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Category : All ; Cycle : February 2009
Medical Articles

Dr Harinder Singh Bedi MCh
Ph: 9814060480

A chest pain can be an early sign of an impending major heart attack. The classical chest pain – called angina pectoris – is a squeezing pain that starts in the centre of the chest and can radiate to the shoulders, left arm, face or back. Angina is your body’s way of telling that the heart – the very organ that pumps oxygenated pure blood to all organs – is itself being starved of oxygen-rich blood due to a blocked coronary artery (artery supplying blood to the heart) .

However the body’s message may not always be so clear. About 1/3 of all heart attack patients feel no muscle pain at all. Angina may be replaced by a dull ache in the chest, a ‘heart-burn’ or acid reflux, a vice like pressure in the chest, pain in a tooth, profuse sweating, nausea, light headedness, fainting , palpitation or unexplained anxiety or no sensation at all – the so called silent attack.

One of the most common conditions that is confused with a heart attack is midline lower chest burning pain due to backflow of stomach acid into the food pipe - the so called ‘heartburn’ or ‘gas’. However the reverse also holds true ie a patient with a heart attack may confuse it with ‘gas’ and not take timely treatment. The number of ‘gas’ patients who land up on my operating table with preventable complications is just not funny. Timely action may have prevented this.

It is always best to err on the side of caution. Time may be money for some , but for a heart doctor and his patient time is muscle. The longer one waits before appropriate therapy the more heart muscle is lost.

The things to do if you think you are experiencing a heart attack ( or even have a doubt about the same ) are :
- stop whatever you are doing and call an emergency/ relatives or friends number
- driving yourself to hospital is not recommended
- if you are alone on the highway or road – stop the car, put the hazard lights on and blow the horn continuously till some one comes
- avoid any physical exertion that could put more stress on your heart
- if available put a tablet of sorbitarte (nitroglycerine) under your tongue- this provided temporary relief by dilating the narrowed coronary artery and also other vessels in the body so that the heart has to work less
- chew an Aspirin / Disprin (NOT Disprin plus) / Ecosprin – this thins blood and prevents clotting that can lead to a major heart attack
- when you get to an emergency room – tell the staff that you may be having a heart attack – make sure that the emergency is recognised. Insist that a specialist doctor attends to you right away. Faster access to life saving treatment – clot busters, beta blockers, emergency angioplasty or surgery – increases chances of survival.

Pay attention to even the smallest chest pain to avoid a major attack – a stitch in time does save.

For more on heart attacks visit –

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laser dentistry
hello all , laser dentistry has been in india for probably 5/6 years, and is in my opinion one of the best addition to our practice. laser can do wonders to your gums , your teeth , your smile and your fear . laser procedures r painless and can be safely done in normal ,as well as patients with blood pressure, diabetes, pregnant ladies etc. lasers are wonderful to bleach the teeth , remove cancerous leukoplakia white patches on your gums and tongue, they r wonderful to cure gingivitis and periodontitis and host of other problems. they r very useful in gum contouring for giving a more pleasant smile. so happy lasing to all.....please feel free to email me

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Total Oral Rehabilitation
Case Of Total Oral Rehabilitation

Attended By

Dr. Kirit A. Bharwada
Dr. Tushar K. Bharwada

Bharwada Dental Clinic
3, “Prabhuta”, Sarela Wadi, Ghod-Dod Road, Surat – 395001
Tele : +91-261-2668752

Surgical Phase Taken Care By

Dr. Jigish D. Shah

Prosthetics Prepared By

Span Dental Lab - Surat

Case History

• Mrs. Sushilaben Patel
• Female
• Age : 54
• Systemic Condition – NAD
• Oral Hygiene – Good

On Examination

• In Maxilla – Bilateral posterior Missing 16, 17, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28
• Root Remaining 15
• Cavity With Pulp Involvement in 14,13
• In Mandible – Unilateral Posterior Missing 35,36,37,38
• Deeply Carious With RCT & Supra Eruption 46
• Mobile & Supra Erupted 48

Treatment Plan

1. Extration of 15, 46,48
2. Placement of Implant at 15, 17, 25, 27, 35, 37, 45, 47
3. SV RCT in 13,14
4. Porcelain JC on 13,14
5. 3 Unite Porcelain Bridge at 15, 16, 17
6. 3 Unite Porcelain Bridge at 25, 26, 27
7. 3 Unite Porcelain Bridge at 35, 36, 37
8. 3 Unite Porcelain Bridge at 45, 46, 47

Execution of Treatment Plan

Phase I – Surgical

• Extration of 15, 46,48
• Placement of Implant at 15, 17, 25, 27, 35, 37, 45, 47

Phase II – Clinical

• SV RCT in 13,14
• Tooth Preparation of 13 For Porcelain JC
• Tooth Preparation of 14 For Porcelain FCC
• Rubber Base Impression For Final Prosthesis
• Alginate Impression For Temp on 13,14 & Special Tray

Phase III – Laboratory

• Temp Acrylic JC Preparation on 13,14
• Acrylic Special Tray Preparation with holes for implant Heads

Phase IV – Clinical

• Fixation of Temp JC & FCC on 13,14
• Vertical Height Registration With Special Tray & Wax
Bite Blocks

Phase V – Laboratory

• Preparation of All The prosthesis – JC 13 / FCC 14
• 3 Unite Bridge At – 15, 16, 17 / 25, 26, 27
35, 36, 37 / 45, 46, 470


Phase VI – Clinical

• Try In For All Prosthesis & If Necessary Please Do The
Occlusal Adjustment By Use Of Articulating Paper

Phase VII – Laboratory

• Final Preparation of All The prosthesis – JC 13 / FCC 14
• 3 Unite Bridge At – 15, 16, 17 / 25, 26, 27
35, 36, 37 / 45, 46, 470


Phase VIII – Clinical

• Fixation of All Prosthesis One By One
• If Necessary Please Do The Occlusal Adjustment By
Use Of Articulating Paper
• Explaining The Use of Interdental Brush For Proper
Oral Hygiene care
• Instructions
After Implant Placenent

Open Bite Due to Implant Head touching So Implant Head has to be Reduced according to Requirements

Implants In Position

Heads For All The Implants Are Of 15 Degree Angulated For Easy Path Of Incrustation With Head Angulated Towards The Natural Teeth

Post Operative Orthopentomogram


Working Cast With Acrylic Special Tray

Hole For Implants

Working Cast With Bite Registration

All Prosthesis on Final Cast

All Prosthesis in Mouth

Post Treatment Facial Profile

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Feb13 really becoming a heart beat of Indians
Days are changing so as the health care is going on hitech. In hospitals & clinics paper records are off now adays everything is becoming computerised. Patients are preffreing online counsultation instead of setting for long hours in clinics. India has really took a major leap in this segment by gathering all the faculties allopathyl ,ayurveda ,homeopathy under one roof.It will really prove a milestone in Indias history of health care.All the administration staff is puting all the efforts to maintain transperancy between doctors & patients.Definetly there efforts are now blooming just have a look is adding one doctor per minute since its launch .It will really change the look of Indian health care industry.
- Dr Prashant Kolwale
(Ayurveda Counsultant)
Column writer Lokasatta

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Bronchial Asthama And Its Management In Ayurveda
Chronic Bronchial Asthma(Svasa Roga) -A Clinical Study

A detailed description and differential diagnosis of a group of disorders involving respiratory distress (dyspnea) is given in all three of the major Ayurvedic compendiums. These diseases are collectively known as svasa roga , of which five varieties are described. These include: maha svasa, urdhva svasa, chinna svasa, ksudra svasa, and tamaka svasa. The last variety, tamaka svasa , corresponds to chronic persistent bronchial asthma of allopathic medicine.

In Ayurveda, it is considered the only type of respiratory distress which can be controlled, and then only with diligence on the part of the patient and physician. In striking similarity to the modern allopathic description, tamaka svasa is defined in Ayurveda as a chronic and recurring condition characterized by dyspnea, cough, airflow obstruction, and wheezing.

Although the concept of atopy and hyperactivity were unknown, Ayurveda was clear on its understanding of this condition as multifactorial, including environmental and emotional factors.

The prevalence of both adult and childhood asthma is reported to be increasing worldwide. Up to 10% of people have experienced a documented episode of asthma. In the United States, approximately 12 million individuals have been diagnosed with asthma. Between 1982 and 1992 the prevalence of asthma increased from 34.7 to 49.4 per 1000. In addition the death rate from this condition actually increased from 13.4 to 18.8 per million. The mortality rate was five times higher in African Americans than in Caucasians.

Etiology/Risk Factors
Vagbhata gives a clear explanation of the causes and evolution of asthma. In all cases there is an antecedent period of aggravation of both Vata and Kapha doshas. A very great number of factors can be responsible for aggravating these two doshas, and to list them all would not be possible. However several vitiating factors are specifically mentioned by Vagbhata and therefore merit mention. He cites chronic diarrhea due to indigestion which goes untreated, excessive vomiting, poisons, anemia, fevers, excessive exposure to dust, smoke or strong wind, trauma to the vital organs, and drinking very cold water.

At this early stage in the disease process, if these signs and symptoms are recognized and properly treated by pacification and elimination of the aggravated doshas, the disease (asthma) will not appear. However, if left untreated and if further aggravated, Kapha will obstruct the movement of Vata in the chest area. Due to this obstruction, Vata spills out of its normal channels ( srotas ) and spreads in all directions, carrying with it the vitiated Kapha dosha. As a result, the three major channels in the chest region become blocked and, to a greater or lesser degree, dysfunctional. These channels are Prana Vaha Srota (governs respiration), Anna Vaha Srota (governs digestion of food), and Udaka Vaha Srota (governs water distribution). At this point the disease is no longer in its incipient stage and asthma --tamaka svasa-- has manifested.

The role of psychological stress in asthma is important but not yet completely understood. Not only is there emerging evidence that stress can precipitate asthmatic exacerbations but also that it may be an independent risk factor in the prevalence of the disease. The mechanisms involved in this association have not yet been fully defined and may involve increased production of proinflammatory cytokines.

Signs and Symptoms
The signs and symptoms of this disease are vividly enumerated in both the Caraka Samhita and the Astanga Hridayam and are worth noting:

* The breathing becomes very fast and audible
* The patient becomes tremulous on occasion
* There is chronic nasal discharge and stiffness of the head and neck
* There is excessive thirst
* The patient coughs constantly, sometimes to the point of senselessness
* If the obstructing phlegm does not come out during the cough, the patient becomes exceedingly miserable and after expectoration there is relief for some period of time.
* The throat becomes inflamed and he speaks only with great difficulty
* Due to his dyspnea (difficulty breathing), he does not sleep even after lying down in bed.
* Breathing is difficult while lying and there is some relief with sitting
* The patient desires to have hot things
* The eyeballs are gazing upwards (i.e. wide open) and perspiration appears on the forehead
* The mouth is dry
* There are periods of frequent attacks of dyspnea followed by periods of no attacks
* The condition is aggravated by the onset of clouds in the sky, rain, cold breeze, drinking cold water, wind coming from the east, and regimens and diets which are cold in quality.

Although a full description of the other four types of svasa roga (dyspnea, or difficult breathing) is beyond the scope of this paper, a few comments are in order. Ksudra svasa is the mildest form of svasa roga it roughly corresponds to mild intermittent asthma and is said to be curable. Tamaka svasa (asthma) is the next mildest form of svasa roga yet it is considered difficult to cure. It roughly corresponds to mild persistent asthma in the modern allopathic classification scheme. Cure is possible if the disease is of recent origin or if it occurs in an otherwise strong and health individual. In a weak individual only palliation (i.e. alleviation) should be attempted. The other three types of svasa roga, namely maha svasa, urdhva svasa, and chinna svasa loosely correspond to other more severe forms of obstructive pulmonary disease, are incurable, and in time result in the premature demise of the patient.

While an individual's constitutional type must always be kept in mind when developing a treatment plan for any disease, asthma is nevertheless generally treated by pacifying Vata and Kapha doshas. The treatment will always include two main strategies:
* Purification therapies (panchakarma) to eliminate the vitiated doshas.
* Herbal therapies to help re-establish normal physiological function in the affected tissues and organs.

However asthma is highly variable in its course and clinicians need to tailor their treatment plans to the needs of each individual patient. The general Ayurvedic principle is to initially gain control of the disease as quickly possible with strong Vata and Kapha purification measures which are then followed with appropriate herbal therapies.

Oleation and Fomentation Procedures
Patients must first undergo oleation therapy ( snehana ) this includes both external and internal forms of oil treatment. External oleation by daily oil massage should be administered first, for 7-10 days. The best oils in tamaka svasa are: narayana oil, talispatra oil, amra oil (from mango seeds), or chandrabala oil. Next, patients undergo internal oleation with daily intake of an appropriate unctuous substance for 3-7 days this is usually pure or medicated cow's ghee which should be at least six months old. During this period, patients have simultaneous sweat, or fomentation, therapy ( swedana ). This usually includes both general "steam box" treatments as well as pinda sweda . The latter therapy involves the placement of hot boluses of rice and special herbs wrapped in a cloth over certain points of the body. These points are called marma sthula and are similar to the Chinese acupuncture points.

Laxative Procedure
Following snehana and swedana therapies, a one-time virechana , or laxative therapy, is administered. Castor oil ( Ricinis communis ) in a dose of 2-3 tablespoons is generally used for this.

Therapeutic Vomiting Procedure
Finally, vamana , or theraputic vomiting therapy should be initiated this is the most important therapy in diseases involving respiratory distress. This usually involves three consecutive mornings when, following a light breakfast, patients are given an emetic herb (i.e. madana phala) and then asked to fill the stomach with cool water or milk to induce vomiting. Correctly performed, this is not at all uncomfortable and does not produce nausea. Weaker, very elderly, acutely ill, or cardiac patients however should not be given vamana therapy.

After completing these purificatory treatments, patients are given herbal therapies. The most efficacious in my experience are the following.

Ayurvedic Herbal Medicines

TYLOPHORA ASTHMATICA or TYLOPHORA INDICA Tylophora asthmatica or Tylophora indica ( antamoola )is an Ayurvedic medicine claimed to treat respiratory disorders in which mucus accumulation is a symptom. The leaves are used for asthma, bronchitis, common cold, dysentery, and rheumatism. It is believed to have cathartic, diaphoretic, emetic, and expectorant effects. This indigenous plant is recognized as a bronchodilator.

Shivpuri et al. conducted several studies on the treatment of asthma with Tylophora indica. In the preliminary uncontrolled study there was a relief of symptoms lasting a few weeks in 4050% of patients who chewed 1 leaf /day for 36 days. Two followup crossover, controlled, doubleblinded studies were performed by Shivpuri et al. with leaves and an alcoholic extract of Tylophora . Results showed complete to moderate relief of symptoms as compared to placebo: 62% chewing leaves vs. 28% placebo and 58% alcohol extract vs. 31% placebo. Also, relief of symptoms lasted 812 weeks in some patients. Patients who chewed leaves experienced a high incidence of side effects: sore mouth, vomiting, and loss of taste. Side effects were less pronounced with use of the alcoholic extract. In a controlled, unblinded study, Shivpuri showed that 71% of asthmatics had increased bronchial tolerance to an inhaled antigen 2 days after treatment with leaves. On follow-up, nine patients continued to demonstrate protection against inhalation challenges from 9 to 48 days after stopping treatment.

In two crossover, double blind studies by Thiruvendagan et al., patients showed reduction in nocturnal dyspnea after receiving a powdered leaf capsule as compared to placebo, but none demonstrated significant difference in other symptoms as compared to placebo or a capsule of standard medication containing ephedrine, theophylline, and phenobarbitone. There was a steady increase in maximum breathing capacity (MBC), vital capacity (VC) and PEF over 7 days with the Tylophora capsule as compared to placebo. These effects also differed from those of the standard medication that produced quick but transient rises in values. However, Gupta et al. acquired opposite results to the above studies. In his double blind study, no statistically significant difference was noted in symptom scores and pulmonary function tests after patients took powdered Tylophora leaf or placebo.

In 1975, Haranath et al. studied the mode of action of aqueous extract of Tylophora asthmatica. Tylophora prevented anaphylaxis and reduced Schultz -Dale reactions in guinea pigs. Tylophora also produced an initial leukocytosis followed by a reduced lymphocyte and eosinophil count in dogs. It had mild, brief antispasmodic action on contractions in tissues induced by histamine, Ach, and serotonin (5HT). This suggests that its primary action is not the antagonism of histamine or choline. Also, it apparently has no betaagonist effects because it produced a fall in blood pressure despite addition of propranolol.

Gore et al. studied the physiological basis of Tylophora by comparing its effects to a known bronchodilator (isoprenaline). In asthmatic patients there was a significant improvement in lung function tests. There also was an increase in urinary 17ketosteroid levels and decreased absolute eosinophil count.

Udupa et al. examined the effects of extracts of Tylophora on adrenal gland and the pituitaryadrenal axis in rats. Extracts of Tylophora increased the weight of adrenals and decreased cholesterol and vitamin C contents. It also antagonized dexamethasone/hypophysectomy-induced suppression of pituitary on adrenal activity. These results indirectly suggest that Tylophora indica might act by direct a stimulation of adrenals.

The major ingredient in Tylophora is tylophorine, an alkaloid. Gopalakrishnan investigated this alkaloid for its antiinflammatory and immunological effects. The results showed that pre-treatment with tylophorine provided 70% protection against anaphylaxis in guinea pigs. It also inhibited SchultzDale reactions and immunocytoadherence. Immunocytoadherence or rosette formation is the method by which antigen is bound to red cells and these cells adhere in vitro to lymphoid cells with corresponding antibody. Tylophorine inhibited mast cell degranulation by diazoxide (an agent that produces mast cell rupture by reducing cAMP levels in cells), but did not affect histamine release in mast cells incubated with tylophorine alone. Gopalakrishnan suggested that tylophorine might act by increasing cAMP levels.

Picrorrhiza kurroa, or kutki, is a small herb with tuberous roots that is used in Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of liver and lung diseases (asthma, bronchitis), fever, anemia, dyspepsia, chronic dysentery, and arthritic conditions. It is claimed to have antiperiodic, cathartic, and laxative effects. It contains phenol glycoside androsin, kutkin, Dmannitol, vanillic acid, kutkiol, kutkisterol, and apocynin. The powdered root is used in medication and potentially has immunomodulating activity in cellmediated and humoral immunity.

In one study, 10 asthmatics were given powdered Picrorrhiza kurroa root b.i.d. for 14 days. Shah et al. noted an improvement in asthma symptoms in six asthmatics and improved lung function changes (FEV,) in four patients. Four patients had side effects ranging from headaches, nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain to insomnia and giddiness.

Mahajand et al. demonstrated that pre-treatment powdered root of Picrorrhiza kurroa decreased sensitivity to histamine in guinea pigs. The severity and duration of allergic bronchospasm was reduced. Also, total histamine content in lung tissue was reduced. Pretreatment with Picrorrhiza inhibited histamine and slow reacting substances of anaphylaxis (SRSA) release in chopped lungs. Picrorrhiza kurroa also enhanced isoprenaline and adrenaline bronchodilator effects in the animals.

In a random doubleblind trial, 72 asthmatics were treated t.i.d. with Picrorrhiza kurroa root powder and placebo. Doshi et al. noted some initial clinical benefit. Despite this, there was no significant evidence of reduction in clinical attacks, need for bronchodilators, or improvement in lung function.

Dorsch et al. identified androsin, a phenol glycoside, as the active compound in Picrorrhiza kurroa. In a randomized, controlled, crossover study, it prevented allergen and PAFinduced bronchial obstruction in guinea pigs. Other unknown compounds inhibited PMN leukocyte histamine release.

Albizzia lebbek, or shirisha, is an indigenous tree used for bronchial asthma and bronchitis in Ayurvedic medicine. It contains saponins. Tripathi et al. studied asthmatic patients who were treated with this plant and showed reduced histamine levels and elevated cortisol levels. Treated guinea pigs also were protected from histamineinduced bronchospasm. As a consequence, Tripathi further explored the effects of histamine and Albizzia. In a 1979 controlled study, 18 guinea pigs were treated with distilled water, histamine, or histamine plus alcoholic extract of Albizzia lebbek bark. Plasma cortisol, catecholamine, and histaminase levels were measured and lungs and adrenals were examined. Histaminase levels were high in both groups but were highest in histaminetreated groups. The cortisol levels were high in the histamine group and highest in the Albizzia group. Catecholamine levels were highest in the histamine group, indicating stress. Histologically, the adrenals in the Albizziatreated group had larger cells and nuclei with many microvacuoles, indicating hyperactivity. Also, lung tissue in the Albizziatreated group appeared normal as compared to bronchospasm and luminal obstruction in the histamine group. Tripathi concluded that Albizzia counteracts the effects of histamine either by possibly neutralizing histamine directly or by causing increased cortisol production.

In 1981, Tripathi et al. examined the effect of histamine and Albizzia on catecholamines. Twentyfour guinea pigs were treated with control, histamine, or histamine plus Albizzia lebbek extract for 7 days. Adrenal glands were examined for medullary noradrenaline and adrenaline granules. Catecholamine levels were high in the histamine group and near control levels in Albizziatreated group. Also, granule and medullary size and number were increased in histaminetreated group and resembled the control group in the Albizzia treated group. In the previous study, plasma histaminase levels were increased in the Albizziatreated group. Tripathi stated that the reduction in catecholamine levels in Albizzia treated groups may be due to production of histaminase (see previous study) or a possible antihistaminic activity in the plant itself. Also, the previous study noted a rise in cortisol level with Albizzia that Tripathi believed might help in suppressing histamineinduced reactions such as the increase in catecholamines.

Johri et al. examined the effects of Albizzia seed extract and pure saponin fraction on rat peritoneal mast cells. Active and passive anaphylaxis were induced in rats and their mast cells were collected. Results showed that ruptured mast cell numbers were reduced with the Albizzia extract and fraction and with disodium cromoglycate (DSCG). Johri concluded that Albizzia and its saponin derivatives protected mast cells from allergeninduced degranulation similar to disodium cromoglycate, and may potentially have mast cell stabilizing activity similar to that of DSCG.

Adhatoda vasica ( vasaka or malabar nut) is used in India for cough, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, glandular tumors, consumption, diarrhea, dysentery, cough, fever, jaundice, and tuberculosis. Its leaves were smoked. Its leaves and roots were prescribed by Ayurvedic practitioners as a mucolytic, antitussive, antispasmodic, and expectorant. In other cultures, the fruit is used for bronchitis and the root is used for asthma, bilious nausea, bronchitis, fever, gonorrhea, and sore eyes. The essential oil is claimed to have expectorant, antitubercular, and antihelmintic effects. Active chemicals are considered to be alkaloids, vasicine, vasicinone, and vasicinol.

The pharmacological action of the alkaloids in Adhatoda vasica were studied as early as 1959. Amin and Mehta studied vasicinone for its action on guinea pig trachea and perfused lung and on intact guinea pigs. Vasicinone antagonized histamineinduced constriction, but was less effective than adrenaline. A quinazol4one ring is found in vasicine and vasicinone and may be responsible for the action of Adhatoda. Vasicinone is the autooxidation product of vasicine.Cambridge et al. stated that in vitro tests showed relaxation of guinea pig trachea rings by vasicinone and quinazol4one at about 1/2000 the activity of adrenaline.Vasicinone was 1/700 and quinazol4one was 1/3800 as active as adrenaline against histamineinduced contraction. In in vivo studies of anesthetized guinea pigs, vasicine produced bronchoconstriction at high doses. Vasicine and vasicinone were found to have a weak antihistaminic effect which was of short duration. Vasicinone had less antihistaminic activity than vasicine and the effect decreased at higher doses.

Lahiri and Pradhan studied vasicinol, an alkaloid from the roots of Adhatoda vasica. The results were compared to those of vasicine and vasicinone. Vasicinol caused a transient fall in blood pressure in cats, guinea pigs, and rats and the effect was reversed by atropine in cats. It caused negative inotropic and chronotropic effects on guinea pig hearts that were blocked by atropine. Cat respiration was slightly increased and blocked by atropine. It also potentiated AChinduced bronchospasm but inhibited the action of histamine. No contraction in guinea pig tracheal chain was noted. Vasicinol contracted guinea pig ileum, enhanced the contraction caused by Ach, and was blocked by atropine. It also potentiated ACh contractions in frog rectus abdominus. No analgesic or toxic qualities were noted. Similar results were seen with vasicine except it had no effect on guinea pig ileum and relaxed the tracheal chain at low dose. Vasicinone had no effect on blood pressure and respiration in cats. It relaxed the tracheal chain and slightly contracted the ileum with potentiation of ACh and blockage by atropine. These results indicate that vasicinol has a cholinergic nature. The therapeutic effect of Adhatoda may be explained by vasicinol's antagonism of histamineinduced bronchoconstriction. Also, vasicinone acts as a bronchodilator, whereas vasicine bronchoconstricts at high dose. As discussed, Arvin attributes the beneficial effects of Adhatoda to the autooxidation of vasicine to vasicinone.

To clarify the action of vasicine and vasicinone, Gupta et al. studied their effects in vivo and in vitro.Vasicine reduced blood pressure in a dosedependent manner in dogs that remained unaltered by pressors, carotid denervation, or vagotomy. Vasicine had negative inotropic and chronotropic effects that were greater in combination with vasicinone. Vasicine also had direct vasodilatory effects. Vasicinone alone had no cardiovascular effects. Vasicine stimulated respiration in anesthetized dogs in a dosedependent manner. The respiratory effects were reduced in carotid sinus denervated, vagotomized, decerebrated, and atropinepretreated animals. Respiratory stimulation was also seen in rabbits. Vasicine increased ciliary movements when applied to frog esophagus and inhibited bronchial secretions in dog tracheas. Vasicinone had no effect. No antitussive activity was noted with either alkaloid.

Gupta concludes that the effects of Adhatoda vasica can be attributed to the bronchodilatory effects and increased ciliary movements by vasicine, and potentiation of bronchodilatory effects and antagonism of cardiac depression by vasicinone.27 By stimulating respiration, vasicine probably improves ventilation and helps expel tracheobronchial secretion, adding to the claims of expectorant activity in Adhatoda vasica.

Coleus forskholii isan Ayurvedic anti-asthmatic herb. It has bronchodilator effects. It is considered to be an antispasmodic, diaphoretic, sedative, anodyne, antidotal, antiseptic, antitussive, carminative, expectorant, febrifuge, pectoral, preventative (cold), and tonic. In Korea, leaves are used for colds, cough, and dyspepsia. It is claimed to increase intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) by acting directly on the catalytic subunit of the adenylate cyclase system. This may offer an advantage by bypassing psurface receptors and overcoming tachyphylaxis.

In a randomized, doubleblind, controlled, fourperiod, crossover study, Bauer et al. studied the effects of dry colforsin powder in 16 asthmatics. Colforsin or forskolin is a derivative of Coleus forskholii. Specific airway conductance was measured after exposure to fenoterol, a known betaagonist bronchodilator, and colforsin capsules. Fenoterol metered dose inhaler (MDI) showed a greater increase in airway conductance, followed by dry powdered fenoterol capsules, and then colforsin. The dry powdered colforsin (forskolin) showed measurable bronchodilation in asthmatics by elevated FEV-1 values. After 30 min, colforsin showed 16 ± 2% changes in FEV, as compared to fenoterol MDI and capsules (29 ± 3% and 30 ± 3%, respectively). After 120 min, fenoterol airway conductance and FEV, was unchanged, but colforsinaffected values returned to baseline. No serious side effects were observed in patients. Mild to moderate tremor, restlessness, and palpitations were reported after use of fenoterol MDI and fenoterol capsules. Colforsin capsule and placebo-treated groups experienced less severe side effects. A decrease in potassium levels was noted after fenoterol use but no change was observed in colforsin or placebotreated patients.

Kaik et al. demonstrated in a doubleblind crossover study that forskolin had bronchodilating effects that were initially as good as fenoterol in healthy nonsmokers.At 3 and 5 min, forskolin protected against AChinduced bronchoconstriction as effectively as fenoterol, but at 15 and 30 min, fenoterol was stronger.

Solanuum xanthocarpum , or kantakari, is commonly used in Ayurveda as a bronchodilator, expectorant, and antitussive. The entire plant is used and contains saponin-like alkaloids

Bector and Puri treated a total of 60 patients with different types of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with 2 grams bid of the powdered whole plant.In the 22 chronic bronchitis patients, improvement in cough frequency and severity was noted in 3-20 days. In 16 chronic asthmatics, 13 reported slight improvement in the severity of asthmatic attacks. Significant improvement was reported in 10 patients with unproductive nonspecific cough. No change was noted in status asthmaticus.

In another study by Bector, et al. 305 asthmatic patients were treated with a powdered form of the whole plant in a dose of 1 gram tid for one month. Fifty percent of the patients reported subjective improvement in their respiratory status without any reported adverse effects.

Medical Director,
Atharva Multispeciality Ayurveda Hospital,
Cell No.+919825163953

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Weight loss a Success of Ayurveda
Todays world is of science & technology. Each one of us is eager to know the cause behind a phenomenon .This article puts a light on the important causes of overweight.BMI is the medical term to measure the weight clinically it means body mass index.When this index is upto 29.5 the condition is obesity but when it BMI >29.5 the condition is termd as overweight.Ayurveda gives a classical view in detailing the causes of overweight .Improper diet habits ,eating at wrong times, eating non-veg ,rice ,potatoes,bannanas,sweet in more quantity, no exercise, genes as kul dosha are seen to be the main causes of overweight.The main dosha responsible for this diasease is kafa & meda being the increased dhatu.So overweight is termed as Medo roga in ayurveda .According to ayurveda weight standars are slightly increased then western sciences.But ayurveda treatment is boon & great ffective for weight los. All the medicines in ayurvedic teraetment for weight losss are having qualities as light, sharp & warm .This is structured in ayurveda to burn the fats & remve them from body. Herbal cominations as trikatu,trifala, chaturgat are exceelent asweel as lodhra ,pippali ,guugulu are the important herbs in treatment.Trifala gugul 3 tabs 3 times a day hepls to maintain the weight ,should be taken for 3 months.Stress ,sex , avoiding sleep ,walking should be increased day by day to have a exceelent weight loss.Panchkarma as lekana vasti & vaman aplay avital role.Diet should be modified to low calorie .Yogas preffred are bhujangasana,sarwangasana & last but not the least Suryanamskara.Each and every part of weight loss treatment should be monitored by doctor ,so please dont forget to counsult an ayurvedic counsultant.
Dr Prashant Kolwale
(Ayurveda Counsultant)

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Biochemic Medicines
In these times of stressful life when a patient has to run to an allopath frequently for minor ailments and when he/she is loaded with a number of allopathic medicines after spending a good amount of money,
Biochemic route definitely comes to rescue.

The biochemic medicines are available as twelve tissue salts and their combination and can be administered safely alongwith other treartments as well and have practically no side effects.

These tissue salts are tritrurised/ diluted minerals which are present in our own system and every ailment is precipitated because of deficiency of any of these minerals.

These salts act through capillary absorption through the oral system and act as triggers the system to balnce the respetive salts in the system and thus provide immediate relief.

The consultants personally analyze the symptons indicative of the deficiency of the very mineral/ s and prescribe the medicine accordingly.

The action of these medicines is very fast and the response is amazingly quick and can be tried as first available remedy in even in cases of extreme emergencies like heavy vomiting/ loose motions leading to dehydration and angina etc.

The Biochemic system has a lot to offer to the pregnant woman- not only during pregnancy, but even after delivery. It is not only effective, it is very safe, unlike allopathy, where many medicines are contraindicated during pregnancy as they have a bad effect on the unborn child.

Dose: The usual dose is 4 tablets of the 6x potency, 3 times a day. It may be necessary to combine two or more biochemic remedies since a person can have a deficiency of more than one salt.

Note: A detailed history followed by constitutional treatment by a good and qualified homoeopath is necessary to treat the complaints that appear during pregnancy. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.

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Tips to Prevent Voice Problems
· Limit your intake of drinks that include alcohol or caffeine.
· Drink plenty of water. Six to eight glasses a day is recommended.
· Don't smoke and avoid second-hand smoke.
· Cancer of the vocal cords is seen most often in individuals who smoke.
· Practice good breathing techniques when singing or talking.
· Avoid eating spicy foods.
· Try not to overuse your voice. Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is hoarse.
· Wash your hands often to prevent colds and flu.
· Get enough rest. Physical fatigue has a negative effect on voice.
· Avoid talking in noisy places. Trying to talk above noise causes strain on the voice.
· Avoid mouthwash or gargles that contain alcohol or irritating chemicals.
· Avoid using mouthwash to treat persistent bad breath. Halitosis (bad breath) may be the result of a problem that mouthwash can't cure, such as low grade infections in the nose, sinuses, tonsils, gums, or lungs, as well as from gastric reflux from the stomach.

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How do you know when your voice is not healthy?
· Has your voice become hoarse or raspy?
· Have you lost your ability to hit some high notes when singing?
· Does your voice suddenly sound deeper?
· Does your throat often feel raw, achy, or strained?
· Has it become an effort to talk?
· Do you find yourself repeatedly clearing your throat?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you may be experiencing a voice problem and need to consult an ENT specialist.

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Many women would like to change the size and the shape of their breasts. Cosmetic surgery can improve the size of your breast but its not for everyone.

Breast cosmetic surgery should be a last resort for those who want to change the size and shape of their breasts.

There are several alternatives that women can try to improve the shape of their breasts before resorting to surgery. These breast enhancement techniques range from breast enhancement creams and pills to easy breast enhancement exercises that tone all of your upper body.


If you're looking for an exercise that increases your breasts you might as well stop right now, since you're not going to find it. There is simply NO WAY you can increase your bust size by just exercise. Your breasts are pure fat and no muscle, so the only non-surgical way to increase their size is to increase your fat intake... and we know how disastrous that could be! Instead, target your pectoral (chest) muscles to shape and firm your bust line. This would give the illusion of bigger breasts.
The bench press
The best exercise for shaping and firming your bust line is the bench press, which not only targets your bust line and flatters your figure, but also sculpts your shoulders and tightens your triceps (the backs of your upper arms).
You will need:
A pair of dumbbells
A bench (If you plan to purchase one, all you need is the simple, straight wooden board variety. A less expensive option is an aerobic step bench. You could use a piano bench, picnic table bench, or even a coffee table as long as it has sturdy legs and doesn't have a glass top just add some padding to cushion your back.)
How to do it?
1.Lie flat on a bench, with your feet on the floor, one foot on each side of the bench, straddling it.
2.Make sure that your head, shoulders, back and butt are firmly positioned on the bench.
3. Roll your shoulders back and down so the shoulder blades are firmly pressed against the bench and the chest is sticking up. This should result in the spine being slightly arched.
4. Keep the dumbbells about 18 inches apart and parallel to the floor with your palms facing upwards. The more narrow the grip, the more you involve your triceps. The wider the grip the more the outer area of the chest is worked.
5. Slowly push the dumbbells straight up, away from your chest.
6. Fully extend your arms so that the dumbbells are directly above your chest. Pause slightly at the top of the movement then slowly lower the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
7. Inhale and hold your breath as you lower the dumbbells. When they reach the chest, begin to move the weight upward again.
8. Exhale as you pass the point of greatest resistance.
What you should know.
1. 8 to 12 lifts are considered a set. Do about 1 to 3 sets at a session.
2. Do about 3 sessions per week, and let there be one day of rest between sessions.
3. Don't forget to breathe.
4. Each round should take approximately 7 seconds. (3 seconds to lift, pause for a second and 3 seconds to lower).
5. To keep the shoulders from doing too much work, don't allow them to come off the bench. They should remain flat on the bench throughout the exercise.
1. Raise the dumbbells back over your head or forward over your belly.
2. Arch your back.
3. Raise the dumbbells out to the sides of your body.
4. Lock your elbows when arms are fully extended.
5. Rest the dumbbells on your chest.
6. Move quickly, especially when lowering.

Breast Enhancement Pills

Breast enhancement pills usually offer a combination of several herbal ingredients. Most often, the formula includes fenugreek, saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam, fennel, Dong Quai, damiana, and blessed thistle.

The herbal components of breast enhancement pills start a reaction similar to those that occur during puberty, when women’s breast tissue starts to grow. These herbs deliver plant estrogen, which stimulates the growth of the delicate breast tissue from inside by causing hormonal changes. Plant estrogen, as scary and medicinal as it sounds, is a natural product derived from plants and is quite mild.

It may take time to achieve the desired results with breast enhancement pills. Women with small to medium cup size when taking breast enhancement pills usually achieve their optimum results within two months. Some women continue to take breast enhancement pills on an ongoing basis because they notice other positive changes in health.

Herbal remedies, including breast enhancement pills, have many advantages over surgical breast augmentation, due to lower costs, less health risks and fewer side effects.

Breast Enhancement Creams and Lotions

This type of breast enhancement is not the most effective when used on its own. When combined with pills and exercises, breast enhancement creams can yield substantial breast size increase.

Breast enhancement creams act in pretty much the same way that the breast enhancement pills do. Typically breast enhancement cream contains a mix of herbs along with mild chemicals that stimulate the growth of fat cells in the breast without growing fat cells on other parts of the body.

Breast enhancement creams have other cosmetic effects, as they make the breasts firmer and more smooth, enhancing the total look and feel of the breasts.


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