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Dear Sir/Madam

PHOENIX HOSPITAL & DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE, SCO 8, SECTOR 16, PANCHKULA hARYANA 134109 is launching a new concept and we are pretty sure you would agree, appreciate & participate that no doubt the marriage is settled in heaven & celebrated on earth, nevertheless, the health of would be couple is most important than comparing the horoscope of girl & boy. The horoscope is not going to give the details of health part of each person.

In present time & changing scenario knowing actual health details would be most satisfying & tension free at the time of wedding both for the girl’s as well as boy’s family.

Won’t you agree that just by comparing the compatibility of horoscope of both the boy and girl & thereby knowing their Gunas / Doshas does not in anyway solve the purpose except finding little solace and leaving rest in the hands of God? Such kind of compatibility does not give any kind of details of the diseases like HIV, VDRL, TB and Cardiac Problems etc. etc.

It is in the mutual interest of boy or girl and their families to know prior to nuptial knot the health picture which sometime later leads to unsavory situation and many a times divorce. By this even if need be congenital abnormality / chromosomal defects type diseases could also be known.

Therefore, PHOENIX HOSPITAL is launching


‘Please visit for free consultation & counseling’
*Conditions apply
*Charges as applicable


Dr T M Aggrwal
Ph: 0172-5054321, 5011333

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