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DHARMA embodies a transtemporal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent super conscious phenomenon; of uniting and harmonizing the universe; and its knowledge, realization and consequent intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical behavior; by people; leading to mutual blossoming into cosmic consciousness.

DHARMA is neither religion nor science. It is not non religion and not non science. However; it embodies and encompasses science and religion! DHARMA incorporates not only mankind belonging to different religions and regions; but whole universe and its inmates! DHARMA is blossoming of living beings beyond their subjectivity; into objectivity; for individual and universal blossoming!

ADHARMA is the opposite. It is full of subjective, superficial, petty, mean and disruptive; thinking, feelings and actions.

The proportion of manifestation of DHARMA and ADHARMA keep varying from time to time. When more people become increasingly aware of super conscious uniting phenomenon uniting their hearts with the hearts of the rest, then the proportion of DHARMA becomes more and ADHRAMA becomes less.

When more people consciously or unconsciously function according to DHARMA; (individual and universal blossoming) right from the birth to death, in every season, through out 24 hours and in any corner of the world; the DHARMA becomes prevalent.

SATVA GUNA propels people to yearn for understanding and realizing the DHARMA and deal every problem in a holistic fashion. Holistic vision brings about blossoming of all activities; into DHARMA i.e. the supreme experience of the innate universal unity and harmony, by inmates of the universe.

The RAJOGUNA leads to lopsided, analytical and reductionist thinking bereft of holistic perspective. This thinking; leads to a kind of animosity between; the theist, atheist, spiritual, material; and different ideologies and different religions. The thinking in one way, feeling in another way and yearning through passions in yet another way! This is precisely the cause of chaos in the global and individual life.

TAMOGUNA leads to prevalence of dark forces of fanaticism, bigotry, lethargy, adamancy, indiscriminate hatred, malice, viciousness; and coercive, cruel and indiscriminate violence to impose their opinions, whims, fancies; under guise of religion, philosophy or ideology; on others!

Preponderance of RAJO GUNA and TAMO GUNA promote the ADHARMA.

The immortal gurus say that; NAMASMARAN, i.e. JAAP, JAP, KIKRA i.e. remembering one’s true self; lets us identify and gradually blossom at individual and global levels; and experience the innate universal unity and harmony; and conquer the ADHARMA. One may; if one chooses to; grab the golden chance; and verify this statement.

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One of the causes of STRESS; is speech, for one who uses it; whom it is addressed to; and with whom it is shared! Thus inadvertent use of words; their quantity, frequency, tone, pitch, loudness, expressions, in our speech (talk, letters, articles, books, mails, SMS etc) can cause widespread STRESS! But is also true that appropriate speech can mange stress and heal ourselves; and others!

Total Stress Management includes appropriate comprehension and expression of written, spoken and even unspoken communication in any form, which has healing and rejuvenating characteristics!

It is interesting to see how speech reflects the mind of a person and in turn how speech can influence us; beneficially or detrimentally!

One of the shlokas (verses in Sanskrut) says;

It is because of diseased mind with utmost lowliness and jealousy that the speech becomes scalding with no concern whatsoever for about the welfare or otherwise of the listener.

In other words; this implies that; if we mismanage STRESS, because of lack of training and practice of Total Stress Management; then our talk reflects and perpetuates STRESS!

In Geeta it is said,
GEETA 17.15

Speech which does not humiliate and thereby hurt the listener; and is true, pleasant and beneficial; is really the product of penance involving the entire exercise and training of the neurophysiological and neuromuscular processes of speech and articulation respectively.

There is another shloka; which advocates silence during certain physiological acts.
During defecation, urination, removal of secretions (dirt) of nose, skin, ear and eyes; during sexual intercourse, during bleeding, during cleaning of teeth, during SHRAADDHA (ritual performed to commemorate and pay homage to the forefathers, on the occasion their death anniversary); and while eating food one should observe silence i.e. speechlessness.

Plausible explanation:
During defecation usually there is breath holding and contraction of abdominal muscles. This is essential for building adequate pressure in the abdomen so as to move the feces towards anus. Due to talking the breath holding ceases and the abdominal muscles also relax and distraction is caused creating difficulty in defecation.

Urination also involves increase in pressure in the abdomen and also in the urinary bladder. Talking can alter these pressures and hence the urinary flow can be disturbed.

When we are removing the secretions from nose [respiratory secretions], skin, ears and eyes we should be careful to remove the dirt carefully so as to avoid trauma to theses structures

In general, all the excretory processes, viz. defecation, urination, respiratory secretions, sweating, secretions in the ear and eye involve autonomic nervous activity linked with reticular formation in the brain. Talking can alter respiration, activity of reticular formation, and activity of mind, autonomic nervous activity, endocrine and metabolic activity and also the excretory activity.

Sexual intercourse invariably involves autonomic activity and hence it is strongly recommended that silence is observed during sexual intercourse. It is important because the intensity of the emotional integration and depth of ecstasy are apparently hindered due to talking during sexual intercourse.

Bleeding can either be physiological bleeding as in case of menstrual bleeding or trauma (injury).

The process of bleeding and arrest of bleeding are tremendously influenced by cardiovascular activity, which in turn is influenced by autonomic nervous activity. Hence talking that disturbs autonomic activity is recommended to be avoided.

During cleaning of the teeth there is a prayerful attitude with respect to the plants or herbs used in the process. So talking is avoided. But from practical point of view, talking during cleaning of teeth and gums can cause inadvertent biting of fingers or injury to the oral cavity.

During SHRAADDHA silence is probably advised solely for maintaining pious atmosphere, which is understandable.

During eating the silence advised to avoid vulgar and even mundane thoughts being articulated [thereby hindering the sanctity of the eating] on the one hand and to avoid accidental regurgitation of food in the trachea on the other.

It can be seen how thoughtful our ancestors were; with respect to understanding of life! It has to be appreciated these are relatively superficial aspects of keeping silence. There may be more explanations as well.

Learning to keep silence in terms of avoiding talk is a very preliminary process of achieving real silence, which is called KARMANI AKARMA in Geeta [4.18], and which is full of peace and activity. It is very real and deepest personal experience; and also the cosmic phenomenon that links one with the universe.
GEETA 17.16

Inner harmony associated with vocal silence; that emanates life-giving joy; is indicator of inner purification or evolution and referred to as MANASAM TAPA.

If we keep quiet for sometime, then we can easily observe the turbulence of thoughts, which keep on crowding our minds. This observation tells us that the thoughts are neither our creation nor are restricted to our body. They are the results of the interactions between cosmos and us and illustrate the continuity between an individual and the universe.

Keeping silence has a humorous and practical implication also.
Inappropriate (too long, too harsh, stupid, meaningless, too enticing) speech is a cause of slavery, imprisonment or other type of losses. Ability to remain silent is extremely beneficial. This is clear from the examples of SAARIKA and parrot that are caught and kept in cage whereas crane is left free! Hence while negotiating in business or in politics or even playing cards, silence can play a pivotal role!

Thus; Total Stress Management; involves; not only what, how to, how much, when, with whom, why and where to talk but also when NOT to talk!

Let us appreciate that; the nature of our speech as well as our response to others’ speech; is determined by; how well; the holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and actions are effectively implemented in our social and personal life!

NAMASMARAN is advised by immortal souls for millennia and is an integral core of Total Stress Management. But it better not to believe or disbelieve casually and/or blindly; in anything written here; but verify it by study and practice.

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The problem is; lack of proper

Functional connection between metabolism, hormones, autonomic nervous system and central nervous system

Functional connection between instincts, emotions, intelligence and vision i.e. lower and higher self

Functional connection between right and left brain i.e. intuition and rationality; and art and science

Functional connection between masculinity and femininity

Functional connection between experiences (BHOGA) and enlightenment (MOKSHA)

Functional connection between individual, family, society, mankind and all living beings

Functional connection between inside and outside

Functional connection between individual self and universal self

Functional connection between matter, energy, space, time (past and future) and consciousness

Functional connection between us and NAMA (NAME OF GOD i.e. TRUTH or BRAHMA)

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Technology has made many things, thought to be impossible in the past, easily possible!

In common language these technological feats could be conceived and appreciated as extraordinary achievements. In spiritual tradition such achievements (though through different means and ways); are called SIDDHIS.

ADWAITA philosophy refers to the internal and external universe as MAYA or MITHYA, to indicate and convey its changing, fleeting and hence deceptive nature. I conceive MAYA as a relative reality; as distinguished from the absolute reality.

Technology validates this perspective in many ways.

It is through technology (modern siddhis) that we realize; that; what we see in the immediate vicinity with naked eyes is only apparent; and not ‘real’; whereas; the ‘reality’ of electromagnetic radiations and microbes is not ‘apparent’!

The transmission of news on the news channels of electronic media; validates with great impact; that every situation, every celebrity, every success or failure and every moment; are ephemeral, transient and fleeting!

The internet highlights the ‘reality’ not appreciable to otherwise intelligent mind; that millions of people are reading and thinking about what is uploaded; and millions of people are engaged in different activities; beneficial or harmful to mankind.

It is however necessary to appreciate; that whatever is ‘apparent’ through technology is also fleeting and superficial; and not “real”! It is also relative; and not absolute reality! In fact, technology can produce; illusions, delusions, hallucinations; and paranoid behavior. This is evident in; the larger than life movies, serials, reality shows and advertisements.

The technological feats (siddhis) thus can unveil the MAYA on the one hand and create far more illusory, deceptive and destructive “replications of MAYA” or “MAYA of MAYA” on the other!

What is absolute?

The immortality is absolute! The experience; of immortality, or of being immortal; of saints; is absolute; and hence many of us have experienced the immortality of saints (Biography of Shri Brahmachaitanya Maharaj Gondavlekar by Shri K. V. Belsare). The way to this “absolute”; according to the immortal saints; is NAMASMARAN! We should not believe (or disbelieve) blindly; but verify this by study, discussion, contemplation and most importantly, the practice!

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One of the most natural, inborn, inevitable, inseparable and essential properties or qualities of living beings; is communication in different forms!

The communication goes on amongst us, amongst birds, amongst animals, amongst plants, amongst organs and tissues in the body, amongst cells and amongst molecules. Many modes of communication such as those operating during sleep, during dreams, during pregnancy, amongst us, different animals and plants are not completely understood by us.

As and when we get the intense urge to share our desires, passions, needs, feelings, thoughts, imaginations, intuitions, dreams and convictions; we are motivated; to talk, sing, dance, write, paint etc.

The activity of sharing becomes a pleasurable lifeline, when the relevant issue is relatively uncomplicated such as; food, sex, traveling; love, care, money, power, publicity, anger, revenge, insecurity or tensions; and their escapist stress management or stress relaxation.

One can get gratification from such sharing, though it fades in the course of time; and one is left to merely bask in the glory of bygone past, or get uneasy, helpless and depressed!

But sharing the aspirations of welfare of universe is very difficult to articulate and share effectively. This is because such aspirations have a relatively weak physiological substrate or template in the brain, in the form of cerebral cortex; as against the issues mentioned above, which have strong anatomical and physiological basis in terms of less evolved structures in the nervous system.

The concepts and scope and potentials of TOTAL STRESS MANAGEMENT (holistic solutions to universal stress) and the concept, scope and potentials of NAMASMARAN (simplest universal way of universal welfare) are also difficult to articulate and share smoothly and pleasurably; because they require inner growth, maturity, generosity, objectivity and blossoming! Further; they are subtler. Thus this sharing is tedious and also; it does not produce instant results!

In fact; this is why; creative geniuses and great artists, who communicate through music, paintings, dance, acting, writing and so on; with such aspirations; are often found to suffer from STRESS; because of difficulty in communicating the truth they want to share from the bottom of their hearts or innate cores!

The practice of NAMASMARAN before during and after sharing; makes one; buoyant, vibrant and strong enough; to victoriously continue to share the holistic solutions to universal stress; without getting depressed and frustrated.

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Meditation is a state that follows the process of evolution of body, instincts, emotions, intelligence and perspective!

The word meditation has its root, which means healing. Meditation is in practice in different forms for millennia in countries like India. Meditation has no religious bias or cultural prejudice and no element of coercion. It relaxes and endows peace!

But beyond all this; to reach the truth, let us ask ourselves the following questions!

Can we feel relaxed simply by meditation as is promoted and taught; even as we are in the STRESS of paying about 30 percent income tax (apart from sales tax, property tax etc.) without knowing how it is spent?

Conversely; can we feel relaxed by sheer practice of meditation; even as we have to take such decisions as above; against our conscience?

Can we feel relaxed just by meditation; even while taking all such decisions; as above; lying down and suffering from them?

Can we conquer the STRESS of commuting; irrespective of the crowd and other physical torture; merely by meditation?

Can we conquer the STRESS of lack of housing, water, electricity, education, medical care; by meditation alone?

If not, then we need something far more holistic than mere meditation, especially in the form and way; it is hyped and marketed. We need what may be called Total Stress Management.

What is Total Stress Management?

1] Total Stress Management (TSM) constitutes; understanding the concept of STRESS, going to its root causes, effects, pathophysiology, mechanism, dimensions, support systems, holistic measures of management; as completely as possible! This requires active intellectual efforts by the participants. Active intellectual participation makes it more difficult and less popular.

Relaxation programs; meditation, pranayama, bhajan, arbitrary tips in the management books; as well as ready to use products; are easy and provide; instant emotional solace and relaxation; even if it is temporary. But if the root causes are NOT treated, then they prove to be counterproductive!

2] TSM constitutes efforts towards simultaneous welfare of one and all and not merely that of an individual. This requires broadening of perspective. This is time consuming and may not give instant results in terms of tangible petty gains!

This also makes it more difficult and less popular because everyone is already preoccupied and hard pressed with personal problems of one kind or another. Coming out of one’s “individual universe” is a Herculean task for most of us, because we fail to understand; how welfare of ‘others’ would contribute to ‘our welfare’!

The mercenary marketing of so called meditation breeds indolence, inertia and socially respectable easy temporary escape.

3] TSM deals with STRESS; in totality.

We equate with mere tension, anxiety, worry, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, frustration etc. Actually this is only a small and conscious part of STRESS. STRESS is universal. Every living being has STRESS. STRESS is actually conscious and also unconscious. Unconscious STRESS forms a major part and is not perceived!

This also leaves most of us to commit the blunder of believing that we do not have STRESS!

The mercenary marketing of “vulgarized caricature of meditation” has made us believe that we can sit in a cozy room and solve all our problems, without any kind of evolution! We remain in fool’s paradise that; through the short cut of such “so called meditation” we can manage stress; without making any difference to the material life of ours and the others! We forget the importance selflessness and simultaneous global blossoming in all the fields of life.

4]TSM teaches that perspective, policies, planning, execution of sound intellectual solutions to personal and social problems can not be substituted by un-intellectual emotional games and gimmicks; such as so called meditation and so called devotion and so called charity.

TSM teaches that real meditation, real devotion and real charity; are impossible; in absence of intellectual efforts to rectify the social homeostasis!

Many of us feel that it is impossible to solve social problems and hence fail to do our own bit in this direction and get dragged into; the caricature of meditation. It is a part of many stress relaxation or stress management programs and is least demanding. It does not involve thinking, questions, arguments and action, but pampers our passivity! We simply have to “take the trouble” of joining some group by paying fees. It often pampers our basal instincts, personal emotional needs and intellectual escapism; through similar peers; and the ambiance, food and glamour associated with it!

5] The concept of TSM is not new in essence; but is new, novel and holistic in its exposition.

Many of us; from media, politics, religion and other fields are not aware of TSM. It is also true that due to the frenzy of material success; we do not have innate thirst to learn about TSM.

It is strange; but true; that most of us; in scarcity (due to frustration) and in abundance (due to delirious obliviousness) are not able to grasp and practice TSM!

Marketed gimmicks of meditation never ask us to study (uphill activity) any social problems! They pamper our indolence and pettiness! Hence most of us find them comforting.

6] TSM aims at harmony between perspective, intelligence, emotions, instincts and body; and aims at best efforts of global welfare through laws, rules, and conventions and so on.

The farce of meditation has nothing to do with anybody else other than the individual himself or herself! There is implicit or explicit indifference; and no botheration about the world, society or family!

7] TSM firmly upholds individual freedom to achieve Total Well Being and suggests us to acquire and practice such freedom!

The marketing of the gimmicks of so called meditation; is a part of promoting our individualistic pursuits of petty pecuniary goals, through fashionable escapist tantrums, which alien us from rest of our brothers; and degrade us as human beings!

8] TSM is not an explicit part of already existing tradition, religion or atheism. It does not pamper any personal ego and does not seek sponsoring by any multinationals or corporate houses. It is an irresistibly incoming thing; independent of all this and would be a universal force that would blossom the universe.

The escapist gimmicks of “so called meditation” have support and sponsorship from; the multinationals, corporate houses, celebrities, businessmen and political leaders for their personal gains. This support and sponsorship is sometimes even more than that for any entertainment business and personality! Hence “marketing meditation” is a far more popular and flourishing (but not fulfilling the conscience) business!

9] Total Stress Management suffers demoralization due to non acceptance by; the pro-tradition, theist, anti-tradition and atheist groups!

The so called meditation does not interfere with any policy matters and does not come in the way of our own and others’ vested interests or prejudices; and hence has no opposition; from theist and atheist traditions!

10] Relative delay in publication, reading and consensus building of TSM; is often interpreted as God’s will!

It is true; that such a delay; is God’s will! The success of the crass mercenary, treacherous and mean gimmicks of meditation is also God’s will!

But the change that is imminent; is also God’s will, which we may or may not be able to see!

11] The Total Stress Management (TSM) being a relatively new exposition can be misunderstood, ignored or criticized; hence there is delay as well as obstacles. But it is bound to succeed; because it is God’s will, cosmic decision and the plan of absolute enlightenment or writing on the wall!

The “so called meditation” has no such fear of being misunderstood, ignored or criticized! It is going to perish because of the inherent limitations, vanity and contradictions in it!

12] TSM involves genuinely honest struggle to engender holistic renaissance. It involves dedicated efforts to overcome; inappropriate asceticism, indulgence, frustration, inaction, non-assertion and even escapism.

The caricature of meditation lacks the genuinity, honesty, intensity, involvement, dedication and the adventure of pursuit of truth! It is trivial, irrelevant, ineffective and insignificant in every respect.

13] The TSM involves unavoidable uncertainty of life! This is because there is no false assurance about tangible gains such as; health, money, fame, power, or even moral superiority!

The mediocrity of so called meditation makes it superficial and farcical. It does not have anything to do with our (and others’) hearts and souls; and our well being! Since it does not need serious involvement it keeps on appealing most of us as a casual activity; and hence it spreads like a fashion.

14] The TSM totally lacks the dictatorial attitude and nurturing of vested interests e.g. forming a cult or establishing an institution or organization!

It is universal and hence; even though it goes on making a definite and significant difference in several ways; nobody would get a credit or profit from it!

The traders of “so called meditation”; succeed; largely because of the cooperation of other businesses and the games of management!

15] TSM lacks the excitement associated with glamour and glitter involved in entertainment businesses such as cinema, sports etc. Hence it does not pick the fancy of even talented individuals.

The so called meditation and stress relaxation programs are emulating the entertainment and showbiz; and hence no wonder; are amassing money, glamour and glitter.

But with globalization, the passivity is dwindling (though imperceptibly) and compelling the global political and intellectual leadership to study and practice TSM; even though in different semantics and parlance.

16] Some of the books on TSM are comparatively less lucid and little more tedious, because of the emphasis given on accuracy and efficacy rather than literary qualities. But, when the social psyche gets ready for digesting certain concepts (e.g. oneness of spiritualism and materialism and oneness of theism and atheism); TSM is bound to spread like wild fire.

The mirage of “so called meditation” dwells in hallucinatory utopia and hence is easily sold!

We are bound to understand its true nature and hollowness; as all of us are evolving. Hence; we would abandon it forever; due to its being palliative, alien, escapist and thus counterproductive in nature (multiplying problems in individual and social life)!

18] It is also possible that there are still some inaccuracies and or deficiencies left in TSM, which have to be rectified, while studying and practicing it. This is going to happen as the world is already coming together and blossoming together; in spite of the apparently dismal picture!

The hyped and marketed tricks of meditation and stress relaxation have built in contradictions and/or deformity of pettiness. Hence they are bound to be shunned!

19] The personal deficiencies of any one who studies TSM; are considered as human and hence neither glorified nor condemned nor hidden. TSM does not flourish on such falsities; but aims to blossom together.

The deficiencies of the traders of the vulgarized meditation however; are concealed and hidden; and often; an unjustified and unphysiological asceticism is claimed, hyped, glorified and sold!

All this is due to utter darkness (TAMAS) of ignorance; and bound to vanish with rapidly spreading enlightenment.

20] Most importantly, the NAMASMARAN i.e. being connected with God; is a hallmark or actually a core of TSM.

The “farce of meditation”; ignores, neglects or even discards this aspect completely! This is because; the fashion, fancy or whim of meditation and yoga can be “marketed and sold”; and have a greater potential to cheat and (and for common people to get cheated) financially. Whereas NAMASMARAN is free; and hence without any scope for financial cheating or getting cheated.

To remain involved in the “trivialized”, “vulgarized” and “mercenarily marketed” so called MEDITATION; without any reference to; and concern for; the objective material conditions in and around; is; “self inflicted spiritual perversion”!

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Beware of meditation!

“Beware of meditation”? Why should we or any one; bother about such a caution? Isn’t such caution itself; actually misguiding and harmful?

What is wrong in the instructions given at the time of meditation workshops? These instructions appear to be meant for composure and relaxation of mind.

For instance, these instructions are;
“Lie down in the open on your terrace; focus your mind on the blue and clear sky, gradually the sky would enter in you and you would have transcended mind”,
“Sit in lotus position. Let the atmosphere in your room be free of insects, free of dust, free of noise and free of other distractions. You may light an incense stick. You can have a photo or painting of your Guru or a deity who elevates your mood or inspires you. Then begin by breathing slowly and observe your own breathing”, “Sit in a lotus posture. Breathe slowly. Focus your mind on a spot at your navel”,
“Observe a round spot on a plane background of the wall. Sit quietly. Let the thoughts flow”,
and so on!

There appears to be nothing wrong in these!

Yes; actually; there is nothing wrong in meditation per se and there is nothing wrong in the instructions as well!

The word meditation has its root, in “healing”. Meditation is in practice in different forms for millennia in countries like India. Meditation has no religious bias or cultural prejudice. Meditation has whatsoever no element of any kind of coercion. Meditation is a state that follows the process of evolution of body, instincts, emotions, intelligence and perspective and relaxes and endows peace!

But there is everything wrong; when the same word; “meditation” is misused to sell an “escapist mercenary gimmick”; as a panacea! It is detrimental to the buyer and seller; because it makes us callous cowards!

Hence the word “meditation” is used here to imply; the commodity and mirage that is hyped, marketed, sold; as if it is an instant panacea for all the problems of universe; which we pay for; heavily and stupidly! This “meditation” is actually a caricature or even a vulgarization of meditation.

But beyond all this; to reach the truth, let us ask ourselves the following questions!

Can we feel relaxed simply by meditation as is promoted and taught; even as we are in the STRESS of paying about 30 percent income tax (apart from sales tax, property tax etc.) without knowing how it is spent?

Conversely; can we feel relaxed by sheer practice of meditation; even as we have to take such decisions against our conscience?

Can we feel relaxed just by meditation; even while taking all such decisions lying down and suffering from them?

Can we conquer the STRESS of commuting; irrespective of the crowd and other physical torture; merely by meditation?

Can we conquer the STRESS of lack of housing, water, electricity, education, medical care; by meditation alone?

If not, then we need something far more holistic than mere meditation, especially in the form and way; it is hyped and marketed. We need what may be called Total Stress Management.

What is Total Stress Management?

1] Total Stress Management (TSM) constitutes; understanding the concept of STRESS, going to its root causes, effects, pathophysiology, mechanism, dimensions, support systems, holistic measures of management; as completely as possible! This requires active intellectual efforts by the participants. Active intellectual participation makes it more difficult and less popular.

Relaxation programs; meditation, pranayama, bhajan, arbitrary tips in the management books; as well as ready to use products; are easy and provide; instant emotional solace and relaxation; even if it is temporary. But if the root causes are NOT treated, then they prove to be counterproductive!

2] TSM constitutes efforts towards simultaneous welfare of one and all and not merely that of an individual. This requires broadening of perspective. This is time consuming and may not give instant results in terms of tangible petty gains!

This also makes it more difficult and less popular because everyone is already preoccupied and hard pressed with personal problems of one kind or another. Coming out of one’s “individual universe” is a Herculean task for most of us, because we fail to understand; how welfare of ‘others’ would contribute to ‘our welfare’!

The mercenary marketing of so called meditation breeds indolence, inertia and socially respectable easy temporary escape.

3] TSM deals with STRESS; in totality.

We equate with mere tension, anxiety, worry, sleeplessness, irritability, depression, frustration etc. Actually this is only a small and conscious part of STRESS. STRESS is universal. Every living being has STRESS. STRESS is actually conscious and also unconscious. Unconscious STRESS forms a major part and is not perceived!

This also leaves most of us to commit the blunder of believing that we do not have STRESS!

The mercenary marketing of “vulgarized caricature of meditation” has made us believe that we can sit in a cozy room and solve all our problems, without any kind of evolution! We remain in fool’s paradise that; through the short cut of such “so called meditation” we can manage stress; without making any difference to the material life of ours and the others! We forget the importance selflessness and simultaneous global blossoming in all the fields of life.

4]TSM teaches that perspective, policies, planning, execution of sound intellectual solutions to personal and social problems can not be substituted by un-intellectual emotional games and gimmicks; such as so called meditation and so called devotion and so called charity.

TSM teaches that real meditation, real devotion and real charity; are impossible; in absence of intellectual efforts to rectify the social homeostasis!

Many of us feel that it is impossible to solve social problems and hence fail to do our own bit in this direction and get dragged into; the caricature of meditation. It is a part of many stress relaxation or stress management programs and is least demanding. It does not involve thinking, questions, arguments and action, but pampers our passivity! We simply have to “take the trouble” of joining some group by paying fees. It often pampers our basal instincts, personal emotional needs and intellectual escapism; through similar peers; and the ambience, food and glamour associated with it!

5] The concept of TSM is not new in essence; but is new, novel and holistic in its exposition.

Many of us; from media, politics, religion and other fields are not aware of TSM. It is also true that due to the frenzy of material success; we do not have innate thirst to learn about TSM.

It is strange; but true; that most of us; in scarcity (due to frustration) and in abundance (due to delirious obliviousness) are not able to grasp and practice TSM!

Marketed gimmicks of meditation never ask us to study (uphill activity) any social problems! They pamper our indolence and pettiness! Hence most of us find them comforting.

6] TSM aims at harmony between perspective, intelligence, emotions, instincts and body; and aims at best efforts of global welfare through laws, rules, and conventions and so on.

The farce of meditation has nothing to do with anybody else other than the individual himself or herself! There is implicit or explicit indifference; and no botheration about the world, society or family!

7] TSM firmly upholds individual freedom to achieve Total Well Being and suggests us to acquire and practice such freedom!

The marketing of the gimmicks of so called meditation; is a part of promoting our individualistic pursuits of petty pecuniary goals, through fashionable escapist tantrums, which alien us from rest of our brothers; and degrade us as human beings!

8] TSM is not an explicit part of already existing tradition, religion or atheism. It does not pamper any personal ego and does not seek sponsoring by any multinationals or corporate houses. It is an irresistibly incoming thing; independent of all this and would be a universal force that would blossom the universe.

The escapist gimmicks of “so called meditation” have support and sponsorship from; the multinationals, corporate houses, celebrities, businessmen and political leaders for their personal gains. This support and sponsorship is sometimes even more than that for any entertainment business and personality! Hence “marketing meditation” is a far more popular and flourishing (but not fulfilling the conscience) business!

9] Total Stress Management suffers demoralization due to non acceptance by; the pro-tradition, theist, anti-tradition and atheist groups!

The so called meditation does not interfere with any policy matters and does not come in the way of our own and others’ vested interests or prejudices; and hence has no opposition; from theist and atheist traditions!

10] Relative delay in publication, reading and consensus building of TSM; is often interpreted as God’s will!

It is true; that such a delay; is God’s will! The success of the crass mercenary, treacherous and mean gimmicks of meditation is also God’s will!

But the change that is imminent; is also God’s will, which we may or may not be able to see!

11] The Total Stress Management (TSM) being a relatively new exposition can be misunderstood, ignored or criticized; hence there is delay as well as obstacles. But it is bound to succeed; because it is God’s will, cosmic decision and the plan of absolute enlightenment or writing on the wall!

The “so called meditation” has no such fear of being misunderstood, ignored or criticized! It is going to perish because of the inherent limitations, vanity and contradictions in it!

12] TSM involves genuinely honest struggle to engender holistic renaissance. It involves dedicated efforts to overcome; inappropriate asceticism, indulgence, frustration, inaction, non-assertion and even escapism.

The caricature of meditation lacks the genuinity, honesty, intensity, involvement, dedication and the adventure of pursuit of truth! It is trivial, irrelevant, ineffective and insignificant in every respect.

13] The TSM involves unavoidable uncertainty of life! This is because there is no false assurance about tangible gains such as; health, money, fame, power, or even moral superiority!

The mediocrity of so called meditation makes it superficial and farcical. It does not have anything to do with our (and others’) hearts and souls; and our wellbeing! Since it does not need serious involvement it keeps on appealing most of us as a casual activity; and hence it spreads like a fashion.

14] The TSM totally lacks the dictatorial attitude and nurturing of vested interests e.g. forming a cult or establishing an institution or organization!

It is universal and hence; even though it goes on making a definite and significant difference in several ways; nobody would get a credit or profit from it!

The traders of “so called meditation”; succeed; largely because of the cooperation of other businesses and the games of management!

15] TSM lacks the excitement associated with glamour and glitter involved in entertainment businesses such as cinema, sports etc. Hence it does not pick the fancy of even talented individuals.

The so called meditation and stress relaxation programs are emulating the entertainment and showbiz; and hence no wonder; are amassing money, glamour and glitter.

But with globalization, the passivity is dwindling (though imperceptibly) and compelling the global political and intellectual leadership to study and practice TSM; even though in different semantics.

16] Some of the books on TSM are comparatively less lucid and little more tedious, because of the emphasis given on accuracy and efficacy rather than literary qualities. But, when the social psyche gets ready for digesting certain concepts (e.g. oneness of spiritualism and materialism and oneness of theism and atheism); TSM is bound to spread like wild fire.

The mirage of “so called meditation” dwells in hallucinatory utopia and hence is easily sold!

We are bound to understand its true nature and hollowness; as all of us are evolving. Hence; we would abandon it forever; due to its being palliative, alien, escapist and thus counterproductive in nature (multiplying problems in individual and social life)!

18] It is also possible that there are still some inaccuracies and or deficiencies left in TSM, which have to be rectified, while studying and practicing it. This is going to happen as the world is already coming together and blossoming together; in spite of the apparently dismal picture!

The hyped and marketed tricks of meditation and stress relaxation have built in contradictions and/or deformity of pettiness. Hence they are bound to be shunned!

19] The personal deficiencies of any one who studies TSM; are considered as human and hence neither glorified nor condemned nor hidden. TSM does not flourish on such falsities; but aims to blossom together.

The deficiencies of the traders of the vulgarized meditation however; are concealed and hidden; and often; an unjustified and unphysiological asceticism is claimed, hyped, glorified and sold!

All this is due to utter darkness (TAMAS) of ignorance; and bound to vanish with rapidly spreading enlightenment.

20] Most importantly, the NAMASMARAN i.e. being connected with God; is a hallmark or actually a core of TSM.

The “farce of meditation”; ignores, neglects or even discards this aspect completely! This is because; the fashion, fancy or whim of meditation and yoga can be “marketed and sold”; and have a greater potential to cheat and (and for common people to get cheated) financially. Whereas NAMASMARAN is free; and hence without any scope for financial cheating or getting cheated.

To remain involved in the “trivialized”, “vulgarized” and “mercenarily marketed” so called MEDITATION; without any reference to; and concern for; the objective material conditions in and around; is; “self inflicted ‘spiritual’ perversion”!

Can the practice of MEDITATION, “help” the leaders, policy makers, decision makers, planners, administrators and the sufferers amongst us; to evolve and transform the scenario, and if yes; when?

Is the philosophy and practice of MEDITATION, mere “running after the mirage of STRESS MANAGEMENT?

Are these questions erratic, irrelevant or heretic?

Is it arrogant to think; that it is “self inflicted spiritual castration; to neglect every evil; and merely keep practicing the so called MEDITATION, without any reference to the objective material conditions”?

The HOLISTIC answer provided is that; all religious precepts, spiritual endeavors, spiritual disciplines, festivals, celebrations and a variety of rituals including; MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN are basically meant for evolving objective or holistic perspective and working in accordance with it.

If we take the analogy of the body functions, then the MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN; constitute the biochemical, biophysical and bioelectrical activities in brain respectively.

The holistic international perspective, policy making, programs and their implementation at ground level; constitute intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical manifestations; of MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN.

MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN never were, never are and never would be sterile in terms of individual and global blossoming!

But what is marketed, sold or freely distributed (with ulterior motive), under these same “names and titles”; is cut off from ground realities; and devoid of the holistic solutions; and hence is trivialized and vulgarized caricature of MEDITATION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN; and hence sterile or counterproductive!

Thus; MEDIATTION, YOGA and NAMASMARAN; are inseparable from; physical, psychomotor, productive, instinctual, emotional, intellectual, creative and spiritual study and practices; linked with; study and application of the holistic solutions in the fields of health, education, agriculture, art, industry, economy, education, environment; which is called holistic renaissance, superliving or Total Stress Management.

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These are like short circuiting. They manifest through an individual due to inappropriate communication through nerve impulses (energy flow); from and towards the brain. These usually result from extreme subjective and subcortical responses. Indiscriminate violence towards others or towards self; is detrimental to; inner and outer; and individual and global blossoming.
Indiscriminate nonviolence e.g. not killing the mosquitoes, virulent bacteria, rabid dogs etc. is equally counterproductive and hindrance to inner and outer prosperity and profundity.
Therefore, “indiscriminate violence and nonviolence” in the form of impulsive or planned activity (perspective, policy, program); by individuals, groups or governments; is neither conducive nor justifiable, for the welfare of a person or mankind.
The globally benevolent perceptions, emotions, passions, instincts and personal and social actions are and should be; aimed at rectification of; impulsive, mean, cruel or stupid and hence “indiscriminate violent or indiscriminate nonviolent” concepts and practices; hazardous to universal emancipation.
Thus “indiscriminate violence” in the form of exploitation, repression, fanaticism, terrorism, cheating and torture; of innocent people; and the massive propaganda of the “indiscriminate nonviolence”; go on incessantly and hand in hand!
They are supported by genuinely kind; but unwise proponents of “indiscriminate nonviolence” who unknowingly accept and subject themselves to indiscriminate violence!
Thus “indiscriminate violence” multiplies exponentially because “justifiable and essential therapeutic violence” against such “indiscriminate violence”; is paralyzed by the hypocritical preaching or gullible propaganda of “indiscriminate nonviolence”!
It is important to understand urgently; that “destruction of diseased cells benefits the diseased patient for recovery to health; and hence the global conscience must rise against concepts and practices of; “indiscriminate violence” and “indiscriminate nonviolence” (both being harmful to blossoming of mankind). It is urgent to employ wherever necessary, “a well meaning globally beneficial, surgically skilled, appropriate, disciplinary, corrective and “nonviolent violence” to effectively and rapidly curb the indiscriminate violence and indiscriminate nonviolence; towards self and others; by state agencies and non state entities.
This is essential for creating a world where even this sort of “therapeutic and nonviolent violence”; would not be required.
NAMASMARAN enables us to acquire this enlightened wisdom and overcome indiscriminate, unwise, unjust and suicidal conception and practice of indiscriminate violence and indiscriminate nonviolence!
Killing is not a homogenous phenomenon. Killing of different species such as viruses, ricketssiae, fungi, protozoa, mosquitoes, cockroaches, hens, cocks, goats, sheep, pigs, cows, buffalos, monkeys and human beings is not the same thing.
Killing to protect a species such mankind from epidemics and pandemics, killing to protect oneself from death and disease, killing to eat and survive, killing to prepare utilities such as warm clothes to survive, killing to extract medicinal material, killing to prepare delicacies for gustatory pleasure (pampering one's taste), killing to prepare fashionable items for showcasing, or show off, killing for petty personal gains such as profit, killing to extract so called aphrodisiacs (sexual stimulants); and killing just for the sake of killing (and brutal gratification) are different.

The use of the word “YUDDHA” i.e. war has lead to many misconceptions about Gita. One of them is that; Gita advocates violence.
It is because of our intellectual, conceptual and emotional bankruptcy that we are unable to understand that; the meaning of “death” is forgetting one’s self; and any activity in personal and social life conducive to such forgetting of one’s true self, is violence and ADHARMA.

The word “PRANASHYATI” is used in 6th chapter, 9th chapter and also 18th chapter to clearly indicate that forgetting one’s true self is death.
True violence is intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical action conducive to forgetting one’s true self, which involves “forgetting” one’s father, mother, brother, sister, teacher, friend, society and so on. This; as everyone knows; is associated with overtly mean, individualistic and ungrateful behavior which is violence!
Gita asks us to remember and focus on our true self so that our behavior remains oriented to self realization. This is called YOGA in Gita and is called ANUSANDHAN in other spiritual parlance.
This focusing and remaining oriented is not easy. There are many detractors within and outside forcing oneself and the others to forget the true self (violence and ADHARMA), which come in the way of self realization; and consequent socially beneficial behavior!

Gita advocates participating in the war against such violence and ADHARMA.
Namasmaran reorients us to our true selves. It empowers us to fulfill our role in any given situation in an accurate and satisfactory manner to defeat true violence i.e. forgetting true self (ADHARMA) and promote; true nonviolence i.e. reorientation to true self (DHARMA). This is called DHARMYA YUDDHA (not DHARMA YUDDHA) in Gita.

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Five intrinsic aspects of yoga:

1. One of the basic elements in human life is that; we sense the environment and respond to it. There is a sequence of stimulation, integration and motor activity; or cognition, affect and conation; or perception, feelings and behavior; and stimulus, homeostatic change and response! Appropriateness of this sequence is essence of yoga.

When this sequence is deranged; in quantity, frequency, rhythm, quality and proportions; it is called stress. Since; stress is a lack of yoga in life!

2. Yoga is integration of; prefrontal cortex; and left and right parietal (cerebral) cortexes. It is also the integration of metabolic, endocrine, autonomic and central nervous activities; and global perspective, thoughts, emotions, instincts and actions. In other words; it is the experience the union (YOGA) of individual and universal consciousness; and its concerted expression in every sphere of life.

3. Yoga constitutes the unification that wields; every moment in our life; with love. Hence there is no “vacancy” for deception and deceit. There is no “room” for delirium and delusion. There is no “space” for despondency, despair and degeneration. There is no “chance” for degradation, decomposition, destruction and devastation!

4. Yoga is an ecstatic union! The union however is increasingly difficult at physical, instinctual, emotional, intellectual and spiritual levels. Interestingly; it is also increasingly more complete longer lasting; at every level of these! The highest kind of union is at spiritual level and embodies all the other levels, and is seen amongst the guru and shishya i.e. the master and disciple. Hence all differences, disputes and contradictions; dissolve in spiritual union within oneself and between the guru and shishya.

Lack of yoga; is disintegration of our personality; that reflects in personal and social life! Thus even if a person is intelligent in terms of memory, analytical thinking, and innovation; i.e. (left cerebral development); he/she can be vicious, perverted and antisocial if not balanced and integrated with right brain.

Conversely mere development of right cerebral cortex is not adequate. This is because, if the utopia, benevolence, kindness, and subtle artistic and poetic feelings are not buttressed and supported by reasoning; then they are rendered lame and futile. In fact; they can be counterproductive as; the barbaric elements within us; can take undue advantage of them.

In short in both cases; there is inability to realize the unity of universe. There is inability to understand the interrelationship, interactivity, interdependence and complementarity in various fields of transactions such as agriculture, science, technology, industry, trade, culture, and politics!

This inability leads to sectarian prejudices and fanatic bigotry; even amongst rational and intelligent; and kindhearted and generous gentle men/women. This is a fundamental cause of discord and chaos, which leads to hatred, exploitation and crimes; and averts the emergence of justice.

Hence some mediocre techniques; hyped and sold; merely for some petty personal or mercenary gains or gratification of ego; are NOT yoga!

This era is especially and uniquely conducive to yoga; as explained above; by virtue of speedy means of transport; and communication and networking through satellite and information technology.

5. The final stage of yoga; is beyond all this. It is not intelligible. It constitutes the union of all these three components (cognition, affect and conation) of the sequence. Thus a profoundly evolved yogi; would be seen as if he is not doing any thing but in fact he is sensing beyond all sensory capacities, he is feeling beyond all subjective emotional depths and he is responding beyond anything “apparent” in action!

He is free from slavery of the intellectual, emotional, instinctual and physical vacillations; due to ups and downs of the hormones and the neurotransmitters.

This is yoga (union); where impeccable and accurate perception, pinnacle of individual satisfaction and infinitely exuberant benevolence for the universe; unite with (as they begin from and end in the same) absolute consciousness; and constitutes the final destiny of individual and universal blossoming!

In nutshell;
Yoga is a program of individual and global welfare (inseparably connected, which is essence of yoga); inseparably integrated (again the essence of yoga) with;
• The perspective of global unity and harmony,
• The thoughts and policies of global welfare,
• Motivation and concern for global welfare,
• Healthy and mutually gratifying and satisfying instincts and
• Sharing of resources on a “just” basis at personal and global levels!
The immortal gurus say that; NAMASMARAN is the essence of yoga.

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Following protective and remedial measures; can be used/adopted at one’s own risk and responsibility; to prevent or alleviate swine flu.

1. Drinking water in morning and throughout day

2. Eating two leaves of neem, Tulasi and Bel each

3. Chyavanaprash 1 tea spoonful daily

4. Drinking a cup of cow milk; with turmeric (Halad), dry ginger (Sunth) and honey (Madh)

5. Practice of kapalbhati (active abdominal expiration without discomfort; contraindicated in any wound on abdominal or related regions, surgery, hernia of any kind and pregnancy)

6. Taking bath twice a day.

7. Changing clothes twice a day

8. Applying a drop of cow ghee or Anu tail; in both nostrils

9. Capsule Becadexamin and Becosules.

10. Washing hands frequently (Suggested by Dr. Alka Halbe)

11. Avoiding lifts (elevators); and crowded and/or centrally air conditioned places; such as railway stations, cinema halls, theatres, malls respectively; if and when possible

12. Consuming juice of aloe vera (korphad i.e. kumari) and tinospora cordifolia (Giloy or Gulvel i.e. Guduchi) in addition to holy basil, neem and Bel (Promotion of plantation of the medicinal herbs; for the posterity)

13. Adding jaggery, pepper (kali mirch) and ginger in tea

14. Last but most important; is understanding; what actually health means.

Health is actually; evolving and applying holistic perspective, policies, plans, programs and their implementation; in personal and social life. This is different from the mediocre and selfish physical health. Hence we call it holistic or superhealth, which implies; individual and global blossoming i.e. holistic renaissance or superliving.

The common and simplest way for holistic or superhealth; according to the immortal leaders of mankind; is the practice of NAMASMARAN. It implies; remembrance of true self or cosmic self; and can be practiced according to one’s own religion or tradition; and does not involve any “conversion” or “imposition”!

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