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Dental Health

When you get your picture taken, everyone says, "Say cheese! Smile!" So you do - you open your mouth and show your teeth. When you see the picture, you see a happy person looking back at you. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look.

It's because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they'll help take care of you. Strong, healthy teeth help you chew the right foods to help you grow. They help you speak clearly. And yes, they help you look your best.

Why Healthy Teeth Are Important
How does taking care of your teeth help with all those things?

Taking care of your teeth helps prevent plaque , which is a clear film that sticks to your teeth. The film itself might not sound so bad, but it's very sticky, and it acts like a magnet for bacteria and sugar.

Bacteria go crazy over the sugar on your teeth, breaking it down into acids that eat away tooth enamel, causing holes called cavities. Plaque also causes gingivitis ,which is gum disease that can make your gums red, swollen, and sore. Your gums are those soft pink tissues in your mouth that hold your teeth in place.

If you don't take care of your teeth, it won't be long before cavities and unhealthy gums make your mouth very, very sore. Eating meals will be difficult. And you won't feel like smiling so much.


It was only about 100 years ago that someone finally created a minty cream to clean teeth. Not long after that, the toothpaste tube was invented, so people could squeeze the paste right onto the toothbrush! Tooth brushing became popular during World War II. The U.S. Army gave brushes and toothpaste to all soldiers, and they learned to brush twice a day. Back then, toothpaste tubes were made of metal; today they're made of soft plastic and are much easier to squeeze!

Today there are plenty of toothpaste choices: lots of colors and flavors to choose from, and some brands are made just for kids. People with great-looking teeth advertise toothpaste on TV commercials and in magazines. When you're choosing a toothpaste, make sure it contains fluoride. Fluoride makes your teeth strong and protects them from cavities. When you brush, you don't need a lot of toothpaste: just squeeze out a bit the size of a pea. It's not a good idea to swallow the toothpaste, either, so be sure to rinse and spit after brushing.

How You Can Keep Your Teeth Healthy
Kids can take charge of their teeth by taking these steps:

Brush at least twice a day - after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after lunch or after sweet snacks. Brushing properly breaks down plaque.

Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Brush away from your gums.

Take your time while brushing. Spend at least 3 minutes each time you brush. If you have trouble keeping track of the time, use a timer or play a recording of a song you like to help pass the time.

Be sure your toothbrush has soft bristles (the package will tell you if they're soft). Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush every 3 months. Some toothbrushes come with bristles that change color when it's time to change them.

Learn how to floss your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels weird the first few times you do it, but pretty soon you'll be a pro. Slip the dental floss between each tooth and up along the gum line. The floss gets rid of food that's hidden where your toothbrush can't get it, no matter how well you brush.

It's also important to visit the dentist twice a year. Besides checking for signs of cavities or gum disease, the dentist will help keep your teeth extra clean, and he or she can help you learn the best way to brush and floss.

It's not just brushing and flossing that keep your teeth healthy - you also need to be careful about what you eat and drink. Remember, the plaque on your teeth is just waiting for that sugar to arrive. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water instead of soda. And don't forget to smile!

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Homeopathy in Autism / ADHD
Autism causes kids to experience the world differently from the way most other kids do. It's hard for kids with autism to talk with other people and express themselves using words. Kids who have autism usually keep to themselves and many can't communicate without special help.
They also may react to what's going on around them in unusual ways. Normal sounds may really bother someone with autism — so much so that the person covers his or her ears. Being touched, even in a gentle way, may feel uncomfortable.
Kids with autism often can't make connections that other kids make easily. For example, when someone smiles, you know the smiling person is happy or being friendly. But a kid with autism may have trouble connecting that smile with the person's happy feelings.
A kid who has autism also has trouble linking words to their meanings. Imagine trying to understand what your mom is saying if you didn't know what her words really mean. It is doubly frustrating then if a kid can't come up with the right words to express his or her own thoughts.
Autism causes kids to act in unusual ways. They might flap their hands, say certain words over and over, have temper tantrums, or play only with one particular toy. Most kids with autism don't like changes in routines. They like to stay on a schedule that is always the same. They also may insist that their toys or other objects be arranged a certain way and get upset if these items are moved or disturbed.
If someone has autism, his or her brain has trouble with an important job: making sense of the world. Every day, your brain interprets the sights, sounds, smells, and other sensations that you experience. If your brain couldn't help you understand these things, you would have trouble functioning, talking, going to school, and doing other everyday stuff. Kids can be mildly affected by autism, so that they only have a little trouble in life, or they can be very affected, so that they need a lot of help.
What Causes Autism?
Autism affects about 1 in every 150 kids, but no one knows what causes it. Some scientists think that some kids might be more likely to get autism because it or similar disorders run in their families. Knowing the exact cause of autism is hard because the human brain is very complicated.
The brain contains over 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. Each neuron may have hundreds or thousands of connections that carry messages to other nerve cells in the brain and body. The connections and the chemical messengers they send (called neurotransmitters) let the neurons that help you see, feel, move, remember, and work together as they should.
For some reason, some of the cells and connections in the brain of a kid with autism — especially those that affect communication, emotions, and senses — don't develop properly or get damaged. Scientists are still trying to understand how and why this happens.
Appropriate early intervention is important. Once the diagnosis has been made, the parents, physicians, and specialists should discuss what is best for the child. In most cases, parents are encouraged to take care of the child at home.
Special education classes are available for autistic children. Structured, behaviourally-based programs, geared to the patient's developmental level have shown some promise.
• Most behavioral treatment programs include:
Clear instructions to the child
• Prompting to perform specific behaviors
• Immediate praise and rewards for performing those behaviors
• A gradual increase in the complexity of reinforced behaviors
• Definite distinctions of when and when not to perform the learned behaviors
Parents should be educated in behavioural techniques so they can participate in all aspects of the child's care and treatment. The more specialized instruction and behavior therapy the child receives, the more likely it is that the condition will improve.
Medication is only administered to treat specific symptoms such as seizures, hyperactivity, extreme mood changes, or self-injurious behaviors.
The autistic child requires much of the parents' attention, often affecting the other children in the family. Counseling and support may be helpful for the parents.
The outlook for each child depends on his or her intelligence and language ability. Some people with autism become independent adults. A majority can be taught to live in community-based homes, although they may require supervision throughout adulthood.
Homoeopathic medicines were found to be effective in treatment of Austistic as well as hyperactive disorder. Clinicians using homeopathy for Austism / ADHD have reported good results. Now, a double blind controlled study of 43 children with Autism/ADHD shows that homeopathy can be effective in treating the disorder. In a study published in the British Homeopathic Journal, Oct 1997, children afflicted with Autism/ADHD were given homeopathic treatment for ten days. The parents or caregivers rated the children on the amount of Autism/ADHD behavior they displayed. Those receiving homeopathic medicines showed significantly less Autism/ADHD behavior than those who did not receive homoeopathic treatment.

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Homeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is a set of signs or symptoms that may point to kidney problems. Your kidneys clean your blood by filtering out excess water and salt and waste products from food. Healthy kidneys keep protein in the blood, which helps the blood soak up water from tissues. But kidneys with damaged filters may leak protein into the urine. As a result, not enough protein is left in the blood to soak up the water. The water then moves from the blood into body tissues and causes swelling.
Both children and adults can have nephrotic syndrome. The causes of and treatments for nephrotic syndrome in children are sometimes different from the causes and treatments in adults. Childhood nephrotic syndrome can occur at any age but is most common between the ages of 1˝ and 5 years. It seems to affect boys more often than girls.
A child with nephrotic syndrome has these signs:
• high levels of protein in the urine, a condition called proteinuria
• low levels of protein in the blood
• swelling resulting from buildup of salt and water
• less frequent urination
• weight gain from excess water
Nephrotic syndrome is not itself a disease. But it can be the first sign of a disease that damages the kidney’s tiny blood-filtering units, called glomeruli, where urine is made.
Homoeopathy in Nephrotic Syndrome
The system of homeopathic medicine has a promising role to offer for the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome, inclusive of all its variants. Inspite of atrocious nature of the condition, it is possible to treat Nephrotic Syndrome successfully. The treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome has to be planned strategically on a long-term basis, being a chronic and deep-seated disease, there is no short cut in the treatment.
Homeopathy is a scientific medical alternative for treating a wide range of chronic ailments, one amongst them being Nephrotic Syndrome. It should be emphasized that homoeopathy treats patient who is diseased and not just the disease. Homeopathy firmly believes in enhancing body's own curative power to maintain the healthy status,by bringing the immune system back to normal.
The basic approach in homeopathy is to evaluate the disease in its whole extent, whereby a lot of emphasis is given to the patient as a whole, besides minutely studying various aspects of the Nephrotic Syndrome.
While making the case analysis of Nephrotic Syndrome, patient’s minutest of the details about the presenting complaints, severity of complaints, in which areas the edema is more marked, complaints regarding urination, associated complaints, triggering factors, amount of proteins in the urine and blood, etc. are noted carefully. Besides this, a greater deal of emphasis is given to patient’s individual features such as eating habits, food preference, thermal attributes, and sleep pattern. The study of the patient's mind and emotional spheres, psychosocial background, behavior and personality pattern is conducted meaningfully. Furthermore, patient’s history of past diseases and that of the family diseases is understood to know the miasmatic background of the patient.
After putting all the vital information together, and fine evaluation process carried out, an individualist medicine is determined. This constitutional medicine, which when administered in the correct dose treats the patient at an inner level and brings about harmony at the constitutional level. The homoeopathy medicine works at the immunological level, bringing about normalcy. The medicine administered reduces kidney inflammation, repairs glomerular damage, thus preventing protein leakage in the urine. This restores water balance of the body and brings down edema. Chances of relapse and recurrence go down with homoeopathy treatment. Homoeopathy medicines also assist in treatment of causative diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, tuberculosis and SLE. In a situation, where kidney damage has progressed too far, homoeopathy prevents further progress of disease and deterioration of the condition in future.

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Scope of Homeopathy in Cervical Spondylosis and Spondylitis
Cervical spondylosis refers to common age-related changes in the area of the spine at the back of the neck. With age, the vertebrae (the component bones of the spine) gradually form bone spurs, and their shock-absorbing disks slowly shrink. These changes can alter the alignment and stability of the spine. They may go unnoticed, or they may produce problems related to pressure on the spine and associated nerves and blood vessels. This pressure can cause weakness, numbness, and pain in various areas of the body. In severe cases, walking and other activities may be compromised.
As it runs from the brain down the back, the spinal cord is protected by ringlike bones, called vertebrae, stacked one upon the other. The vertebrae are not in direct contact with one another, however. The intervening spaces are filled with structures called disks. The disks are made up of a tough, fibrous outer tissue with an inner core of elastic or gel-like tissue.
One of the most important functions of disks is protecting the vertebrae and the nerves and blood vessels between the vertebrae. The disks also lend flexibility to the spinal cord, facilitating movements such as turning the head or bending the neck. As people age, disks gradually become tougher and more unyielding. Disks also shrink with age, which reduces the amount of padding between the vertebrae.
As the amount of padding shrinks, the spine loses stability. The vertebrae react by constructing osteophytes, commonly known as bone spurs. There are seven vertebrae in the neck; development of osteophytes on these bones is sometimes called cervical osteoarthritis. Osteophytes may help to stabilize the degenerating backbone and help protect the spinal cord.
By age 50, 25-50% of people develop cervical spondylosis; by 75 years of age, it is seen in at least 70% of people. Although shrunken vertebral disks, osteophyte growth, and other changes in their cervical spine may exist, many of these people never develop significant problems.
Osteophyte formation and other changes do not necessarily lead to symptoms, but after age 50, half of the population experiences occasional neck pain and stiffness. As disks degenerate, the cervical spine becomes less stable, and the neck is more vulnerable to injuries, including muscle and ligament strains. Contact between the edges of the vertebrae can also cause pain. In some people, this pain may be referred--that is, perceived as occurring in the head, shoulders, or chest, rather than the neck. Other symptoms may include vertigo (a type of dizziness) or ringing in the ears.Cervical spondylosis can cause cervical spondylitic myelopathy through stenosis- or osteophyte-related pressure on the spinal cord.
Homeopathy cures cervical spondylosis permanently. Cases which do not get relief anywhere they get cure in Homeopathy. Homeopathy has vast range of more than 208 medicines for cervical spondylosis.It Takes 4 to 8 weeks in recent cases and longer time in more old cases to be cure. Homeopathic Medicines are prescribed on basis of individual symptom group, Modalities of pain and movements. Mild exercises are always advised with medicines. All the symtoms of cervical spondylosis and the individualising totality of the patient are considered to select the homoeopathic medicines.commonly indicated medicines are:Kalmia latifolia ,Lachnanthes tinctoria ,Rhus toxicodendron ,Cimicifuga racemosa, Bryonia alba , Magnesium phosphoricum , Nux vomica Gelsemium sempervirens , Calcarea fluorica , Phytolacca decandra Rhodium oxydatum nitricum , Strychninum purum , Belladonna Fel tauri, Ignatia amara , Kalium Nitricum, Rhododendron chrysanthum Silicea terra, Sulphur, Thuja occidentalis, Conium maculatum, Asarum europaeum, Causticum, Ammonium carbonicum, Calcarea carbonica Kalium Carbonicum, Paris quadrifolia, Menyanthes trifoliata

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nformation about hernias and hernia repair.

What is a hernia?

A hernia is the protrusion of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening. Think of a ruptured tyre. When the tyre wall separates the inner tube can seep through the opening. Similarly when a hernia occurs tissue protrudes through the abdominal wall. As the hernia enlarges it forms a sac. Internal organs such as the intestines can fall into this sac creating one of the major hernia symptoms - a bulge.

A hernia induced bulge is most often visible when standing. Lying down allows the tissue in the sac to return to its proper position and the bulge temporarily disappears. While hernias occur throughout the body, 95% are in the groin area.

A hernia is a weakness or defect in the abdominal wall. It may be present from birth or develop over a period of time. If the defect is large enough, abdominal contents such as the bowel, may protrude through the defect causing a lump or bulge felt by the patient. Hernias develop at certain sites which have a natural tendency to be weak; the groin, the umbilicus (belly button) and previous surgical incisions.

How do I get HERNIA?
Hernias can be present at birth or occur over time due to stress and strain on the abdominal wall. Most hernias become apparent later in life because it takes time for the hernial sac to enlarge enough for tissue to fall into it.
What are my options?
Without surgery you simply tolerate the hernia. Wearing a truss or binder may temporarily alleviate symptoms but will not cure the hernia. Only surgery corrects the defect in the belly wall.

Why should hernias be repaired?
Once a hernia has developed it will tend to enlarge and cause discomfort. If a loop of bowel gets caught in the hernia it may become obstructed or its blood supply may be cut off. This could then become a life-threatening situation. Since hernias can be repaired effectively and with minimal risk most surgeons therefore recommend that hernias be repaired when diagnosed unless there are other serious medical problems.

How are hernias repaired?
The standard method of hernia repair involves making an incision in the abdominal wall. Normal healthy tissues are cut until the area of weakness is found. This area, the hernia, is then repaired with sutures (stitches). Usually a prosthetic material such as nylon is used to strengthen the area of weakness. (A nylon mesh patch or plug). Finally the skin and other healthy tissues that were cut at the beginning are stitched back together to complete the repair.

How does the laparoscopic method differ?
With the laparoscopic repair the defect in the abdominal wall is repaired from the inside of the abdominal cavity. This method is usually only used for groin hernias. Instead of closing or patching the repair from the outside the patch is secured in place from the inside. This eliminates the necessity of cutting the skin and normal tissues of the groin to get down to and repair the hernia.

What causes hernias?
Hernias are caused by congenital (defects at birth) or age-related weaknesses in the abdominal wall. In males they are caused by an improper closure of the abdominal cavity during the body's development in the womb. They can also be caused by an increase in pressure within the abdominal cavity due to heavy lifting, straining, violent coughing, obesity or pregnancy.

Signs and Symptoms
Lump in groin area when standing/straining and disappears when reclining

Pain at the site of the lump especially when lifting a heavy object

Swelling of the scrotum

Excruciating abdominal pain (if you have strangulation)

Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and pain (if intestinal obstruction occurs)

Do you have any of these health problems?

It will be important for your doctor and specialist to know if you have any health problems prior to recommending surgery. In particular your doctor will wish to know from you Any current illnesses

Any past health problems

Any previous operations

Any medications taken

Any allergies particularly to medicines

Any breathing difficulties or anaesthetic problems

Whether or not you smoke

Treatment options
Learn more about how surgeons are diagnosing and treating inguinal hernias and the latest techniques being used to treat this health problem. At The DR KUBER Hernia clink surgeons are performing and evaluating several methods of hernia repair. All groin hernia procedures performed at Shriyash Hospital are subject to strict quality control.

Why should I turn to specialist?
A recommendation for surgery for the treatment of an inguinal hernia should only be given after a comprehensive assessment and under strict guidelines to assure the most successful outcome. Today new advances are being made but the procedures are still being refined at The Dr.Sachin Kuber Hernia Clink; research has been initiated to evaluate the outcome for utilising differing types of surgery for the successful treatment of inguinal hernias. With this research at The Dr.Sachin Kuber Hernia Clink surgeons are evaluating how long the results will last, who will benefit or who will be at the highest risk for complications.

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Stichless Hernia Surgery
There are new and innovative things always coming up in medical scene.

Here at our hernia surgery clinik we try to give latest technology benefit to patients.

Dr sachin kuber is happy to introduce whole new stichless surgery for hernia patients.

Features of stichless surgery done by Dr. Sachin Kuber!

1. Small cut for the hernia surgery

2. Absolutely no stiches after surgery

3. No dressing after surgery patient can have shower from next day after surgery.

4. Patient can move around home without any special precaution |

5. No ugly scars for post surgical period

6. No hassle of removing stiches

7. No mark of incision remains on body

8. Looks like no surgery has been done good for patients in show business

9. No trace of any bruise or mark on body.

10. Good for women who are cosmetic concious

11. Automatic healing of wounds of surgery

12. No issue of pain and marks at the site of surgery

13. No chance of getting pus or inflammation

14. No chance of foreign body reaction to stiches

15. So, forget the old days of stiches and staplers!
Welcome to Hernia Surgery Clinik! Here at specially designed center for hernia surgery we lookout to hernia in a unique way! Our aim is always to prevent recurrence in a hernia which is very dreadful. Thousands of patients have benefited from our way of doing hernia surgery till now. Many patients had previous hernia repairs done from other doctors many times. But were having again same problems. So after the repair of hernia in our center they are never embarraced by hernia again! It's true. Many patients are coming to our center from all over india. Dr. Sachin Kuber has till now repaired many difficult hernias.
Success in hernia surgery is his passion!
Recovery after Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Inguinal Hernia Surgery is sore! Don't believe anything different! Most patients will be comfortable for the first evening after surgery because we use a long acting local anaesthetic to control post-operative pain. As this wears off you will find the area becomes more uncomfortable. Discomfort is easy to control with oral analgesia which will be prescribed for you at the time of you operation.

You may experience a minor degree of swelling around the operation site, and often some minor bruising.

You will not be covered to drive your car by your insurance company for 48 hours following a general anaesthetic.

You can drive when you feel confident that you can safely perform an "emergency stop". This is usually between 7 and 10 days.

You can return to work when you feel able to. This may be in as little as 5 days but often is longer at 14 to 21 days.

You should not lift anything heavy following your repair for at least 6 weeks. This doesn't mean you can't lift anything, you just need to exercise a degree of common sense!

Recovery after Epigastric and Umbilical Hernia Repair

Most patients will recover very quickly from these operations. Discomfort is easily controlled with oral analgesia and the majority of patients should be able to return to work within the week following surgery. Driving is not usually a problem with this repair. However, if you hernia is big enough to require a mesh, then you may find your recovery is slightly longer.

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Asthma also called bronchial asthma, occurs when the airways in your lungs (bronchial tubes) become inflamed and constricted. The muscles of the bronchial walls tighten, and your airways produce extra mucus that blocks your airways. Signs and symptoms of asthma range from minor wheezing, cough, difficult exercising, shortness of breath, chest tightness to life-threatening asthma attacks, needing ventilatory support.

It isn't clear why some people get asthma and others don't, but it's probably due to a combination of environmental and genetic (inherited) factors.

Asthma triggers are different from person to person. Exposure to various allergens and irritants can trigger signs and symptoms of asthma, including:

Airborne allergens, such as pollen, animal dander, mold, cockroaches and dust mites
Respiratory infections, such as the common cold
Physical activity (exercise-induced asthma)
Cold air
Air pollutants and irritants such as smoke
Certain medications, including beta blockers, aspirin and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
Strong emotions and stress
Sulfites, preservatives added to some perishable foods
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), a condition in which stomach acids back up into your throat
Menstrual cycle in some women
Allergic reactions to foods such as peanuts or shellfish

Diagnostic tests -
1. Bedside clinical exam by a physician to determine wheezing/whistling sounds, however wheezing can occur in several other conditions too
2. Measurement of lung function by spirometry or pulmonary function tests

Treatment -

Inhaled corticosteroids - These medications reduce airway inflammation and are the most commonly used long-term asthma medication. Unlike oral corticosteroids, these medications are considered relatively low risk for long-term corticosteroid side effects. You may need to use these medications for several days to weeks before they reach their maximum benefit.

Long-acting beta-2 agonists. These inhaled medications, called long-acting bronchodilators, open the airways and reduce inflammation. They are often used to treat persistent asthma in combination with inhaled corticosteroids. Long-acting bronchodilators should not be used for quick relief of asthma symptoms.

Leukotriene modifiers reduce inflammation and decreasing mucus production.
Cromolyn and nedocromil - thought to decrease allergic reactions
Theophylline, a daily pill that opens your airways (bronchodilator) along with increase contraction of your respiratory muscles, helping breathing.

Quick-relief medications
Also called rescue medications, you use quick-relief medications as needed for rapid, short-term relief of symptoms during an asthma attack, or before exercise, if your doctor recommends it.

Short-acting beta-2 agonists, such as albuterol. These inhaled medications, called bronchodilators, ease breathing by temporarily relaxing airway muscles. They act within minutes, and effects last four to six hours.

Ipratropium - Your doctor might prescribe this inhaled anticholinergic for the immediate relief of your symptoms. Like other bronchodilators, ipratropium relaxes the airways, making it easier to breathe. Ipratropium is mostly used for emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Oral and intravenous corticosteroids to treat acute asthma attacks or very severe asthma. Examples include prednisone and methylprednisolone. These medications relieve airway inflammation. They may cause serious side effects when used long term, so they're only used to treat severe asthma symptoms.

Medications for allergy-induced asthma. These decrease your body's sensitivity to a particular allergen or prevent your immune system from reacting to allergens. Allergy treatments for asthma include:

Immunotherapy. Allergy-desensitization shots (immunotherapy). Over time, they gradually reduce your immune system reaction to specific allergens.

Anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies. This medication reduces your immune system's reaction to allergens.

Ref: Mayo Clinic, Emedicine, Chest (Journal of the ACCP)

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Fecal incontinence is the inability to control bowel movements, causing stool (feces) to leak unexpectedly from the rectum. Also called bowel incontinence, fecal incontinence can range from occasional stool leakage while passing gas to complete loss of bowel control.
Common causes of fecal incontinence include constipation, diarrhea, and muscle or nerve damage. The condition may be associated with aging and childbirth. Fecal incontinence can cause people to stay at home and withdraw from social events because an embarrassing accident. An estimated 5.5 million Americans, more commonly older people and women, suffer from fecal incontinence.
Surgical Repair of the Anal Sphincter
In patients who have significant fecal incontinence with damage to the muscles but not to the nerves of the anal sphincter, surgery may be the best option. Surgical options include:
* A sphincteroplasty to repair the damaged or weakened anal sphincter
* Surgical repair of rectal prolapse, rectocele or hemorrhoids
* A colostomy to divert the stool into a special bag (used only as a last resort)
1.Permanent Colostomy after cancer surgery
2.Permanent Colostomy after accident surgery
3.Incontinence after sphincter damage due to accident or surgery or childbirth

Can Bowel Incontinence Be Prevented?
Since fecal incontinence in women is often caused by anal muscle or nerve damage that occurred during childbirth, prevention is not always possible. However, if the use of forceps can be avoided during childbirth, the period of labour not prolonged and the baby not delivered too rapidly, injury to the pelvic muscles and nerves can be avoided.
Also, chronic constipation may result in incontinence. Getting sufficient water, fiber and exercise can be effective in treating constipation .

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