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Gyneza Menstruation Problems In Female
Menstruation Problems In Female
The absence of menstrual period in women is called Amenorrhea. It is of two types.

1. Primary Amenorrhea
The failure of menses in women even after turning up to 16 years of age, is called as primary amenorrhea.

• Chromosomal or genetic abnormalities and mainly Turner syndrome. • Uterus structural defects. • Uterus infection. • Cystic fibrosis. • Cushing’s syndrome. • Imbalance in hormones. • Mainly adrenal gland problems. • Intake of Medicines for Cancer disease treatment and anti-depressive.

2. Secondary Amenorrhea
The stop of regular and normal menstrual cycles after the pregnancy for 3 months or more is called as Secondary amenorrhea.

• Pregnancy. • Breastfeeding and menopause. • Pituitary gland. • Thyroid problems. • Intake of contraception medicines and few antidepressants medicines. • PCOD (Polycystic Ovary Disease). • Strenuous exercise. • Uterus related operations.

It occurs in women of childbearing age. Some variation in menstruation is normal. A woman who regularly goes over 35 to 40 days without menstruating may be diagnosed with Oligomenorrhea. Light or infrequent menstrual periods less than 35 to 40 milli is also called as Oligomenorrhea.

• PCOD. • Formation of pituitary glands tumours. • The cause of Oligomenorrhea is mainly seen during the end of menstruation period.

The occurrence of menses period between two menstruation cycles is called as metrorrhagia. Mainly during the release of egg this metrorrhagia problem is seen.

• Adenomas. • Endometriosis. • Ectopic pregnancy. • Hormones imbalance. • Intake of contraception medicines. • Usage of contraception equipment (IUD).

The abnormally heavy bleeding at menstruation for more than normal 5 days is called as Menorrhagia.

• Uterine fibroids. • PCOD problems. • Thyroid problems. • Endometriosis. • Cancer in the Uterus.

The Painful menstruation, typically involving abdominal cramps that effect daily activities of women is called as Dysmenorrhea. It is mainly seen either before the few days of the menstruation periods or during the first three days of menstruation period.

• Endometriosis. • Tumors in hysterectomy. • Ovarian water cysts. • Hormones imbalance.

Menopausal Symptoms Peri-menopausal and menopausal symptoms can appear at any time of life, although usually their onset begins in a woman’s late forties or early fifties. Menopausal symptoms are clearly delineated in most women, and consist of one or more of the following problems - some patients even present with all of the below symptoms. • Anemia, Weakness,* Feeling of intense heat in your body on some occasions • Profuse sweating at night • Excessive falling of hair, • Irregular menstrual periods with excessive or scanty bleeding, • Burning and increased frequency of micturation, • Vaginal dryness and itching • Joint pain, • Edema, • Irritable nature, • Sleeplessness Lassitude.

• Leucorrhoea • Dysmenorrhea • Amenorrhoea • Metrorrhagia • Oligomenorrhea • Menorrhagia • Low Back Pain

Benefits Of Gyneza
• it is helpful in dealing with health of female reproductive system • Increase fertility in females • Releases stress • Enhances immunity which helps to optimize overall health • Helpful in leucorrhoea • Increase Stamina • scanty menstruation • menopause

Ashoka, Dashmoola, Lodhra, Guduchi, Punarnava, Shatavari, Musta, Anantmoola, Triphala, Jatamansi, Pippalimoola, Trikatu, Aal, Methika, Ashwagandha

Ashoka bark is considered as the uterine tonic and uterine sedative as it helps in reducing the pain and bleeding during periods.

These magic herbs and spices soothe the digestive process. It is used in the treatment of anemia, .

• Lodhra is considered useful in managing female disorders such as leucorrhea (excessive vaginal discharge) which is caused by vaginal infections as it has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. • It is a well known coagulant (coagulation is a process by which the blood forms clots to block and then heal a wound/cut to stop the bleeding). It is therefore used in the treatment of bleeding disorders . Lodhra is especially helpful in inflammation of the uterus.

Thus traditional herbs are used in gynecological disorders Ovulation problems due to polycystic ovarian syndrome.

Shatavari might be beneficial in the management of uterine bleeding or heavy menstrual bleeding. It acts as a primary uterine tonic. It helps to balance and strengthen the menstrual system.

Musta is great for your digestive and urinary system. Motha (nutgrass) in Ayurveda used to treat various female disorders.

It is used for the management of many gynecological problems in females such as menorrhagia.

Triphala is a herbal medicine that has been widely used for treating a variety of ailments. This study aims to systematically analyze the antitumor effects of Triphala on gynecological cancers.

It is recommended for gynecological problems especially in frequent abortions.

It is used to treat semen defects and gynecological problems.

Trikatu gives strength to the reproductive system, used to treat obesity as it keeps a check on food cravings, works as anti-inflammatory and analgesic due to the presence of Sunthi in it which works as Vata Shamaka, that is, it balances the aggravated Vata Dosha which is mainly responsible for all kind of pains.

Trikatu gives strength to the reproductive system, used to treat obesity as it keeps a check on food cravings, works as anti-inflammatory and analgesic due to the presence of Sunthi in it which works as Vata Shamaka, that is, it balances the aggravated Vata Dosha which is mainly responsible for all kind of pains.

Aal (Noni)
Noni (Morinda citrifolia) has been used for many years as an anti-inflammatory agent. & gynecological problem that a?ects adolescents and is reported to have many beneficial properties

Reduces pain in women with painful menstrual periods.

Ashwagandha is considered one ... as a blood tonic, especially in gynecological disorders including anemia.

2 teaspoon diluted with 100ml water twice a day for 15 days to 3 months.

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