinking of eyes. Some of these problems are myopia, presbyopia, and hyperopia.

Mental and physical health conditions

General health issues can cause excessive eye blinking. These are:

Is Eye Blinking A Serious Condition?
Excessive blinking can be a reason for irritation. However, the blinking of eyes can rarely cause any severe conditions. If it is a part of a neurological syndrome, it can cause other neurological symptoms. If excessive blinking becomes a routine, it can affect your quality of life. You can have trouble while driving. It sometimes takes a long time to recover from excessive blinking. The doctor usually determines and treat the underlying problem that causes blinking.

What Are The Options For Managing Eye Blinking?
The treatment of excessive blinking can be given according to the cause of eye blinking. Sometimes either eye blinking needs treatment or may go away without any treatment.

Eye irritation

Excessive blinking due to eye irritation can be resolve by avoiding pollution, dust and smoke. You can compress your eyes with a warm cloth. Over-the-counter eyes drops are also beneficial for allergies. Medicines such as antihistaminics can treat excessive blinking due to eye irritation.

General health

Blinking due to general health can be improved by the activities that make you feel calm and stress-free. Meditation can resolve most of the problems of the body. Regular therapies, enough sleep and eye exercises can help to treat this problem. Physical activity like yoga is also an effective method to resolve blinking problems.

Vision problems

A vision problem can be treated by wear prescribed glasses, vision therapy and eye surgeries.

Serious neurological disorders

To manage the problem due to neurological disorders, you need professional evaluation to create a proper treatment plan.

Home Remedies For Eye Blinking
Eye blinking is generally not a serious problem and may resolve itself by following certain precautions. You can prevent excessive eye blinking by:

Taking sufficient sleep
Applying a compress of warm cloth
Giving a gentle massage to your eyelids
Taking frequent breaks while working on computers or laptops
Generally, excessive blinking is not a serious issue. It can go away itself without any treatment. However, the symptoms caused by neurological disorders requires immediate medical intervention and may take time to resolve. It requires help of ophthalmologists to develop a proper treatment plan. You treat excessive blinking by avoiding stress, taking enough sleep and limit the intake of caffeine.

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Vision Problems In The Elderly | mumbaieyecare

The human eye is a specialized sensory organ. It captures and detects visual images. It carries visual informationto the brain. The human eye includes the cornea, pupil, lens, iris, retina, optic nerves, aqueous and vitreous humour & photoreceptors.

The eyes have several muscles that allow a person to look in different directions without any head movement. These muscles operate through various cranial nerves such as the abducens, the trochlear, and the oculomotor nerves.

Ageing is a slow and natural process that initiates in early adulthood. Many functions of the body gradually decline due to ageing. Increasing in age can lead to several changes in eyes and their vision. Eye problems are common during ageing. However, several measures help in maintaining the optimum health of the eyes.

Why are Seniors more sensitive to eye problems?
Changes that happen in old age are:

It becomes harder to focus on any object for longtime
It is difficult to see in dim light.
The lens becomes yellow or brown.
Eyes become dry due to less production of fluid
The number of nerve cells decreases.
The ageing process may also affect the production of tears. There is a decrease in tear production that is important to provide sufficient moisture to the eyes. Insufficiency in the amount of liquid may cause dry eyes.

In middle age, the lens of the eyes becomes less flexible. The thickness of the lenses reduces, and the ability to focus on a nearby object is also impaired. It is known as presbyopia.

Common eye problems in elderly
Increasing age interfere with several body functions. It may cause various eye problems. These are presbyopia, dry eyes, cataract, glaucoma, conjunctivitis, eyelid problems, and retinal disorders. Retinal disorders include age-related macular degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Retinopathy, and Retinal detachment.

Presbyopia: It is a condition in which the eye lens becomes less flexible, less thick & cause difficulty to focus on nearby objects.

Dry eyes: The condition occurs when tear production is less. It leads to severe dryness in the eyes.

Cataract: Human eye has lenses to focus on the object. These lenses made up of proteins. Protein molecules of the lenses form clusters and cause blurred vision. The condition is known as a cataract. A cataract develops in the elderly. Replacing lenses with artificial lenses is the cataract treatment.

Glaucoma: Glaucoma occurs when the pressure of fluid within the eyes increases. It can damage the optic nerve. Loss of vision is a slow process in glaucoma. The use of eye drops to treat glaucoma is effective, but sometimes eye surgery becomes necessary.

Retinal disorders: Retinal disorders become the reason behind most blindness cases in the present time. The retina is the back lining of the eyes having many cells responsible for the visualization of images. The cells also have the function is to transfer images to the brain. Retinal disorders interfere with the functioning of cells during the transfer of visuals to the brain.

Age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) :Macula is a central region of the retina having many light-sensitive cells. The function of the macula is facial recognition and reading. It may cause vision loss but does notresponsible for total blindness.
Diabetic retinopathy : It is a complication that occurs due to diabetes in which the supply of oxygen to the retina becomes impaired. It results in many vision problems.Laser treatment is usually a preferred treatment to prevent vision loss.
Conjunctivitis: The inflammation of the transparent covering of the eyeball is known as conjunctivitis. The eye appears pink in this condition. The doctor may prescribe antibiotics or antiallergics to manage the symptoms of this disease.

The elderly may prevent or delay the occurrence or slow down the eye problems through the following measures:

The routine ocular examination by a doctor
Treatment of many eye problems possible if they found early. You need to visit your ophthalmologist and test your eyesight for glaucoma or cataract.
People who have a family history of eye disease and diabetes need to examine pupil dilation at least once a year to prevent eye problems.
If you experience a sudden loss of vision, blurred vision, redness, swelling, teary eyes and pain, consult with an ophthalmologist.
Ocular diseases may occur at any age. However, the elderly are at increased risk for developing various eye diseases. It is due to ageing and reducing the functioning of several tissues. However, it is simple to maintain good eye health by regular eye examinations and keep your body healthy. Diet also plays a significant role in maintaining healthy eyes. Severe eye conditions may treat by surgeries.

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Is Cataract Surgery Safe To Do During Covid? | mumbaieyecare

In a cataract, the vision of the eyes become blurry due to the opacification of the lens. A cataract is a second major cause of visual impairment and preventable blindness. Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures to improve vision and prevent blindness across the world.

Average monthly cataract surgeries performed in India are over 5 lakhs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, sudden cancellation in surgical procedures has created significant backlogs in cataract surgery.

Does Cataract Surgery Had A Risk Of Covid-19 Exposure?
It is necessary to understand how the coronavirus can infect you. A virus can infect you in two ways. One way is by inhaling the aerosols produced during coughing or sneezing by an infected person. Another way of spreading the virus is when a person touches the nose, eyes or mouth with infected hands. Wearing masks, avoiding touching the face and practising hand hygiene can lower the risk of contracting COVID-19.

In cataract surgery, there is no or minimal aerosol production. The patient’s face is covered with a sterile drape during the surgery. Further, the surgeons take all the precautions as per the surgical protocol of COVID-19, such as wearing personal protective equipment. The surgery takes around 10-15 minutes, and thus, the exposure time to acquire infection is low. Hence, the risk of getting infected through the covid 19 viruses is less during surgery.

When To Have Cataract Surgery In Current Pandemic
A cataract is a progressive condition that means the clouding of your lens will increase over time. The surgery depends on the functional level of the lens. Unless the vision of the patients gets severely compromised, delaying surgery has no increment in risk. Your doctor will evaluate the condition of your lens in context with your risk that may occur due to your daily activities such as driving, reading and cooking.

The doctor will keep an eye on your complete vision examination and decide how much a surgeon can restore the vision by removing the cataract. In some cases, delaying the cataract may result in permanent blindness. Take the advice of an expert ophthalmologist in your area.

People can delay cataract surgery by wearing sunglasses to prevent eyes from ultraviolet rays. The patient should stop smoking and start consuming green vegetables, fruits and food that have antioxidant properties. A person should have controlled diabetes and Blood pressure. A regular eye examination can also help to avoid surgery during the covid 19 pandemics.

Measures To Follow While Taking Cataract Treatment
You should always follow the COVID-19 precautionary measures, i.e., at the doctor’s clinic and before and after the cataract surgery. You may also have the option for telemedicine to consult with your doctor.

At the doctor’s clinic

The patient should fix an appointment for a consultation to reduce the time for waiting. He should wear a mask and gloves to prevent physical contact to any surface in the clinic. The patient should use digital payment modes to avoid unnecessary physical contact. He should avoid talking to other patients. Reduce the baggage to the clinic prevents exposure to the infected surface. The patient should maintain social distancing while seated in the clinic. After surgery, the patient can consult with a professional through telemedicine to reduce the chance of getting infected.

Before and after the cataract surgery

The patient should wear a mask before entering the diagnostic room. He should use a hand sanitiser provided by the hospital. Its use is compulsory for both patient and health care worker. Only one patient should allow along with an attendee into the diagnostic room. Cleaning of all instruments in the diagnostic area is necessary before the surgery. The patient is advised not to touch any surface of the premises.

Option for telemedicine

Telemedicine is an excellent option to maintain social distancing and seeking advice from an ophthalmologist. It results in decreasing physical contact and reduces cross-infection among patients and health care personnel. It reduces unnecessary gatherings and reduces the risk of infection.

Cataract surgery is elective surgery. However, sometimes, the prolonged, untreated cataract may result in compromised vision. Cataract surgery, if done will all the COVID-19 safety protocols, is safe, and there are very minimal chances of spreading infection. Patients should consult over the phone with the ophthalmologist, whenever possible, to reduce the risk of COVID-19. Patient after cataract surgery should avoid contact with other people and minimize travel.

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Mumbai Eye Care Launches Cornea Surgery In Mumbai And Ghatkopar | mumbaieyecare
Mumbai Eye Care is ready with cornea surgery for patients in Mumbai and Ghatkopar. It helps to treat a variety of cornea problems.

Mumbai Eye Care, one of the multi-specialty eye hospitals in Mumbai, offers cornea surgery in Ghatkopar. The idea of launching a cornea surgery program is to help people in Ghatkopar or anyone who has a cornea problem. The hospital head explained, “Most people don’t realize that they are suffering from corneal diseases. They often only feel the symptoms, such as blurred vision, intense pain, double vision, and many more. The worst thing is that they solve this problem without any treatment. We hope that this program gives more access for people to know corneal diseases earlier and treat them properly.”

This cornea surgery procedure is for various diseases, including Dystrophy, corneal arcus, dry eyes, and keratoconus. Patients only have to schedule an appointment first before taking a cornea surgery procedure. They can call the phone numbers or directly visit the clinic. People can also download the brochure at the official website to know the programs they can take. The hospital head added, “The specialist will decide one of the cornea surgery procedures patients have to take. Nowadays, the cornea surgery in Mumbai consists of 3 different advanced treatments, which are laser treatment, Corneal transplant surgery, and artificial cornea.”

Dr. Jatin Ashar as a specialist in this hospital, will lead the surgery based on the patients’ medical history. The program’s goal is to ensure that people in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, and other areas get proper cornea medical treatments. They don’t have to go to other countries and spend a lot of money only to get cornea surgery. The hospital head stated, “We hope that finding a cornea specialist in Mumbai is not a problem anymore. Patients can consult their cornea and eye problems with us and find the most possible solutions. Besides offering a cornea specialist, our hospital also supports the cornea surgery program with the latest technology. The idea is to increase the curable and safety level during the surgery procedure.”

The hospital head also expects that this program helps treat specific cornea conditions, including eye allergies, keratitis, ocular herpes, herpes zoster, and many more. The better the treatment the patients get, the higher the chance of the patients having normal vision. Indeed, it also increases their quality of life because they can do their activities normally. On the other hand, cornea surgery prevents serious health problems because of improper medical treatments.

About Mumbai Eye Care:
Mumbai Eye Care is a multi-specialty eye hospital in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. Nowadays, this hospital is ready with cornea surgery procedures. This program helps to treat Dystrophy, corneal arcus, dry eyes, and keratoconus.

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Eyestrain Treatment at mumbaieyecare by Dr. Jatin Ashar

Eye strain is a very common condition caused when the eyes get tired after concentrating at any work for a long time. It is generally caused after a long time using computers, mobile phones, reading, driving, or any other activity that requires concentration. Although it is an uncomfortable eye condition, it is not serious most of the time. It can go away after some time of rest. Eye strain can be reduced by minimizing some activities and some lifestyle changes. In some of the conditions eye, strain can also work as an alarming sign for other eye conditions that may need treatment.

What Are The Causes Of The Eye Strain?
The most common and the biggest reason behind eye strain is mobile phones, computers, and other screen-based strains known as digital eye strain.

Other common causes of eye strain are:-

Having poor vision or the presence of other eye conditions like dry eyes.
Focus and concentration on a task for a long time, like driving and reading, may also result in eye strain.
Living in an environment having either too dim or too much light can also cause eye strain.
Some of the specific causes of eye strain are:-

Not maintaining a proper posture during working at the computer.
Not blinking sufficiently due to concentrated work. It is a fact that we blink less than average during working with focus and concentration.
You are holding your digital device too close to your eyes.
The brightness of the digital device is not maintained properly according to the requirement. The brightness of the screen should neither be too bright nor too dim.
What Are The Symptoms Of Eye Strain?
The signs and symptoms of the eye strain may include these:-

Sore eyes.
Dry eyes.
Tired eyes.
Blurred vision.
You may feel difficulty concentrating on everything.
Feeling of itching in eyes.
Watery eyes.
The eyes become more sensitive to light.
Feeling of soreness in shoulder and neck.
Burning sensation in eyes.
How Eye Strain Is Treated?
Generally, eye strain can be treated by bringing about changes to your lifestyle. Some people may need treatment for some other eye conditions. The doctor may prescribe eyeglasses also to treat the eye strain. These prescribed eyeglasses can be worn during working on computers and reading. The doctor may also recommend some eye drops and some eye ointments for getting relief from irritation and tiredness.

How Can We Prevent Eye Strain?
Some tips we should follow to prevent eye strain are:

Follow the 20-20-20 rule: eye strain is caused when you focus on a single work for a long time. For preventing eye strain, you should shift your focus from your work to something else after 20 minutes. The item you shifted your focus to should be at least 20 feet away from your eyes. You should divert your focus for at least 20 seconds. It is called the 20-20-20 rule.
Correct the position of your screen: another step to reduce the strain on your eyes is that your digital device should be kept at a proper distance and at a proper position from your eyes. the distance between the screen and your eyes should be at least equal to the length of your arm. In addition, the screen should be placed at the level of your eyes or slightly below the level of your eyes.
Use eye drops: When working on a computer for a long time then, the blinking process is slowed down during working hours, and as a result, this results in eye strain. Using an eye drop will relieve you from eye strain and tired eyes.
Wear proper eye protection: Using proper eyeglasses can help stop the harmful blue rays from entering your eyes.
Correct the lightening of your surrounding: The lightening of the environment you are working is very important. The light should not be either too bright or too dim. It should be according to the suitability of the eye such that it would not strain the eyes.

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Mumbai Eye Care Announces Complete Eye Care in Ghatkopar with an Senior Eye Specialist - Dr. Jatin Ashar
Best Eye Specialist in Ghatkopar
Mumbai Eye Care is an eye care clinic with the best eye specialist in India. The clinic provides complete eye care under one roof, including Cataract surgery and other eye treatments in Ghatkopar.

Mumbai Eye Care announces a complete eye care center under one roof in Ghatkopar, India. The clinic provides professional solutions for Cataract, Cornea, Oculoplastics, Lasik, Ocular Aesthetics, Pediatric Ophthalmology, Ocular Oncology, Glaucoma, Retina, and many more with eye specialist Dr. Jatin Ashar. Dr. Jatin Ashar is the best eye specialist in Ghatkopar. He specializes in performing Laser LASIK surgery, Pediatric Keratoplasties, and Lamellar Keratoplasty.

Mumbai Eye Care is an eye clinic and treatment center in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, India. The clinic provides the most advanced equipment and ambiance to deliver the best eye treatment and patient experience. Mumbai Eye Care is an eye treatment center in Ghatkopar with complete facilities such as well equipped examination rooms, joint-less operation theatres with epoxy flooring, a spacious waiting room, a garden lounge with a playing kid area, an Investigation area with complete ophthalmic diagnostic modalities, comfortable post-operative recovery ward, and many more.

Mumbai Eye Care spokesperson said, “We strive to provide the best eye health treatment provider in Ghatkopar by following our eye treatment with the International health Care Standard. We aim to become the leading International Eye Care provider in Ghatkopar.”

One of Dr. Jatin’s patients said, “I had come to the Eye Doctor In Ghatkopar. I chose Mumbai Eye Care for a routine evaluation check-up and was detected to have glaucoma in both eyes. With glaucoma in both eyes, I could not see with one eye completely. The clinic’s eye specialist, Dr. Jatin Ashar explained to me everything about glaucoma and gave me treatment. He has helped me save my other eye, which I would have lost if I had not taken the necessary treatment.”

About Mumbai Eye Care
Mumbai Eye Care is an International Standard Eye Care and Treatment Clinic in Ghatkopar. The clinic is a prominent and reliable eye care center and was established by an experienced eye doctor, Dr. Jatin Ashar. The clinic provides a wide range of eye treatments and surgery such as retina surgery, glaucoma, pediatric ophthalmology, and cataract surgery In Ghatkopar. The eye treatment and surgery in Mumbai Eye Care are handled and performed by a senior and experienced eye specialist, Dr. Jatin Ashar, and trained staff.

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Eye Blinking: When You Require Expert Care? - Mumbaieyecare
Blinking of the eye is an involuntary act of the body. It means the body does it automatically. However,you can also blink your eyes whenever you want to. Eye blinking varies with the ages. A newborn only blinks two times in a minute while teen blinks 15 times in a minute. An adult blinks 14-17 times in a minute.

The rate of eye blinking can be either high or low. Increase in the rate of eye blinking may be caused by dust, smoke, bright light or a foreign particle in the eye. It results in eye irritation. Other conditions that cause increased blinking frequency are stress, fatigue or anxiety. Allergies, dry eyes and infections may also be the reasons for increased eye blinking.

What Is Eye Blinking?
Eye blinking is a process to refresh your eyes. It is a normal and physiologically important phenomenon of the body.Blinking provide lubrication to the eyes, protection from foreign particles and provide nutrition to the eyes. However, a condition in which an eye blinks more than its need is known as excessive eye blinking. Excessive eye blinking can be caused by several reasons like a problem on the eye surface. It might be irritating. Fortunately, most conditions causing excessive blinking are not threat to permanent loss of vision.

What Are The Causes Of Eye Blinking?
Blinking of the eye is a reflex. Excessive blinking occurs when the stimulation of reflex become increase due to interference of something. Eye blinking can cause by the following reasons

Ophthalmologic causes of excessive eye blinking
The causes may appear due to problem in the eyeball or other specific conditions. These are:

Wearing contact lens can be a reason for blinking eyes.
Dryness of eyes.
Exposure to Smoke, dust, or smog like irritants.
Corneal ulcer.
Blepharitis (It is a condition of inflammation of eyelids. It usually affects both eyes and the edged of the eyelids).
Conjunctivitis (it is the condition of inflammation of the eye surface).
Neurologic causes of excessive eye blinking
These are some severe neurologic disorders that can also cause excessive eye blinking. These are:

Blepharospasm (it is an abnormal condition of contraction in eyelid muscles).
Tourette’s syndrome
Parkinson syndrome
Multiple sclerosis
Wilson’s disease
Eye irritation
The irritation of the conjunctiva and cornea is generally a cause for eye blinking. Irritation may be due to the following reasons:

Dry eyes
Pink eyes (conjunctivitis)
Pollen, pollution, smoke and dust like eye irritants
Vision problems
There are various eye problems that may cause blinking of eyes. Some of these problems are myopia, presbyopia, and hyperopia.

Mental and physical health conditions
General health issues can cause excessive eye blinking. These are:

Is Eye Blinking A Serious Condition?
Excessive blinking can be a reason for irritation. However, the blinking of eyes can rarely cause any severe conditions. If it is a part of a neurological syndrome, it can cause other neurological symptoms. If excessive blinking becomes a routine, it can affect your quality of life. You can have trouble while driving. It sometimes takes a long time to recover from excessive blinking. The doctor usually determines and treat the underlying problem that causes blinking.

What Are The Options For Managing Eye Blinking?
The treatment of excessive blinking can be given according to the cause of eye blinking. Sometimes either eye blinking needs treatment or may go away without any treatment.

Eye irritation
Excessive blinking due to eye irritation can be resolve by avoiding pollution, dust and smoke. You can compress your eyes with a warm cloth. Over-the-counter eyes drops are also beneficial for allergies. Medicines such as antihistaminics can treat excessive blinking due to eye irritation.

General health
Blinking due to general health can be improved by the activities that make you feel calm and stress-free. Meditation can resolve most of the problems of the body. Regular therapies, enough sleep and eye exercises can help to treat this problem. Physical activity like yoga is also an effective method to resolve blinking problems.

Vision problems
A vision problem can be treated by wear prescribed glasses, vision therapy and eye surgeries.

Serious neurological disorders
To manage the problem due to neurological disorders, you need professional evaluation to create a proper treatment plan.

Home Remedies For Eye Blinking
Eye blinking is generally not a serious problem and may resolve itself by following certain precautions. You can prevent excessive eye blinking by:

Taking sufficient sleep
Applying a compress of warm cloth
Giving a gentle massage to your eyelids
Taking frequent breaks while working on computers or laptops
Generally, excessive blinking is not a serious issue. It can go away itself without any treatment. However, the symptoms caused by neurological disorders requires immediate medical intervention and may take time to resolve. It requires help of ophthalmologists to develop a proper treatment plan. You treat excessive blinking by avoiding stress, taking enough sleep and limit the intake of caffeine.

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Mumbai Eye Care Launches Cornea Surgery In Mumbai And Ghatkopar - Dr. Jatin Ashar
Cornea Surgery in Ghatkopar
Mumbai Eye Care is ready with cornea surgery for patients in Mumbai and Ghatkopar. It helps to treat a variety of cornea problems.

Mumbai Eye Care, one of the multi-specialty eye hospitals in Mumbai, offers cornea surgery in Ghatkopar. The idea of launching a cornea surgery program is to help people in Ghatkopar or anyone who has a cornea problem. The hospital head explained, “Most people don’t realize that they are suffering from corneal diseases. They often only feel the symptoms, such as blurred vision, intense pain, double vision, and many more. The worst thing is that they solve this problem without any treatment. We hope that this program gives more access for people to know corneal diseases earlier and treat them properly.”

This cornea surgery procedure is for various diseases, including Dystrophy, corneal arcus, dry eyes, and keratoconus. Patients only have to schedule an appointment first before taking a cornea surgery procedure. They can call the phone numbers or directly visit the clinic. People can also download the brochure at the official website to know the programs they can take. The hospital head added, “The specialist will decide one of the cornea surgery procedures patients have to take. Nowadays, the cornea surgery in Mumbai consists of 3 different advanced treatments, which are laser treatment, Corneal transplant surgery, and artificial cornea.”

Dr. Jatin Ashar as a specialist in this hospital, will lead the surgery based on the patients’ medical history. The program’s goal is to ensure that people in Ghatkopar, Mumbai, and other areas get proper cornea medical treatments. They don’t have to go to other countries and spend a lot of money only to get cornea surgery. The hospital head stated, “We hope that finding a cornea specialist in Mumbai is not a problem anymore. Patients can consult their cornea and eye problems with us and find the most possible solutions. Besides offering a cornea specialist, our hospital also supports the cornea surgery program with the latest technology. The idea is to increase the curable and safety level during the surgery procedure.”

The hospital head also expects that this program helps treat specific cornea conditions, including eye allergies, keratitis, ocular herpes, herpes zoster, and many more. The better the treatment the patients get, the higher the chance of the patients having normal vision. Indeed, it also increases their quality of life because they can do their activities normally. On the other hand, cornea surgery prevents serious health problems because of improper medical treatments.

About Mumbai Eye Care:
Mumbai Eye Care is a multi-specialty eye hospital in Ghatkopar, Mumbai. Nowadays, this hospital is ready with cornea surgery procedures. This program helps to treat Dystrophy, corneal arcus, dry eyes, and keratoconus.

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