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Causes Of Hair Fall And Homeopathic Remedies For It!
Hair fall also known as alopecia is a problem encountered by millions of men and women worldwide. Hair fall can be a very distressing problem and can make you feel depressed. Hair fall may happen due to several reasons. Finding out the root cause of your hair fall will help you to deal with your problem more efficiently. Following are some causes that could be the reason for your hair fall:

For some people hair fall may be a hereditary problem.
Hormonal imbalance may at times lead to hair fall.
Stress can be a leading cause of hair loss.
Frequent use of hair styling tools may cause your hair to fall rapidly.
Consuming steroids like birth control pills very often may result in uncontrolled hair fall.
A diet with insufficient amount of protein can trigger hair fall.
But there is no reason for you to be disheartened, because there are many treatments available for controlling hair fall. Homeopathy offers promising remedies for reducing hair fall.

Some of the treatment methods are mentioned below:

If your hair fall is due to scalp diseases like dandruff or eczema then your homeopathic physician may recommend you medicines like Psorinum.
Your doctor may recommend you medicines like Pulsatilla or Sepia Officinalis, if hair loss happens due to childbirth or after menopause.
If hair fall is due to alopecia then your doctor may recommend you medicines like Calcrea Carbonica.
Homeopathic medicines like Fluoric acid are used for growing back your hair if bald spots appear on your scalp due to hair fall.
Medicines like Lycopodium are used for growing back your hair in case of complete baldness.
Silicea is a common homeopathic medicine prescribed for hair fall in case of young people.
Hair fall must not be ignored. You may consider consulting a homeopathic doctor if your hair is falling at an alarming rate.

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