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central serous retinopathy
In today's busy and stressful life, number of new diseases are coming up which are actually modifiable. Common person can never think of losing their vision because of there stressed life which they think is a part of life.
One such disease is Central Serous Retinopathy. In this disease fluid ( subretinal fluid) gets accumulated between sensory retina and retinal pigment epithelium. It is seen more commonly in males but doesnt mean females are less involved. There
are known factors which predispose the patients for this disease like hypertension, type A personality, use of steroids in any form. Endogenous steroids and increasd sympathetic activity are also contributory.
My purpose of writing this article is not to tell about the dsease per se as information regarding CSR can be retrived from multiple sources, but to make people aware about the small modifications in life which can help to decrease recurrence thus increasing the possibility of retaining good vision.
Just telling the patient to avoid sress doesnt finish our duty towards patient . Patient actually doesnt know what to do and how to do, so he/she ends up doing nothing . The whole purpose of our examining patient finishes. The best part of CSR is it is self resolving, so ask patient to relax by going for morning walk , doing meditation , reading books( whether religious or whatever he likes), listening to music, playing games , drawing, may be shopping....
I jst talked about this to a sister in the hospital what would you do relax yourself if you get full one week leave( which is no doubt unthinkable in our set up), her reply was,I will sleep, and go for shopping because then I have to join back. That means people are more worried about futur and dont live and enjoy present. Maximum of patients of CSR wich we see has stress has the precipitating factor and no other factors mentioned above.
Believe me this is the only disease where you can control your vision with a smile on your face. Always remember to avoid-HURRY, WORRY and CURRY.....

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